
My friend at work showed me this cool site. I already fell in love with myfitnesspal!!!! I would like to loose 10 lbs by summer and currently training for half a marathon that's going to be on May 1st in Las Collinas, TX. I am up to 8 miles now and its killing me, please pray that I can survive it!!! I am so looking forward to meet new friends!!! Thank you.


  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP! Your friend is very kind to share this great site w/ you :) I am glad that you are enjoying it so far.
    10lbs by summer is a very healthy and achievable goal. And, congrats on the upcoming marathon!

    The tools and community on this site are both amazing.
    If you have questions, or just need support, we are all here to help each other.

    So nice to meet you!
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75

    MFP is a great tool to help you reach your goal. Good luck in losing 10 lbs and running in the marathon

  • quinning82
    I recently joined 2 and love this site! It really helps me stay motivated, hope it helps you!