When did you hit your first plateau

ehlertmartha Posts: 78 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
When did you hit your first plateau. What did you do to change things up and start loosing weight again?


  • I hit my first plateau at about 187 lbs. I increased my exercise length and intensity, watched my sodium and sugar intake, and ensured a high calorie deficit.
  • I hit my first plateau after 2 weeks. I lost 14lbs in the first two weeks and then nothing in the third week. I reviewed my foods and noticed I was eating several foods high in sodium. I cut back on those foods and started losing again. I lost 3 more pounds for a total of 17lbs to date. I have about 15 more to go.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    4 weeks into this journey...I started "couch to 5k" and lowered my daily carb intake...took a few weeks to start seeing the scale move downward...but then it started moving consistently!!!!!!
  • sammyjj53
    sammyjj53 Posts: 54 Member
    I hit my 1st plateau after losing 24lbs. I JUST broke through I think by eating ALL of my recommended calories including my exercise calories. I am now watching my sodium intake as well. I was on a 5 week plateau and was SOOOO fusterated and really did want to give up but I did not!!! Before you kill your self at the gym try calorie cycling and more fiber and less sodium! That was the advise I was given!!!!

    Good luck and don't give up!!!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I've hit several as seen from the graphic at the bottom of this ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/AggieCass09/view/1-year-mfp-anniversary-88047 ) blog post. My first was after the initial water weight loss then again as I got into the "normal" bmi range. I became a vegetarian and religiously ate back my exercise calories (as well as upping my calories by changing my settings from losing 2 lbs/week to losing 1 lb/week) to get off the plateaus. My blog linked about talks about this also.

    Good luck getting off the plateau!
  • DyannAlvarez
    DyannAlvarez Posts: 162 Member
    You might want to watch your net calories - sometimes that will slow you down if that deficit is too large. Your body slows down in order to keep alive - it thinks you're starving! Be aware of that. I'd recently hit a plateau for about 4 weeks and did everything right. I kept my calories down and upped my exercise. When I started eating my exercise calories I dropped almost 2 pounds. There is a lot of info regarding this on the message boards if you'd like to know more. Good luck!
  • d_smith85
    d_smith85 Posts: 94
    I have yet to hit one, I'm terrified for the day when the scale stops moving. When I hit a plateau I'm starting Insanity though, so I think that should break through it.
  • AzizaBell
    AzizaBell Posts: 28
    have just hit it after losing 17 pounds! ive been watching calorie intake, have been working out everyday. it is SO frustrating!! but i know i am making a positive change so i am plowing through. i just started a new workout program so i hope to break through soon!
  • AzizaBell
    AzizaBell Posts: 28
    thanks for the great advice everyone! i think maybe i AM eating too few calories!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I don't believe that the Body plateaus or stalls; I believe that the Body goes Dormant when it needs a rest, which is a natural process to replenish and heal itself when it is going through a traumatic process, such as weight loss. I think it will come back and lose more fat in it's own time, in a healthy way. Some people believe in "Forcing" the Body before it is ready...I think and My experience is that this is trauma on trauma and in the end will do more damage than good and will, in the future cause even more "Stalls" because the Body must heal and replenish. Listen to your Body, give it what it needs, stick to the plan you are on and in due course you will continue to lose. Their are seasons to the Body losing and gaining weight, when you learn yours it will cause you far less frustration and you will be able to work with your Body instead of against it. Example for Me: Late Spring thru Early Fall is high wt loss time for Me, so I try to maximize this time by adding extra activity, eating more fruit and veggies (foods that are high in nutrients but flush through Me quickly;) Winter is My wt gain time so I have to be diligent to make sure that I don't gain too much, but don't get frustrated because the calories that I was eating in the spring and summer-I LOST weight but in the Winter I may gain a few lbs. My Dormant time is Early Spring and Late Fall, during this time I will lose much more slowly and sometimes not at all...I have to stay calm and not get frustrated.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I wasn't sure if I hit one yet so I went back into my Check-In to check previous weigh ins. Apparently numerous times over the last 8 months I've lost nothing for 2 weeks at a time. Huh. I didn't even realize. I'm not sure I would consider those plateaus since I'm sure I was the reason behind not losing. It wasn't the fact that I was trying so hard and nothing was happening. I almost guarantee it was all me. lol

    So, knowing this, I will say I haven't hit a plateau yet. I only have 15 or so lbs to go so maybe eventually I'll hit one.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Rest and proper nutrition are key to overcoming plateaus. Many people think they need to workout harder to get past it, but overtraining is very counterproductive.
  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    I hit my plateau when I lost 19 lbs. I continued watching my calories and exercising and after like 5 weeks without much change to my weight, it has started to go down again!
  • LauraDubbleya
    LauraDubbleya Posts: 79 Member
    I joined a gym and lost 15 lbs on my own from Sept to Christmas last year. I got myself a personal trainer as a Christmas present and that was the last time I saw the scale move!! lol. But today, the scaled MOVED, because I joined this site and have been using it religiously every day and have a couple of "friends" who comment on my stuff to support me. It makes a world of difference!!
  • Dukesjourney
    Dukesjourney Posts: 146 Member
    Ive hit mine now, and i've only lost 6lbs. I'm so angry. upped my workout regime and everything. I dunno what to do.
  • namrettik
    namrettik Posts: 127
    At ~148 after losing 22 pounds. It's been two or three weeks, and it's still here (going between 147-151). I'm still losing inches, so I'm not overly concerned about it. I upped my calories to 1450, but my yo-yoing has been going up instead of down, so I put it at 1300 to see how that works. I expected it, as 150 is the top weight for the "healthy" BMI range for my height. I'm getting into that weight that's been there for years, as opposed to a few months.
  • Cordy_in_CT
    Cordy_in_CT Posts: 134 Member
    Ive hit mine now, and i've only lost 6lbs. I'm so angry. upped my workout regime and everything. I dunno what to do.
    me too. I had lost 8 pounds (in 3 1/2 weeks) and now i've GAINED 2 back, so a net loss of 6. I was sooooo disappointed when i saw the number on the scale this morning. I have been working out consistently, and tracking my food, etc. I dunno what happened, and I'm nervous going forward. :cry:
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    I hit it at 24 pounds lost. I upped my water, watched my sodium and started eating more veggies.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I've been on somewhat of a plateau for about 3 weeks now, going between 159 & 162. I tried a few things this past week (less alcohol, more water, changed my activity settings, aimed to keep my HR in the "fat burn" zone at the gym, stopped logging all the walking that was part of my daily commute).

    I'm still at the same place weight-wise, so I can't say those things have worked for me. But, on the other hand, I didn't gain any, so there's that. And my favorite jeans are now officially falling off of me. So there's that. Maybe I wouldn't call it a plateau so much as a frustrating halt on the scale.

    I'm trying to get a game plan for this upcoming week, knowing that next weekend (travel & friends' wedding) will be a splurge weekend. I'm already planning to work out at the hotel gym, so at least I'll earn some of those calories.
  • I hit my first plateau after losing only 2 pounds....I went from 135 down to 133 and then stayed there for about eight weeks!! It was soo frustrating! I finally broke through it by zig zagging my calories every day. It worked wonders and now I am at 128 pounds:)
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