a question for the ladies...

Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
ok im usually pretty private and wouldnt ask a question about the lovely, t.o.m. but i have it today and woke up feeling and looking just huge, well just extremly bloated. I felt so unmotivated to eat well because i felt like i already looked "fat" and didnt have the energy to workout. So that is exactly what I did, I ate horribly today and my craving were through the roof, I pretty much pigged out, all day, seriously, i am giving you the right to call me miss piggy. I hate when this happens and right now i just feel like crying (probably because im also emotional from t.o.m.) So my question is, what do you do when you wake up just having an off day or "fat" day? Thank you and loooovvveee youuuu allll!!!! (ok, my emotions are all over the place) hehe


  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Its soo hard xD but I just drink TONS of water to help with the bloat.

    First thing i do: write down all my goals again and my reasons for wanting them

    Then I look up pictures of my favorite fitness models and i realize I WILL look like that one day!
  • think about your goals...something u want to get urself or do but only once you are at ur goal weight...but dont stress over an off day...just think of how you are gonna work super hard to burn the calories and how you are going to have to work even harder not to let it happen again...good luck!!!
  • nienie21
    nienie21 Posts: 95 Member
    We all have off days. Just keep your head up and do the best you can.
    Tomorrow is another day :)
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I wallow in it for that day. I know it won't be the same tomorrow and tomorrow is another opportunity to do well. You will have those days, no way around it. So do what you have to to get through. Then just get back on the horse the next day! One day won't ruin all your progress or nagate your achievment! Every one is entitled to those days.
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member

    Alot of support from friends or family. If I feel fat I call someone, and say "I am tired..." They know better then to let me wallow in my depressed state. Many times just talking to them, and sometimes making plans to go tot he mall. I mean walking around the mall is some excerise even it if isn't hitting the gym. That social connect is what drives me past those feelings of insecurities on "fat" days.

    No matter how tired I am I can dial a phone number!
  • I try to keep on track the best I can..and if that day doesn't go so well I remind myself that tomorrow is a new day. Everyone has a bad day here and there, and it's nothing to beat yourself up over. :flowerforyou:
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    i woke up this morning and i had gained 1.6 pounds. i know its because four weeks ago i had my Ellen. i should have my Ellen now but something when hay wired and i had another Ellen two weeks ago. my body was still keeping water today thinking its time for her Ellen. So i felt fat. i didnt even eat yesterday and i still gained (well i did eat but i ate sugar free jello and was way under on my calories) so today i have had (get ready for the list) half a bag of goldfish which was 100 calories, a sonic diet low cal cherry sluh, a medium macdonalds fry which i split with my sister, four pieces of whole wheat bread, three tablespoons of honey, two servings of baked frnech fries, one little piece of friend fish, two glasses of apple juice, and a helping of icecream. OINK! so what am i doing about it? going to be a better me for the next two weeks. i go on food binges like this and i am proud to say it has been two weeks since my last food binge and this one wasnt near as bad.
  • Your a woman, HELLO?!?!?!? Ha ha!! I won't call you miss piggy though. I have the same problem. Around that time of the month, I crave salty things, especially chips, YUMMY!!!! And it's bad enough that I am a total BIOTCH when that t.o.m comes, lol.....I started working out more when that time comes....may seem like so not the thing to do but everytime I work out, i feel soooo good about myself and it gives me confidence to eat right. Sometimes you have to give in to those temptations but when you over do, your only hurting yourself and your body...and all that hard work you have done to lose the weight. Just shrug it off this time, head up and move forward.
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    I look at my progress thus far. I totally understand the fat day complex. So when I feel bloated and gross I put on my day 1 pants. because even bloated I'm still smaller than I was. I also try and go for a walk. A little fresh air and sunshine usually boosts my mood.

    Also if 3500 calories is a pound, say for instance you have set to lose a pound a week, you have a daily deficit of 500 cals to have a 3500 weekly deficit.

    So even if you went over by 1000 calories, if all your other days this week are on plan you will still lose more than .5 lb.
    Drink lots of water to make up for sodium content (if you went over) and cut yourself some slack. Tomorrow start your day off right by putting in a little extra effort to feel pretty (nice perfume works for me) to start your day off right. Plan for 20 minutes of light exercise (you will feel better physically and mentally).

