OK. Been at this a long time and NOT losing at all...

I am hoping for some real insight... I work out/exercise 5-6 times a week (some of those days are just walking fast/hills - other days Vinyasa yoga practice for about 90 minutes), been watching intently what I eat...and still NO weight loss. Please feel free to browse my food diary as I am open to any suggestions! PS. I am a an active Mom to 4 kids (3.5/11/12/13) and don't really have any more time to exercise that I already take.

Thanks much!!


  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    IMO, it looks like you just need to eat more of your calories on a regular basis. You don't have much to lose, so you should make your calorie deficit smaller and eat back most, if not all, of your exercise calories. Sound counterproductive, but it works. I was eating to lose 1 lb per week for almost 4 months and only lost about 3 lbs. I then switched my calorie deficit to lose .5 lbs per week and lost 1.5 lbs in about 10 days. sometimes your body just needs more fuel than what MFP suggests.
  • Deanne412
    Deanne412 Posts: 4 Member
    Measure your food -- if you are positive that you're calculating accurately, then maybe you should adjust your goals to drop the calories per day. Don't eat off your kids' plates!
    Up your water intake.
    Change up/intensify your workout. If your walking fast/hills routine is outside, carry something in both hands or use ankle/wrist weights. If you're on a treadmill, you need to up the speed/incline.
  • aprilshowers13
    You only have 9lb to go. The weight is not going to come as fast since you are already small.
    Do you do any strenth training?
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    Appears on average, 50% of your Diet is coming from carbs.
    Some days you're eating less than 1,000 calories and most days you're around 200-500 calories off of your daily goals.
    Your protein is also around 75g too low daily.
    *All this is based off your daily set goals

    Knock out some of that cereal, add in some lean meats or more greek yogurt, eggs, etc. Also bump up your calories to at least your daily goals. You're starving yourself, and really only giving your body carbs to refuel. Might be storing fat and burning muscle with your diet.
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    Took a peek....you seem to be going over on your sugar pretty much every day. I noticed you're not tracking sodium. I suspect that might be high as well. I also notice you're drinking coffee every day, as well. Sodium and caffiene are the two things that can cause your body to be stubborn at holding fluids and weight. You're doing well on your calorie count. You're only burning a couple hundred calories each day with exercise.

    I know what it is like to be busy. I have three children at home and a new grandchild living here to boot. You have to make time for exercise. You have to feel that you are important enough. Engage the kids in your workouts. Perhaps try biking with them. That's all I saw, though. Your body may just be accustomed to the type of exercise you are getting. Might be time to switch it up.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    You need to be eating a NET total of 1200 calories a day, minimum. That means eating back your exercise calories. Just from what I saw (I went back about a week or so) you're basically sending our body into starvation mode by not giving it enough fuel to run on. Try making sure your NET is at or above 1200 and see if that helps. I bet it does! :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    A couple of things I noticed as I checked the last few days. You are eating very healthy, overall.

    You are undereating most days. I'm sure MFP is telling you that when you complete your entry for the day. If your goal is 1300+, you should be eating that much, or as close to it as possible, every day. If you exercise, you need to eat a little more that day to compensate. I realize that this idea can be counter-intuitive, but it really is important that you not force your body into starvation mode by habitually undereating. I am speaking from experience.

    You might try eating a little less sugar and carbohydrates and a little more protein. On the days were you were close to your goal, you were over on sugar and carbs. Yes, I realize much of it was from fruit and you aren't eating candy or junk, but if what you're doing isn't working, it's time to switch things up a little, right? Instead of fruit, try some green vegetables which are lower in sugar. Sugar snap peas, cucumbers, celery, etc. make great snacks. I use celery instead of crackers or bread for eating tuna salad at lunch. Crunchy and negative calories. :)

    Good luck!
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    1. You really should up your protein intake. This is VERY important.
    2. Make sure you are drinking half your weight in water oz. (I weigh 182, divided by 2 is 91, so I should drink at least 91 oz)
    3. Eat back exercise cals
    4. Cardio!
    5. Might want to try interval training (changing pace often to "shock" your heart rate)
    6. Get a HRM if you don't already have one
    7. Vitamins (multi, B-Complex)
    8. Change diet some. (Cut back carbs/sugars/sodium) Really pay attention to sodium and trans/sat fat
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    Might try to trade in some cardio sessions for some weight training. The more lean mass you have = more calories burned. Can always add in low intensity cardio after you lift (15-20 minutes at MOST).
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    wow your food diary looks really good!!! Maybe add sodium to the macronutrients that show, and see what that looks like.
    It looks like your protein is generally pretty good. Your sugars are high regularly, but it looks like they are from natually occurring sugars for the most part (fruits, milk). so I wouldn't be one to condemn that. myaybe try to reduce carbs and see what that does.

    are you measuring your portions or just guessing? have you noticed other improvements? (measurments, sleep, energy, clothes fitting differently, endurance, muscle tone?)

    It looks like you don't have much to lose.... it is definately harder when you are closer to your goal weight. Any hormonal issues like hypothyroidism, premenopausal issues? on any medication ?

