Wanted: friends looking to get from 150s to 130s

Hi, anyone a "normal size" but feeling fat and hoping to lose some flab/lbs??

Would love some friends with similar goals to be my accountability partners. I just started and am on week 2.


  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    I am 151 and want to get to 120 :) add me
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    Not quite there yet, but my wife, SMC_Chick is totally in the same boat as you. Feel free to drop her a message or add her. Good luck!
  • abray84
    abray84 Posts: 55
    I want to get down to 130 but however I am higher than 150's :(
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    right here! I'm 151 and hoping to get down to 135 :)
  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    I am! I am currently just under 155 and I would like to get down to 130-135!
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Hey! I'm the same height as you and I have about the same goal weight. I'm not sure yet how far I want to go. I'm going mainly based off how I feel right now. My goal weight is set for 140, but I will re-evaluate when I get to that. Welcome to MFP!! Add me if you'd like...
  • firemama
    firemama Posts: 66 Member
    Add me in! 5'5' 150 lbs and desperately trying to get to 130s!
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    Ohh me! I'm around 148 lbs now and hoping to get down to 128 lbs.
  • beckyhope
    beckyhope Posts: 104 Member
    I'm at 150 and currently just trying to get to the top of my BMI of 140 but will probably go for a long term goal of 135. Add me if you want to!
  • tkimbre2
    tkimbre2 Posts: 63
    I'm right there with ya! I'm 152 and have been stuck for weeks!!!!!!!!! I want to get to a healthy, toned 130! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • HDAlaskan
    HDAlaskan Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 155 and want to get to 125. This is week 2 for me.
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I've been stuck at 151 forEVER. I'd like to see 135 or less since I'm kind of short but I don't want to lose too much muscle to get there.
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I started at 146 last month, currently 142 and hoping to get down to about 125-130. Feel free to add me and good luck on your journey :smile:
  • jpjh504
    jpjh504 Posts: 13
    I'm at 150 - shooting for 125-130. It's gotten reeeeeaalllly hard to get the scale to budge these past few weeks. Add me if you'd like.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member

    I am at 150.8 and I am hoping to get to 135. I've been a little stalled lately and would love some additional support.
  • Gabby215
    Gabby215 Posts: 69
    I'm also on week 2! I'm currently at 156 and I set my goal weight at 140 but really I want to get to 139 or lower. Loving MFP so far!!
  • Allison4C
    Allison4C Posts: 140 Member
    thanks guys!!! appreciate all the support. we can do this.

  • jessicafreake
    I am currently 152 started a month ago at 160 looking to get into the 130s feel free to add me