Diet pills



  • TooFine4MFP
    TooFine4MFP Posts: 134 Member
    I've never taken OTC diet pills but I did take Adipex when my weight was creeping up and I was frustrated. The weight came off but the side effects were HORRIBLE! I had the worst constipation of MY LIFE!!! I had dry mouth constantly. Then my body developed a tolerance to the pills within like 2 weeks and they didn't work anymore. Stick w/ the tried and true, cutting calories and working out. I have never gone wrong and now I am almost 30 lbs smaller than I was when I was taking those diet pills. So many ppl wanna take the easy route to losing weight. I pray that your friend doesn't gain back double after she stops those pills and alot of those pills can cause long term health problems.
  • RuePaul
    RuePaul Posts: 12
    This is from experience
    the pills she is probably on are either amphetamine based or ephedrine .....done botha nd thats why I am 19 stone, it strips the fat but your body goes into starvation and as soon as you stop taking them.......3 times the fat attaches it self to your body.

    My tip.............................Run run away. its false and will never make you happy

  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I think you are getting a consistent message here... the don't go there message.

    There is no proven long term fix for obesity that doesn't involve changing your lifestyle.

    Every diet pill out there has negative side effects ranging from the unpleasant to the potentially fatal.

    Examples include Alli (Xenacal) which causes diahrea and greasy smelly discharge, Meridia (which is similar to an antidepressant), Ephedra, etc.

    Long term... none of them have proven to work.

    Even weight loss surgery is questionable as people are dying from complications of surgery.

    A proper lifestyle is something you will carry with your for all of your days. You will feel better about yourself for doing so.

    You should never take the quick fix when you are looking at your health. Chances are you won't get what you bargained for.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I think you are getting a consistent message here... the don't go there message.

    There is no proven long term fix for obesity that doesn't involve changing your lifestyle.

    Every diet pill out there has negative side effects ranging from the unpleasant to the potentially fatal.

    Examples include Alli (Xenacal) which causes diahrea and greasy smelly discharge, Meridia (which is similar to an antidepressant), Ephedra, etc.

    Long term... none of them have proven to work.

    Even weight loss surgery is questionable as people are dying from complications of surgery.

    A proper lifestyle is something you will carry with your for all of your days. You will feel better about yourself for doing so.

    You should never take the quick fix when you are looking at your health. Chances are you won't get what you bargained for.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    If you have your diet on point and want assistance you could try a thermogenic diet pill

    But id rather do it the natural way by myself
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Losing weight slowly and toning as you go help your skin to adjust with your weight loss.

    I'd take slow and toned to fit over quick and flabby any day.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Losing weight slowly and toning as you go help your skin to adjust with your weight loss.

    I'd take slow and toned to fit over quick and flabby any day.
    Yep!! I agree with that!!!
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    So I use to manage a Dr's office who prescribed diet pills (phentermine) and let me tell you some stories...

    So first of all, losing weight IS a lifestyle change. You HAVE to learn to eat the right foods and increase your activity. For some (ok--most) of the patients came in, got their pills, lost the weight, but never really changed their behavior. They still ate badly and didn't increase their activity. Yes! They lost weight. No doubt about it at all. However, a few months later after they reached their target weight and no longer on the diet pills, they gained it ALLLLLL back and then some.

    So does it suck that she got thin quickly with little to no effort--YES. Does it suck to have to do all this work and slowly lose the weight in a healthy manner? Sometimes.

    But in the end, you want to get off the yo-yo diet ride and lose the weight for good...right?

    Trust me Dez, I've SEEN these patients...over and over.
  • dezdame
    dezdame Posts: 35
    So I use to manage a Dr's office who prescribed diet pills (phentermine) and let me tell you some stories...

    So first of all, losing weight IS a lifestyle change. You HAVE to learn to eat the right foods and increase your activity. For some (ok--most) of the patients came in, got their pills, lost the weight, but never really changed their behavior. They still ate badly and didn't increase their activity. Yes! They lost weight. No doubt about it at all. However, a few months later after they reached their target weight and no longer on the diet pills, they gained it ALLLLLL back and then some.

