Does anyone find this hard..?

I find it soo hard to go to the gym alone!!!! I go to the classes alone alot and start to feel more comfortable after the class has started..I live with two guys who hardly need to work out and eat whatever they want haha!! I know im alone going to the gym to do one thing and that is to stay focused and work out. So when i dont attend the free gym classes I find it soo hard to go to get on the elliptical or walk/run! I need to stay motivated!!!!


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
    If I'm solo at the gym I rely heavily on my mp3 player loaded with audio-books
  • avenathus
    avenathus Posts: 113 Member
    I found it hard at first but I basically forced myself to go against my own will anyway :P Then after awhile I got used to it. And even then, when my friend started going with me, I found it to be really distracting and kind of a nuisance! Now I love going to the gym alone. Think of it as a time to focus all on yourself and make yourself feel awesome!!
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I go the gym with my boyfriend, but in reality it's doesn't matter too much. I put on earbuds and do cardio and he goes to the weight section. But it is nice to have someone to motivate you to go.
  • bamagirl2020
    I actually prefer going to the gym alone. If I go with a friend, I always feel rushed or too distracted to get a good workout in. Just load up your iPod with some fast paced songs and hop on a treadmill. I also bring a book or magazine to read if I am not running or doing extreme high-intensity cardio.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I can't bring myself to go into a class alone and my husband isn't interested. I really have no problem with the other stuff though.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Load your ipod with the songs your like and get lost in the music. Sometimes having a buddy can slow you down. I didn't like going alone when I first started out, but now I wouldn't have it any other way.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Yeah, unless you are doing some intense weight training, you don't need a partner. Just like everybody said above, just get lost in what you are doing. That's how I get through my workouts and runs. I hate running so something has to keep me entertained.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You need to set goals and challenge yourself. You have problems sticking to the treadmill or elipitical because you have no goals. So ... challenge yourself to do a particular incline... or level ... and then just keep going up and up and up from there.

    Or get the heck out the gym and run ... or walk outside.
    Or consider P90X or soemthing like that... I do much more of that than I would at the gym!
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    I can't bring myself to go into a class alone and my husband isn't interested. I really have no problem with the other stuff though.

    im the same way and i wont go into the weight section of the gym if there are a bunch of guys so i just go really early. lol
  • jen2bhottie
    jen2bhottie Posts: 48 Member
    Last year I hated going to the gym alone, in fact, I didn't do it. This time around, it doesn't bother me as much. My son takes an MMA class next door to a gym, and instead of waiting in the car, I go to the gym. I think I don't mind going alone because it's later in the evening (8-9:30pm) and no one else is really there. But I still love it when my best friend joins helps pass the time and distract me from the
    You'll get used to going solo the more you do it.