way to much and I'm ruined

RichGebs Posts: 345
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I basically have ruined my weight loss progress. I'm absolutely sick of myself and the way I am compared to how I used to be. So I just don't care anymore!! I just ate a chocolate bunny, 5 brownies, a family sized bag of chips, and two packages of smores pop tarts.., there goes everything I'm so disgusted with myself. My life won't ever be the same


  • Everyone has bad days, just get back on track tomorrow. :)
  • CdnBikerBabe
    CdnBikerBabe Posts: 4 Member
    Dont be so hard on yourself. One day at a time, if you fail by your standards today start again tomorrow... it is never too late :)
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    I ate all that to get me off track I'm done with trying there's no use I need my old body back but it's not coming back
  • Just give it time, if it's been quite a while and nothing is happening.. try mixing up your exercises.
  • pdcarrell
    pdcarrell Posts: 101
    The difference between skinny people and over weight ppl is how skinny ppl turn around the next day and don't beat themselfs up over a mess up like you just had and over weight ppl think the same way you are thinking right now.... and continue the vicious cycle and gain more and more making it harder and harder to reach they're goals until they just don't believe they have it in them to do it! You can do this you just need to stay focused and make tomorrow a new day and a fresh start! :) Forgive yourself and start thinking skinny!
  • GGut
    GGut Posts: 94 Member
    RELAPSE.... it happens to everyone! dont give up!
  • Everyone has a bad (really) bad days! Don't get down on yourself!!!! Get out and go for a walk.

  • alexis92
    alexis92 Posts: 64
    Everybody has days when they don't meet their goals or get down on themselves. The important thing is to keep trying! Believe me, if you start over tomorrow you WILL feel better than giving up tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new start, and a new opportunity. On your profile it says you want to get in shape for basketball. Think about that goal and how tomorrow you can start your journey towards completing it! Feel free to friend me for support :)
  • havi7
    havi7 Posts: 80 Member
    If you were really finished, you wouldn't have been posting on here. You know you want to reach your goals, so just do it.

    Tomorrow is a new day. When you wake up, put this incident behind you and get back on track.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Keep on Keeping on! Get back on the horse! You are only ruined it you let this win! But you are better then that! Hold your head high log it and move on and learn from what happen so if there is a next time you can stop yourself. What were you feeling at the time that made yourself do this? Identify where you went wrong so you can see it coming next time and have a plan! Go for a walk or do a exercise DVD or drink water or turn to your MFP family so they can talk you through it. It will pass! But you throwing in the towel isn't an option!
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    wow did i write this? SAME thing happened to me today, i basically ate the house and I feel horrible. Now tomorrow I am going to get up sign on to MFP and start logging, EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth and drink lots of water. Dont worry your not alone, and thank you, now i know i'm not alone either =)
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    . My life won't ever be the same

    I felt the same way after Donny Osmond got married, but life has a way of working out. :tongue: Is this a common occurance? Are you going through some unusual stress??

    Everyone falls off the wagon, EVERYONE does. Do you want to give up and be the person you read about that needs a bulldozer to be removed from their apartment in 10-years?? No, you don't. Take a deep breath and get back on that wagon. :flowerforyou:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Oh stop the pity party already!! If you were over with it you wouldn't have come up here looking for sympathy. Sorry I can't give it to you. You want your old body back? Get rid of the junk, eat the things you should, put in the physical work and work on your inner self. You are you own worse enemy not food.

    Now if there is something physically wrong with you that you can't look the way you use to then work on being a healthier you regardless. All that junk you just consume didn't make you feel better did it? Nope. So why even do that to yourself?

    Wake up and realize that the only thing holding you back from being healthier is you.