    So does it suck that she got thin quickly with little to no effort--YES. Does it suck to have to do all this work and slowly lose the weight in a healthy manner? Sometimes.

    But in the end, you want to get off the yo-yo diet ride and lose the weight for good...right?

    Trust me Dez, I've SEEN these patients...over and over.

    You should see her.....she looks amazing!
  • Zakth
    Zakth Posts: 37
    Diet pills are for fad dieting. If you really want to lose weight the best way to do that is watch your daily intake (using myfitnesspal) and also exercising. Don't get me wrong, pills may help some people but unless you change your habits then the weight will simply return once you stop taking the pills.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    This is from experience
    the pills she is probably on are either amphetamine based or ephedrine .....done botha nd thats why I am 19 stone, it strips the fat but your body goes into starvation and as soon as you stop taking them.......3 times the fat attaches it self to your body.

    My tip.............................Run run away. its false and will never make you happy


    Hmm. I've used pure ephedrine in the past. I used it for concentration/memory/energy though, not fat loss. I didn't lose any fat, nor did I gain any back. I had no side effects, but many people have terrible ones. I did stop taking them, and no additional fat added itself to my waistline. I don't think you can attribute your weight gain solely to the ephedrine. It's not known for weight gain at all. But I do agree - for some it can be a bad choice. I've heard some people get addicted, which seems ridiculous to me, but it happens! :frown:

    To original poster: do it the "right" way, with diet and exercise! Don't take the pills unless there's a reason for them! Research everything you put into your body. Do what's right for you. :smile:
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I think you are getting a consistent message here... the don't go there message.

    There is no proven long term fix for obesity that doesn't involve changing your lifestyle.

    Every diet pill out there has negative side effects ranging from the unpleasant to the potentially fatal.

    Examples include Alli (Xenacal) which causes diahrea and greasy smelly discharge, Meridia (which is similar to an antidepressant), Ephedra, etc.

    Long term... none of them have proven to work.

    Even weight loss surgery is questionable as people are dying from complications of surgery.

    A proper lifestyle is something you will carry with your for all of your days. You will feel better about yourself for doing so.

    You should never take the quick fix when you are looking at your health. Chances are you won't get what you bargained for.

    Well said. :wink:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    This is from experience
    the pills she is probably on are either amphetamine based or ephedrine .....done botha nd thats why I am 19 stone, it strips the fat but your body goes into starvation and as soon as you stop taking them.......3 times the fat attaches it self to your body.

    My tip.............................Run run away. its false and will never make you happy


    Hmm. I've used pure ephedrine in the past. I used it for concentration/memory/energy though, not fat loss. I didn't lose any fat, nor did I gain any back. I had no side effects, but many people have terrible ones. I did stop taking them, and no additional fat added itself to my waistline. I don't think you can attribute your weight gain solely to the ephedrine. It's not known for weight gain at all. But I do agree - for some it can be a bad choice. I've heard some people get addicted, which seems ridiculous to me, but it happens! :frown:

    To original poster: do it the "right" way, with diet and exercise! Don't take the pills unless there's a reason for them! Research everything you put into your body. Do what's right for you. :smile:

    Ephedrine is a banned substance here in the UK as it is amphetamine based. It used to be prescribed in doctors surgeries for weight loss however, it can have terrible affects on the body if not taken correctly. This is why it has been made illegal in the UK...doctors cannot control how much each patient takes.

    A friend of mine became addicted to them so much that after her prescription was stopped she went on the black market looking for them. She certainly lost a lot of weight, but complained of sweats, inability to sleep, sweating, heart palpitations and being highly irritable. They may be safe for people who can successfully control their intake but are dangerous to those who may be tempted to up the dosage.

    There are a few herbal remedies here in the UK, one called Adios...I have considered it in the past but I lost all my weight through dieting and exercise and have determination to continue.

