You can splurge and still loose weight

I'm not going to lie. I go over my calorie limit at least once a week although i doubt even when i splurge i go past my maintainance calorie limit. I count calories but i don't add every little 20 cal here 40 calorie there which in a days time would probably equal less then 200 calories if i bothered among all the other things i do count. What does splurging mean? It means typically on a Friday night that i'm going to consume a 6 pack of Bud Light or a mixture of Bud Light with some Crown Royal n 7s. In the process i'm going to eat junk of some sort and i don't even bother counting. The next day i return to my daily calorie plan.

Truth be told is that you don't have to give up a damn thing when your on a weight loss plan as its all about discipline and the amount of calories you put in your mouth. I personally am 6 days a week under my calorie goal by 2-300 cals. That puts me over 1000 calories under my daily maintainance calorie intake that would be roughly 2700-2800 calories per day on a 2lbs a week weight loss plan.

I think thats something important that fellow weight losers need to consider in that you really don't have to give up anything you love. You just have to be more moderate at consuming what you love. I'll have supreme pizza tonight you know the fat kind at about 400 calories a slice. But i'll only have 1 slice and probably a side spinach salad that i could eat to i puke at under 100 calories lol. I've lost 32 lbs since i started in January. I don't exercise intentionally although i do get plenty of bending , climbing, lifting , walking in my job. I've got about 30 to go as my goal is 185-190 which i hope to reach by June-July

You know losing weight is akin to somebody wanting to give up smoking. It's never EVER going to happen until you decide its REALLY what you want. Good luck to you all.


  • jennyfoxx
    jennyfoxx Posts: 22 Member
    VERY WELL SAID....My exact feelings!! I have also lost 30 lbs since January and I do just as you do-I treat myself one day a week in moderation and the other 6 days of the week I count my calories and guess what, I LOSE WEIGHT EVERY WEEK!!

    WAY TO GO!! Keep up the great attitude and great weight loss..HAVE A SUPER WEEKEND!!

  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    YES! and once I'd realized this.. and one day said IM SICK OF THIS ...

    its been working.

    Some days I feel like i've plateaued or am gaining back even tho i'm not... idk.
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Well said, I try not to eat right up to my allowance, in case I have mis calculated or the fact that I have almost black tea and coffee and never include the tiny drop of skimmed milk I add. I think of it as my safety cushion. Then on a Saturday night, I have the cocktails or wine and a non counted meal. Funny how you soon have a smaller appetite and tend to naturally limit the bad choices though! I guess that's part of the re educating your eating habits.

    well done both of you on such great losses ! I'm on my 5 th week ...can't wait 'til I've lost 30+!
  • princess4mimi
    Thanks for the advice and reminder, it is much appreciated, and CONGRATULATIONS on your current weightloss success :-)
  • HeidiM78
    HeidiM78 Posts: 58
    Thanks for the advice!
    And congrats on your big weightloss!
    I have only lost 9lbs in 3.5 weeks, but people like you are keeping me motivated!
  • mmaboydwechanged
    I agree 100% with you. I 'm always under my calorie goal during the week but got to have my suds at least once a week keeps me sane.
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    Well said! Your eating has to be a way of life...meaning you have to be able to live with how/what you eat. Think the rest of your life. You can definitely enjoy food but like you said it's all in moderation. I've been maintaining for 2 years now and don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.
  • 1976me
    1976me Posts: 10
    I totaly hear ya there, i like to have a few on the weekend also and i just budget it in my cals, and i switched to miller 64. I cant get drunkon the stuff, but i can live with that. when i lose a total of 60lb gonna have a good celebration night and get back on LOL. However i am finding myself eating a lot healthier as i like my food and this way i am hardly ever hungry and i get plenty to eat with all the vegtables.
  • purplehaze12
    I'm hoping limiting my alcohol binges to once a week will also help lower my tolerance...then I'll be a wuss and just need a couple of beers to get a good buzz like it used to be :P Not the 3 beers and two screwdrivers I had last night...

    But congratulations on your success! It's really inspiring, and good to know you're still enjoying yourself once a week! I have a question though..what do you do with the rest of the pizza? That wouldn't work for me. I'd buy a whole pizza and take a slice and put the rest in the fridge...then get midnight munchies lol.
  • KarenLouise1981
    I agree - in fact I would recommend a splurge to keep your sanity! I have friends who have beautiful bodies but they have no life. They spend every moment watching what they eat and drink but are empty inside. I LOVE my food too much - especially after quitting smoking as I can taste it properly now! Once a month I will order a medium pizza and inhale every last crumb because I can! I am happy and I am not going to punish myself for the sake of fitting into a size 8!
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    Well said! I allow myself to go out to eat whenever I feel like it, I just eat less than I used to...and I am still losing weight. I do exercise daily, but I find that I enjoy exercise more now since I am eating what I want. When I was "dieting", I would be cranky and pissed that I had to exercise, I am LOVING my lifestyle...healthy choices, exercise and enjoying life- including eating out and a cocktail whenever I want. It's all about moderation and determination...
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    So nice to see others doing it this way. Even though I am losing weight and eating much healthier I sometimes wonder if I am doing it "wrong" by having treats. Looking at some diaries and seeing nothing but organic, sugar free 100% good for you food makes mine still look like crap. But like yall I know if I do not have a treat here and there then eventually I will fall back into my bad habits. This way works for me and I feel normal, not like I ever felt when on a strict diet plan.