Hello from Misery.

Hello All I am totally new to MFP, but defintely not to weight loss and the struggles that everyone faces. I stumbled across MFP as I was browsing through apps on my phone and it looked interesting. I had already downloaded a calorie counter but was looking for something a little more comprehensive. Man I think I may have found it. So anyways back to my intro.

My name is Hillarie. I am married and have 2 beautiful children, Aaron 7 and Madison 4. I have always been on the heavy side. I was never slim like my sisters. I felt left out and fat most of my life. I did cross country and track in high school and I loved to run. I think I still would if I could get the nerve up to try. I'm going to start the couch to 5k soon!!! I got to my heaviest while pregnant with my son. I was put on bedrest from about 20 weeks on. He was born 8 weeks premature so I didn't care about taking care of myself after his birth I just had to be by his side in the NICU every chance I had. He came home 5 weeks later. I concentrated on taking care of him and not myself until he was about a year and half old and started to finally putting my nose to the grind stone to lose weight. I was strictly counting calories and recording workouts and got down to about 159 for a week. Maybe a little more but not likely. I soon discovered I was pregnant with my daughter and ballooned right back up to 215! The day I left the hospital I weighed 213 and up until a couple months ago it didn't budge no matter what I tried. I'm now hovering between 195 and 205. I have a pair of jeans from my sona 2nd birthday party that I loved and they are my goal jeans. I have a picture of my son husband and myself wearing them at the party on my fridge. I will win this battle once and for all.

Ok so I ramble. I'll shut up now. Thanks for being here!


  • AresxDeimos
    AresxDeimos Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Hilarie welcome to MFP! The people I have met here are wonderful and truly inspirational! Feel free to add me you definitely have my support!
  • judyschick
    Hi Hillarie, Welcome the the site. It is great to keep track of food and exercise. It seems if you have to write it down you are more accountable. I have recently started as well. I feel stronger and in more control already. have fun and good luck.
  • nessasbutterflykisses
    Just wanna wish you all the LUCK in the world! I am heavy to I lost 10 pounds an ready to love the skin I am in!
  • goldbull
    goldbull Posts: 9
    Welcome!!!! You know this is your appointed time to do this. Just keep thinking of how happy you will be in those jeans.
    Good luck in your journey. When I get hungry...I come on here instead and reply to comments. It keeps me from eating.
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    HEllo Hillarie! My name is Angela. It's nice to meet you. :flowerforyou: Welcome to MFP. This is an awesome site & I'm sure you will find it very helpful in your weight loss journey. Good luck in reaching your goals. :smile:
  • Rodneymc4
    Rodneymc4 Posts: 62
    Welcome Hillarie. This is a wonderful site. I just joined Monday and I love it. I wasn't logging my food intake and daily exercises due to it being an inconvenience and time consuming, but this site makes monitoring my nutrition and fitness regiment easy. This has been the best app I've downloaded off that phone. lol