In need of a pep talk desperately!



  • Schnookie
    That is good that you did the work out. Just keep in mind you should never work out more that 1 hour at a time your body can not handle that. :happy:

    So we all slip a little we are human we are suppose to do that. Do not get down on your self for it. I am proud of you though for working out.

    But Guilt will only make u feel worse so don't. If you feel guilty then you feel like you HAVE ( :sad: ) to exercise and it makes in unenjoyable. Excersie should be fun and satifsy!

    In the End you GO GIRL! You are doing wonderful and just keep positive! :smile:
  • tremmons
    Hey, guess what! You are human!! There isn't a soul on this web site that hasn't had a "bad" day. Just jump right back on that wagon and head forward. You can do it!!!!
  • rhondababy
    You probably have enough input, but since I have been struggling with my own food for the last few days I thought would put this out there-
    A treat is only a treat if you enjoy it. More often than not I find that I overdo it with treats, and really don't feel good about it- emotionally or physically. I don't know if this comes from years of having serious food and body issues, because I have thin friends who love to over eat, and even think it's funny, and sort of brag about it. I think I have so much shame about overeating that my perspective is way off.
    My real goal (in addition t the weight loss) is to have a healthy relationship with food. To be able to enjoy what I eat, and to be in touch with my body's needs. I think this is at the root of my extra pounds, and depression.