Overcoming overeating

Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Overcoming overeating by Jane R. Hirschmann - has anyone read the book? I had a bit of a panic last night. During yet another stress induced chocolate binge I wondred would I be counting calories for the rest of my life? When I don't count I seem to think its ok to eat what I like, and then feel guilty afterwards. . I wondered if this method might be worth a go.


  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Just an opinion here-- I don't think overeating, for most people, is about counting calories. I think it's about emotional management. Overeating (and I'm guilty of being a slight overeater, and overspender) falls more in the category of "addictive type behaviors" IMO. There is a set of skills called "DBT" that help one manage their emotions and be more mindful overall. That's what I use when I feel like eating too much.

    Best and good luck,

  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thanks Debbie, you're dead right, its stressful times/situations that usually lead me to the biscuit tin.
  • it why i
    joined OA
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    Debbie is right. It's mostly about being able to cope with stress in a different way. I know that when I have a bad day, my FIRST instict is to find chocolate and eat it. It's because sugar is just as addictive as heroin. So your brain wants that chemical release to feel better, instead of working hard to figure out what is causing you the stress. So for me, I HAVE to not eat anything sugary. It doesn't help that I have a sugar intolerance, so I'm more likely to stay addicted to sugar if I continue to eat it. I have to figure out other ways to cope with my stress. I clean, I work out, I do something to keep my hands and mind busy. That way I stop thinking about the bad things I want in that moment. If it gets REALLY bad, I'll chew a piece of gum. Keeps my mouth busy as well. *hugs*
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    For me it is an impulsive thing. For me eating, spending money, even exercising has to be watched. I have a tendency to overdo whatever I do.
    That is why this site has been so helpful for me. I religiously log everything so it reminds me of what is going on for the day.
    When I don't log my food I have a tendency to graze and overeat. It is very hard for me not to go back for seconds.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    First of all congratulations on reaching ur goal weight. I like ur kettle weights ticker. Its OK to indulge once in a while. You have come so far in this journey and I am sure you will workout which will offset.
  • I have read Overcoming Overeating. It had some helpful bits but overall it wouldn't work for me personally - I don't emotionally eat because I feel deprived of my "favourite" foods - if I'm in the mindset to binge I'll have anything. I guess, like everything else out there, it will work for some people and not for others.
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