30 Day Shred

Hi All
I keep hearing about this dvd on here - and I am intrigued. Ive never had much sucess with fitness videos - as i find it difficult to follow what they are doing as the moves change to something else just as I am getting the idea of what to do!

Does it really work? Thinking of getting it so all feedback positive and negative would be helpful! Before and after pics would also be very useful too!



  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I started it this week and I love it! Level 1 kicks my butt, although I am feeling stronger every day. Be prepared to be really sore the second day but don't give up!!
  • jrbb0309
    jrbb0309 Posts: 55
    I did the first day yesterday and I'm the same way. Normally I find I can't change moves quickly enough but this is not like that and 1) the moves are simple (challenging as you keep doing them but simple) and 2) you have enough time to get used to doing them *and* she has one girl behind her doing an advanced version of the move and one doing a simpler version and she goes over both.

    I'm hurting today but I'm going to get going again in a few minutes and I loved the DVD so much on first outing I already bought a couple more of hers.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    oh yea it works!! got pics on profile and blog!
  • sschoolman
    sschoolman Posts: 12 Member
    I love both the 30 Day Shred and her new one Ripped in 30. What I like best is that the workouts are only about 20 minutes long but kick your butt in that amount of time. :smile:
  • katlondoncanuck
    Ok - anyone in the UK know where I can go and buy it?
    Should I just order it online?
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I think that is my favorite thing about Jillian--the moves are very repetitive (some might get bored, but I am both retarded and uncoordinated, so it works for me), so they are quick to learn, and very simple, so they are not difficult to get the hang of. I hate most workout dvds and classes but hers I love (well, as much as I can love something like working out...lol)
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    its def. a workout..
    i have 14 pds to loose so its much harder for me to see any loss or results with anything..i did the first level for 10 days and saw no change in anything, i stopped for a while and decided to start the dvd up again but started with level 2, its been 2 days. ill let you know how it goes at the end of the ssecond level and if i saw any results.
  • elemstuck
    elemstuck Posts: 24
    I started the video with my wife for about and week before I threw my back out. She is still doing it, but I am stuck riding a bike and walking until the back heals. I was a big fan of the video when I was able to do it.
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    I have lost 3.4 pounds and 2 1/2 inches and I have been doing the shred for a week. It is a great workout. Really tough but stick with it. I also run/walk on the treadmill afterwards four to five days a week. It is worth it. good luck!
  • jrbb0309
    jrbb0309 Posts: 55
    Just popping back to add that I finished my second day and saw some improvements already since yesterday. One of the moves yesterday towards the end, I just gave up and laid there for a good ten seconds and picked up with the next one. Today I made it through. A lot of people do each level for 10 days. I think I may stretch it to 2 weeks for each level unless I really feel I'm ready. I don't need a 30 day shred, I just need a shred, period :P