what are the 5 foods never to eat?



  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Because banana's are full of carbs.. which store as fat.. they're good to eat first thing in the morning, but try to avoid them in the evenings!! :) x

    The timing of your carbs isn't really like that. Definately old information.

    And ANY macro stores as fat IF you are over on your caloric needs for the day.

    I eat 2-3 bananas a day. So I disagree with them being on the list.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I am flat broke and can't afford to buy that book...let me guess.
    1. bananas
    2. potato chips
    3. pastries
    4. sugar
    5. softdrinks

    I kind of agree with softdrinks and pastries. But the others don't make sense. There's nothing wrong with potato chips every now and then if they fit your daily goals.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    don't eat ripe or over ripe banans since they are higher in sugar and your body has to work less to process them than a just starting to be ripe banana.

    otherwise bananas are fine just eat half and when the skin is very yellow with any brown skip it
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My doctor recommended I eat a banana before bed to help with my insomnia. It helped, and being better rested has helped me lose weight!
  • kristanickerson
    kristanickerson Posts: 72 Member
    I think most of those ads are designed for people who want hard and fast weight loss answers...like don't eat these five foods and you'll be skinny forever. It's all designed to make it sound like there's 1 big secret that's going to change everything for them. I don't pay any attention to weight loss adds and after everything I've tried the only secret is that there is no secret but it's simple...too much of anything isn't good. Don't overeat, eat good wholesome food and move way more!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    its because the riper the banana the more sugar or higher the glycemic reastion to your body so eat bananas but ones that are not too ripe or over ripe.

    this way your body still has to work to process them
    just like with pasta...you can have it in moderation but leave it aldente so your body has to work to process it vs overly mushy noodles that grandpa with no teeth can handle with no problems
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    I've never known anyone who got fat eating too many bananas- I am sorry! They aren't fatty- and honestly, I lost over 100lbs a few years ago and it didn't matter what foods I ate at any time.
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    I'm not sure about all the heresay in this thread, but bananas are still sugars. Fruit or not and sugars should alway be watched.
  • ohcaptain
    ohcaptain Posts: 25
    I wish it was this easy. We'd all be Hollywood-Homely* in no time! :laugh: :tongue:

    *Hollywood Homely is a trope [www.tvtropes.org] that involves an "ugly duckling" (who is actually an attractive person put in bad clothes, fake acne, overalls with paint smeared on her face and a ponytail in her hair -etc.) who is in a very true sense brought out of her shell when they.... wash her face, do her hair and put her in a pretty dress & heels and debut her :love: at The Big Dance. lol**

    **I really don't feel like this post should have taken such explanation. Sorry. :blushing:
  • weezielesa
    Banana's are a good source of Potassium and B6. Good source of dietery fiber low in calories and have zero fat or cholesterol. This is in the most recent this is the most recent post is the Rocky Mountain Running and Triathlon magazine along with these facts.
    1. Banana's help with hangovers. Blend a banana with milk and honey to help calm the stomach, stabilize blood sugar and rehydrate your system.
    2. Banana's help heartburn by having a natural antacid effect on the body.
    3. Rubbing the inside of a banana peel may help reduce the swelling and irritation of mosquito bites.
    4. Because they contain Vitamin B6, bananas might help reduce the symptoms of PMS.
    5. The inside of a banana peel can help get rid of stubborn and embarrassing warts.

    haha... interesting fruit that banana does.
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    2 other fun facts:
    bananas have radiation naturally.
    people who eat lots of bananas attract mosquitoes more than someone who doesn't. due to the odors from oils.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I'm not sure about all the heresay in this thread, but bananas are still sugars. Fruit or not and sugars should alway be watched.
    speaking of hearsay.

    As long as youre hitting your daily macro goals, you can have sugar.
    I consume dextrose before and after intense workouts, and I'm achieving my goals.
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    True, but sugar is one thing people tend to over dose on. and bananas like any other fruit is same as plain sugar and to much can be bad.
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    Sorry for the typeO's, I'm on a really old cellphone.
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    don't eat ripe or over ripe banans since they are higher in sugar and your body has to work less to process them than a just starting to be ripe banana.

    otherwise bananas are fine just eat half and when the skin is very yellow with any brown skip it
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    don't eat ripe or over ripe banans since they are higher in sugar and your body has to work less to process them than a just starting to be ripe banana.

    otherwise bananas are fine just eat half and when the skin is very yellow with any brown skip it
  • 210steven
    Bananas are bad to eat before you workout because your body uses the sugar to burn instead of using the fat cells. You should stray away from foods with a high glycemic index before working out. Protein is best before a workout to ensure good muscle growth. On average 1 banana has a glycemic index of 52 and a glycemic load of only 14 (it's one banana after all) but 27 carbs. Everyone should avoid them before working out and low-carb dieters will want to avoid them anytime.
  • helsvamp
    helsvamp Posts: 5 Member
    itaall natural sugars in banana's onmy diet i can eat asmuch fruitasi likeand vegand stillloss weight
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    Damn those evil bananas...been making thousands of gorillas and chimpanzees obese for ages! Give me a break!
  • Roe1968
    Roe1968 Posts: 133
    you should have 2 servings of fruit a day before 4pm (sugar levels) and there is nothing wrong with bananas...i prefer them not to ripe because they develop more natural sugar as they age.....there is nothing wrong with anything that has not been altered in any way...from the ground or right off a tree is the best way to go.....fat free banana muffin or a fresh banana...come on, no comparison.....veggies on the other hand are unlimited for me daily ..... ;)