    I also would reccommend a daily multiviatamin, if you are not already taking one. I didn't notice if you were eating your exercise calories or not. It might be good to play around with that. If you are eating them back.... I have heard that MFP tends to overestimate calories burned - maybe cut back. If you are not eating them back, maybe try to eat them back for a month and see what happens.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    If I were you I'd add some serious muscle building strength training to my routine, even if I had to sacrifice cardio time to fit it into my schedule. In fact, that's exactly what I had to do a few weeks ago to avoid a plateau. My weight loss had slowed to only a few ounces a week, on average, and is now back up to a little bit more than the pound that MFP tells me I should be losing. I don't like lifting weights or using the resistance machines at the gym, and had to force myself to do it in the beginning. But gosh, it has made such a HUGE difference!
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    3 Things jump out at me from peeking at your diary:

    I would add more protein
    More water
    Add in fruits and veggies with your meals
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    Wow, thanks so much everyone!

    I find that I am getting confused as to whether I should take a chance and eat MORE to maybe get myself out of starvation mode (if it is indeed in)...or keep calories at similar level and try to boost my strength workouts. BTW, I am finding that vinyasa/power-type yoga practice IS a strength workout as well although I am not logging it as so.

    Regarding calories during workouts/exercise, I am not sure really where I am at. I am relying on this site and a couple others to get my 'average'. I am thinking about purchasing a HRM - any suggestions? Do they tell you the calories burned as well?

    Yes, I should up my protein for sure...and try to lower carbs even more (a challenge!). Meals with my family are also a little challenging. My husband, to be honest, is not really in support of me losing weight. He is fine with me staying healthy, but in all honesty kind of balks at talk of carbs/fats, etc... He likes rich foods, but tries the best he can to cook healthy (he does most of the family dinners).

    Ok, again thanks much! :-)
  • ehedges31
    ehedges31 Posts: 72
    Make time for Green Tea at least once a day, besides being super good for you, (and zero calories if you buy the tea bags and make your own! or buy diet bottles of green tea) it has caffeine in it and it boosts your metabolism for at least 4-5 hours. I drink some as soon as I wake up because I workout in the mornings. then I usually drink it 1-2 more times throughout the day. also drink water anytime you feel like snacking because when you feel munchy or like snacking - your body is usually craving water. so drink 1-2 cups of water before a meal or snack then wait about 10 minutes before actually eating/snacking.

    hope any of these help! I found all these little tips from Self.com magazine
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    Wow, thanks so much everyone!

    I find that I am getting confused as to whether I should take a chance and eat MORE to maybe get myself out of starvation mode (if it is indeed in)...or keep calories at similar level and try to boost my strength workouts. BTW, I am finding that vinyasa/power-type yoga practice IS a strength workout as well although I am not logging it as so.

    Regarding calories during workouts/exercise, I am not sure really where I am at. I am relying on this site and a couple others to get my 'average'. I am thinking about purchasing a HRM - any suggestions? Do they tell you the calories burned as well?

    Yes, I should up my protein for sure...and try to lower carbs even more (a challenge!). Meals with my family are also a little challenging. My husband, to be honest, is not really in support of me losing weight. He is fine with me staying healthy, but in all honesty kind of balks at talk of carbs/fats, etc... He likes rich foods, but tries the best he can to cook healthy (he does most of the family dinners).

    Ok, again thanks much! :-)

    1) http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/
    2) http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/harris-benedict-equation/
    3) http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/harris-benedict-equation/calorie-intake-to-lose-weight.php
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I think you've gotten some good advice here, but I'll add my opinion as well. I would try to eat up to your goal calories each day so that you don't have such a big defecit. 2 tbsp. peanut butter or a handful of nuts would do it on most days, and give you some extra protein, too. Another easy 200 calories is a fruit & yogurt smoothie... also has some good protein in it, and drinking a smoothie doesn't feel like eating, IMO.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    You are exercising a lot so I tend to think you are not eating enough vs eating too much. You could try eating a bit more daily or pick one day to eat at a surplus approx. 2500-3000 total calories. Give it a couple weeks of this and see what happens.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    The same thing happened to me....I upped the intensity of my workouts a lot and went 6 weeks without losing a single pound. I was eating my normal calories and should have been losing. This has happened to me a few times. I decided to take the last week off from working out, eating the same calories and since Monday dropped 5 pounds. Maybe you are over training and just need a little break to get things moving again. I have yet to try upping my calories while working out but when I start back up if it happens again I may do just that and see how it works.
  • Lilianam881
    In the past I've experienced what is happening to you. I was working out and watching my calories and not losing anymore. Try switching something up. Different work outs or diet. For me the diet worked. I lowered carb intake to100 grams of carbs per day and upped my protein intake by whatever kept me satisfied. I didn't worry too much about the calories If you're working out those get burned easily. I'm diabetic so lowering sugar in my diet really helped my blood sugars too. The weight started to come off. In December of 2010 I was at my heaviest of 173. I'm now at 159. this is just what worked for me. I think the key is variety . If you don't change diet or exercise your body gets stuck in a rut and its up to you to surprise it every now and then so you can see some change in your body too.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    Again, thanks everyone for your input and advice. I will likely start eating more... maybe up to about 1500 cals to see what happens.

    Also, any advice on HRMs? Do they tell the approximate calorie burn per workout? I am thinking that my workout calories aren't really that accurate.