    With any kind of weight loss aid...please see your GP or Doctor prior to starting it.
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    The only diet pill I've had any experience with is Alli, which has been really helpful for me and one of my friends. I started taking it again recently, but I'm realizing that I don't need it, I can monitor what I eat all on my own. Diet pills are always sketchy, I did a lot of research before taking Alli. Frankly though when people ask me if I lost weight I'd rather say "Thanks I've been working hard" instead of "Thanks I've been taking Alli".
  • cerob
    cerob Posts: 13 Member
    If you have your diet on point and want assistance you could try a thermogenic diet pill

    curious as this hasn't really been covered at all in this thread...

    with steady diet and exercise, i've lost a significant amount of weight (moreso as i've become extremely dedicated as of late). recently, i've included an ECA stack as a supplement to help out with energy and weightloss. because of said dedication, i've noticed an increase in weightloss; i won't attribute it solely to the addiction of the stack, but i'm sure it has helped some.

    what are your opinions on supplementing with a stack (or the like), while maintaining great diet and exercise habits?
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    HI! Once, I use to be a diet pill queen. And yes, here I sit on this site in the same spot that I was in before the pills. When your young, well honestly you can diet many ways and do it as fast as you wish, for a while anyway! Then, your skin realizes what you are doing and it just will not stretch as good as it did before as time goes by! Then you have the metabolism race. When the pills raised my metabolism my attitude became very ugly. I was irritated about everything. I am not sure how my son survived it, but he did. And then we have the unseen damage to your heart. Oh, there can be so many things that can go wrong. Yes, you are going to do it the right way and it may take you alittle longer to get there, but the slower weight loss means less chance for it to return and in the long run better health! Best wishes to you and if i were you maybe you could use her for your motivation.......only.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    This is from experience
    the pills she is probably on are either amphetamine based or ephedrine .....done botha nd thats why I am 19 stone, it strips the fat but your body goes into starvation and as soon as you stop taking them.......3 times the fat attaches it self to your body.

    My tip.............................Run run away. its false and will never make you happy


    Hmm. I've used pure ephedrine in the past. I used it for concentration/memory/energy though, not fat loss. I didn't lose any fat, nor did I gain any back. I had no side effects, but many people have terrible ones. I did stop taking them, and no additional fat added itself to my waistline. I don't think you can attribute your weight gain solely to the ephedrine. It's not known for weight gain at all. But I do agree - for some it can be a bad choice. I've heard some people get addicted, which seems ridiculous to me, but it happens! :frown:

    To original poster: do it the "right" way, with diet and exercise! Don't take the pills unless there's a reason for them! Research everything you put into your body. Do what's right for you. :smile:

    Ephedrine is a banned substance here in the UK as it is amphetamine based. It used to be prescribed in doctors surgeries for weight loss however, it can have terrible affects on the body if not taken correctly. This is why it has been made illegal in the UK...doctors cannot control how much each patient takes.

    A friend of mine became addicted to them so much that after her prescription was stopped she went on the black market looking for them. She certainly lost a lot of weight, but complained of sweats, inability to sleep, sweating, heart palpitations and being highly irritable. They may be safe for people who can successfully control their intake but are dangerous to those who may be tempted to up the dosage.

    There are a few herbal remedies here in the UK, one called Adios...I have considered it in the past but I lost all my weight through dieting and exercise and have determination to continue.

    With any kind of weight loss aid...please see your GP or Doctor prior to starting it.

    I don't want to get into too much a discussion about ephedrine (it's occurred ad nauseum on other threads and tends to be heated!). However, it is a legal substance in Canada, and can be purchased right off store shelves. Many people who take/took it, severely abused it and its unfortunate that they ruined it for those people who were taking it correctly. When taken in low doses, in combination with medical supervision, it's just like any other supplement. It's similar in structure to amphetamines, but it IS NOT one! Common misconception! I'm sorry about what happened to your friend though. :flowerforyou: