Best and Worst Workout Vids and Games: Opinions?

Hey all! :smile:

I'm considering a new exercise video, and of course I hear a lot about P90X and the 30 Day Shred (and all Jillian Michaels' stuff) and etc., just wondering if we could talk out pluses and minuses of your experiences!

I'm an ex-athlete but I'm way out of shape, so something moderate would be good. Any wii programs, PS3 games, etc. would be fine. I have access to Netflix as well, so if anyone has any favorites on Instant that would be great too!

I'm looking at a combo of factors, including (but not only):

• Price (probably from Amazon)
• Equipment needed
• Space needed (my living room is average-sized; big enough to lie down but not really dance around a lot)
• Time needed
• Portability (meaning, would it be something I could take with on those terrible trips to visit the in-laws for the weekend? Haha)
• Entertainment? (Lol, you enjoy doing it? Does it get too old after a month or so?)
• Difficulty level
• Results :love:

I'm sure there's a larger thread about this out there...I'm reading all the individual posts regarding results but I thought this could be a good place to compare/contrast...

Please mention any videos that you didn't particularly like, and why!

Thanks guys! :happy:


  • hchandler0823
    hchandler0823 Posts: 46 Member
    I absolutely love the "Gold's Gym Cardio Workout" on my Wii.

    It's a boxing workout that you can use with or without the balance board. [I use it without]. I don't get bored with this game! You have a 'punch count' and as it goes up, you unlock different things; trainers, outfits, songs, exercises etc.

    The workouts vary from 20 to 30 minutes and you can always do some of the extra individual workout if you want to. You can also do light, regular or hardcore workouts as well as a prepared workout or 'a la carte'.

    Amazon has it new for $15.54.
  • xxMsComptonxx
    I like the good old fashion wii fit... I do the yoga every night. I force myself to do all the poses but it is really relaxing and stretching.

    I did the p90x for two days and was over it. It was way to hard for me. I might try it again once i get to where i need to be physically wise but for now i am starting out easier until i reach that point.

    I love wii zumba but i get tired of it really quick... ((bored)) so i guess my old faithful wii fit works just fine.

    I also have jillian michaels target trouble zones and while i am doing wii fit inbetween poses ((while the boyfriend does his turn)) i do some of the moves i like to the side while i wait my turn... I never do the dvd all the way through i just like some of the exercises so i incorporate it in my workout so i am not just sitting there waiting for my turn...

    I also go to the YMCA on my lunch breaks and do 30 minutes of cardio everyday week day too...

    But thats just me... :D
  • mommyof5kids
    I have several of the Biggest Loser workout DVD's and I really enjoy them. I like them because you can change up your routine (many of the dvd's have 3 workouts in them that you can combine) and antoher reason I enjoy them is because they have "real" people in them and I just keep telling myself that if a person much larger than myself can do it then SO CAN I ! All I have had to have for these dvd's is hand weights. Hope this helps.
  • meggiemaye
    meggiemaye Posts: 117
    Thanks guys!! This is really helpful! :flowerforyou:
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    I am doing to P90X program. It's definitely something you have to dedicate yourself and 1 to 1.5 hours (yoga day) a day for 6 days a week.

    My wife and I also have Just Dance 2. It's a fun game with a hidden workout feel to it. By the second song I would have increased breathing and a light sweat but wouldn't notice actually working out. Rasputin and Body Movin seem to be the biggest work out on the game. You can see videos of them on youtube.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I had a friend who lost a lot of weight on p90x. I think its a great program for people trying to lose weight. He managed to even put on a bit of muscle even though he was cutting, due to just starting a weight program.

    Don't pay for it. You can find a download of it for free and save over 100 dollars.
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member

    Don't pay for it. You can find a download of it for free and save over 100 dollars.

    While this is true, I never would recommend stealing. I went to ebay and bought mine but ended up with a fake/copy of p90x. So I tried at least to do something morally correct but got ripped off. Learned if you want P90X the right way, got to buy it from teambeachbody.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I honestly love the Beachbody products. I have many of them: Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Chalean Extreme, P90X, Insanity, 10 min Trainer, Hip Hop Abs, Rev Abs. They are all great workouts, but I honestly will tell you my fav are any of the Chalene Johnson ones (the turbos, and Chalean Extreme). She's very motivating and she makes it so fun. It incorperates a lot of dancing, punching and kicking, and I would much rather do that kind of stuff in my workouts to make the time go by faster than just doing push ups or pull ups or lifting weights continuously. So really its whatever you want to do, weather you just want to be more athletic with it and do the traditional workout routine of jumping jacks, push ups, running, or if you want to dance it up and move more.

    Good luck finding the right workout for you!
  • AlexUSAF
    AlexUSAF Posts: 5 Member
    Well I think P90X is worth paying for...I wouldn't advise pirating. It really is the best I have seen so far. It is the realistic measure between eating, working out and time - about an hour a day (keeps the doctor away, right :) ) It really is to get started and to keep going. If you need change, mix it up with gym visits, jogs etc. Sometimes I just let the video run to get inspiration and do my own exercises on the side...