    Not being mean. I'm just giving it to you straight.
  • Upanddown
    Upanddown Posts: 35 Member
    The easiest way to get back on track and not tempt yourself to eat those things is to JUST NOT BUY THEM!! Out of sight....out of mind (eventualy). If you have anything left.....toss it now while your feeling like this crap has just ruined your day!! Seriously....get rid of all the remaining temptations and just don't buy them anymore!!
    You can do this....you just need to find the right tools to eliminate your temptations. Set yourself up for success!! Figure out :smile: what you need to do to make this journey successful and start tomorrow!! Just like the rest of us.....it's step by step by step until you've finally reached your goals....just be sure to KEEP ON STEPPING!!!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    One thing about this journey is that tomorrow is a new day. I look at each new day as me 'starting over'. That way when I overdo it - and I do - I don't beat myself up about it, but you've got to get it in your mind that whether you mess up or not, this thing is for LIFE and not a temporary thing. This is not a diet, so you technically CAN'T mess it up. You are simply going through some changes and NONE of us does everything perfectly because we're not perfect. All you can do is take it one day at a time, go back and see what went wrong or better yet what MADE you go wrong and go from there. Still we all have days like you just had, it's normal. That's why I try not to deprive myself of ANYTHING that I want. Sometimes I'm okay with my cals, and other times I'm not. Either way, I know that I will be right back at it the very next day...if you think of it like this, you won't be overcome with guilt because you really have nothing to be guilty about. Cheer up, take a walk to clear your mind and know that you can and WILL do this. We're all here for you and you have all the support that you need right here. You can do it, just keep at it!:flowerforyou:
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Oh stop the pity party already!! If you were over with it you wouldn't have come up here looking for sympathy. Sorry I can't give it to you. You want your old body back? Get rid of the junk, eat the things you should, put in the physical work and work on your inner self. You are you own worse enemy not food.

    Now if there is something physically wrong with you that you can't look the way you use to then work on being a healthier you regardless. All that junk you just consume didn't make you feel better did it? Nope. So why even do that to yourself?

    Wake up and realize that the only thing holding you back from being healthier is you.

    Not being mean. I'm just giving it to you straight.

    I gotta put my agreement here. Like a wise person told me, you can whine about it or your can put on your big girl/boy undies and deal with it. Which was kindof a slap in the face but eventually I realized they were right. We all have set backs, bad days/weeks/months but our mindset is everything. The only thing stopping you from succeeding is YOU (general yous).
  • oh those chocolate bunnies! They were all around the grocery store today. Tons of them by the check out.
    I don't think you have really eaten that much. I can understand because I have troubles like eating this
    much on some nights. If you add up the calories of how much you went over, you can make a plan to exercise
    them all off in the next couple weeks, to make up for your mistake. I would log all of them, including the
    I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I used to do that on a free day, and then some. It may slow your progress, but it will only stop it if you quit trying.

    I am jealous. I haven't eaten like that for some time.
  • oooooh dont go there!!!!! :noway:
    seriously!!! :grumble:

    i was out alllll day. and today is one of the worst day i could actually have... and i thought i was picking healthy choices of food today... some were great choices... but the others. were like a mind trick thing... and i went well over 3000 calories of food...

    i was sooooo disgusted with myself, i was willing to let people to punish me for the rest of the week. to make sure i was back on track. but you know we all have blow out! :explode:
    but i waited until my stomach was settle. and said... okay, listen fabiola. you need to not let it get to you. you tried your best, and you blew it. and just went crazy... so i told myself, i gotta work out. so i worked out for 40 mins. and BAM!!!! :bigsmile: i feel much better.
    I have already calculated what i needed to eat and what i need to burn for the rest of the week to make it up. and on top of that do the normal routine. i need to stick to. sooo, to make it up, and burn more calories. and make sure i strict myself from a lot of things.

    its not gonna be easy. but ill make it. cause i know i can do it. :)

    and if i can do it.

    i know you can do it. :drinker:

    and oh, im gonna be careful of what i eat until friday. to see how it went. :)
    until then.
    if i can, i will reward myself of something small. nothing big.

    and dont compare what you did or do in the past. the past is the past. its done, its over, its history.
    i used to do that, and it got me no where... so once i finally realize that, i knew there was only one way to go, and that was to keep going forward.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I held a special chocolate fudge egg from the local chocolate factory in my hand today for about 2 minutes ... and I thought about out. And then I thought about how many calories it would be... and how much I would have to run to balance that out. And how many other yummy treats I could eat instead of that one egg ...

    And I walked away .... the old me would have bought two and never thought about it.
    I dont always make the best choices, but at least I think about them now before I make them.
    It all comes with time... make good dietary choices and get some regular exercise.

    Show up 85% of the days and dont worry about the other days. I still eat out ... I still have junk food, all in moderation. This week I missed TWO workouts in a row and had to eat out twice. I made some good choices... but today I was right back on my exercise program.... Now instead of a few good days... I have mostly good days with a few less than stellar days.

    I agree with the others -- pull up your panties/boxers -- your choices may slow your progress but you will only stop progressing if you give up ... dont give up.. youlll regret it.
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