    For next month...stock up on sugar free pudding, jello, preportioned ice cream if sweets are your thing...100 cal popcorn packs for the salt...a nice steak and sweet potato for iron, b vitamins and carb cravings.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    ok im usually pretty private and wouldnt ask a question about the lovely, t.o.m. but i have it today and woke up feeling and looking just huge, well just extremly bloated. I felt so unmotivated to eat well because i felt like i already looked "fat" and didnt have the energy to workout. So that is exactly what I did, I ate horribly today and my craving were through the roof, I pretty much pigged out, all day, seriously, i am giving you the right to call me miss piggy. I hate when this happens and right now i just feel like crying (probably because im also emotional from t.o.m.) So my question is, what do you do when you wake up just having an off day or "fat" day? Thank you and loooovvveee youuuu allll!!!! (ok, my emotions are all over the place) hehe

    You just get up. Don't allow it to be that significant. Realize that wow I did over do it and I need to work on that so next time it won't be as bad. Then do your normal routine...eat your healthy breakfast, exercise....continue on your healthy path.
  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    Just drink plenty of H20 and avoid salty foods as much as possible b/c that will only make you feel more bloated. Again, like everyone else said just remember that the feeling is only temporary and as much as it sucks keep foods handy that might satisfy these sweet or salty cravings you're going through. It can be a rough few days I know...just hang in there!!
  • Upanddown
    Upanddown Posts: 35 Member
    One bad day seldom makes a difference and even if it did...it'll be gone in 2...or 3 days tops. Just accept that you did it...you have no other choice and get back on track tomorrow!!!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    TOM is visiting me today as well and I weigh myself every two hours to stay in check with myself. The only exercise type thing I did today was housework because I just did not feel like doing any other form of exercise, but wanted to burn at least some calories. I have been craving salty and sweet all day, but have asked my husband to hold me accountable and have not given into the temptation. I reviewed my goals and my reasons for wanting to lose weight and stayed focused on that throughout the day. When I felt I could not stay away from my cravings I ate an apple. I peeled it and cut it into cubes and ate them. It actually took the cravings away much to my surprise.
  • Urghhh....TOM is visiting now. Honestly though, it made me feel better when it finally showed up because I have felt so sluggish and hungry the past few days! Now at least I have an excuse :) I usually just give into my craving during TOM (today I went to Yogurt Mountain BAD BAD BAD!) so I always have to put in some overtime at the gym. I figure there's no point in fighting mother nature and plus, I turn into some kind of hell-raiser when I don't get my chocolate! I have found that working out actually helps with cramps and my "moodiness" though. It's just so relaxing and satisfying to pour sweat :)
  • I used to try and keep myself busy! Sometimes that would be hard to do because all I wanted to do was sit on my big bloated behind and feel sorry for myself while stuffing myself with CHOCOLATE! Then I quit buying the stuff which made it much easier. If there is only healthy food in the house, the worse I can do is get too many calories in a day eating too many Healthy Proteins, Vegetables, Fruits, Almonds, etc.... And I haven't reached my entire calorie intake for a day yet! No junk food in my house! No temptation! If I want something sweet, I eat a half of an apple or a little bit of another fruit, something with a little salt, I will eat a lite cheese wedge (only 35 Calories)!

    You can beat the . blues! Get up, keep moving and eat something healthy instead of something unhealthy! I know you can do this! You are talking to a rehabilitated CHOCOHOLIC! I have lost 39#.
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you all for putting a smile on my face. Now I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow, im going to get up and even if i look down and see a big belly, I'll know its only temporary and workout anyway w/ one of my favorite dvd's, then when my mom gets home I'll ask her to go for a walk, and I'll make sure to log in everything so I don't go on a binge, thanks for the support =)
  • cyutface
    cyutface Posts: 6 Member
    Forgive yourself. What would you say to your friend who was going through the same thing?
  • portwood2218
    portwood2218 Posts: 16 Member
    I just had a night like that tonight. well sort of. I had a movie night with my family and allowed myself to go over my calories this evening while watching the movie. I still tracked it all in my food diary and then wrote myself a note that said that I knew I was going to go over tonight on my calories and I wasn't totally happy about it, but that I would just start over tomorrow and not stress about it. To be able to write it down like that really helped me to put it in to perspective. I have been really good all week with my calories and exercise and I had one night to relax and now I'm just going to go on and start fresh tomorrow. I am learning to be kind to myself in this whole process. Change is not easy, but it is possible. Hope that helps. :)
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Thank you all for putting a smile on my face. Now I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow, im going to get up and even if i look down and see a big belly, I'll know its only temporary and workout anyway w/ one of my favorite dvd's, then when my mom gets home I'll ask her to go for a walk, and I'll make sure to log in everything so I don't go on a binge, thanks for the support =)

    Good. Having a plan and staying positive is always the best things to do.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Try to make it through the next day (and drink loads of water). Nobody is perfect...We ALL have days like that...It happens..but one bad day doesnt always have to turn into two, then four, then a week, etc....

    Keep focused, one bad apple doesnt always ruin the whole bunch...sometimes there are good ones in there too :)
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