Too few calories?

Has any experienced first hand, trouble losing weight because of consuming too few calories?

I just closed out my food diary for my first day on myfitnesspal, and it's telling me my metabolism will slow down because I didn't consume enough calories. I ate 3 meals today (cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, vegetable soup for dinner) and even included a snack, but since I didn't reach 1,200 calories, mfp doesn't seem to be happy with me.

Am I really hurting my progress by not eating more? :ohwell:


  • llekllek
    Has any experienced first hand, trouble losing weight because of consuming too few calories?

    I just closed out my food diary for my first day on myfitnesspal, and it's telling me my metabolism will slow down because I didn't consume enough calories. I ate 3 meals today (cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, vegetable soup for dinner) and even included a snack, but since I didn't reach 1,200 calories, mfp doesn't seem to be happy with me.

    Am I really hurting my progress by not eating more? :ohwell:
  • tremmons
    You have to eat your calories!! If you don't your body will go in "starvation Mode". I thought it was rediculous, thinking the less I ate, the better. Not true. I lost more when I ate all my calories then when I skimped. Crazy but true. The body is a funny thing. I watch the "Biggest Loser" (for extra motivation) and they say the same.
  • llekllek
    Hmm, I was afraid of that... oh well, I guess tomorrow I'll have fun eating more to get all of those calories in :smile:

    Thanks so much for your input!
  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    My question is do you continue eating up to the calories you gain from exercise? Say I eat 1280 calories, then exercise and have 200 extra calories. Do I have to eat those extra 200 calories?? Or should I?
  • llekllek
    The counter on this website makes it look like you should eat those extra calories, but I don't agree with that. If you're working out to burn calories, wouldn't you be cancelling the effort by consuming those calories then?

    I know, you're getting the metabolism increase and the other benefits of cardio by doing the workout, but strictly from the view of trying to LOSE weight, I don't think you should eat what you burn. Sounds like one step forward and one step back to me. But that's just my take on it.
  • sweetsamipie
    Thats a great question and was wondering the same thing. However, I would assume you SHOULD eat the remaining calories because a 1200 or however many calorie a day diet you are on is the total amount that you should be putting in your body as a fuel. On the backs of containers of food where the nutrition info is it always says they are based on a 2000 calorie a day diet. MyFitnessPal put me on a 1200 calorie a day diet when i used to eat well over the 2000 a day. I figure theyre reducing your calorie intake which is the real reason to be losing weight and the exercising is to allow you to shape your body and allow for some extra fuel. It burns up a lot of your energy exercising and all!

    Just my input,
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    MFP builds in a deficit for you. Calories increase when you exercise, but the deficit stays. Eat all the calories they recommend. :smile:
  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    So you are saying that I should eat the extra 200 calories I gained from exercise? Will I still lose? Or does my body need them because of the exercise? I'm a bit confused!:ohwell:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    So you are saying that I should eat the extra 200 calories I gained from exercise? Will I still lose? Or does my body need them because of the exercise? I'm a bit confused!:ohwell:

    MFP automatically subtracts 500 calories from your daily caloric needs based on your lifestyle and BMR. When you exercise, you increase your caloric output. For instance:

    My BMR is 1400. My lifestyle (slightly active) expends an extra 300 calories. That's 1700 calories a day that I burn WITHOUT exercise.
    MFP subtracts 500 calories for a weekly 1lb loss. 1700-500=1200.

    That would be okay if I didn't exercise, but I do. So I log my exercise into MFP.

    80 Min Lifting + 30 Min Cardio + 15 Min Abs = 600 calories

    Those 600 calories PLUS my 1700 expended from normal stuff = 2300 calories expended in a day.

    Now if I stick with the 1200 calories, I'm at a 1100 calorie deficit, which is way too much, so MFP tells me to eat more so I will maintain a 500 calorie deficit.

    So now it's 2300 calories-500 = I have to eat 1800 calories a day for safe weight loss.

    The equation is:

    BMR+Daily Activity+Exercise-500 Calories = How many calories you eat in a day.
  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    I think I get it now. Thank you songbyrdsweet!! You always have great advice and knowledge! You are much appreciated!!:flowerforyou:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I think I get it now. Thank you songbyrdsweet!! You always have great advice and knowledge! You are much appreciated!!:flowerforyou:

    You're welcome. I'm always happy to help :smile:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    hmmm, today I am eating more...LOTS more!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Has any experienced first hand, trouble losing weight because of consuming too few calories?

    I just closed out my food diary for my first day on myfitnesspal, and it's telling me my metabolism will slow down because I didn't consume enough calories. I ate 3 meals today (cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, vegetable soup for dinner) and even included a snack, but since I didn't reach 1,200 calories, mfp doesn't seem to be happy with me.

    Am I really hurting my progress by not eating more? :ohwell:

    I just posted a thread about this. I didn't eat 1340 calories yesterday. I was a couple hundred shy plus I was at the gym three hours yesterday (2 hours of cardio) and I gained a pound! So yes I think there is some truth to that. MFP fussed at me yesterday when I closed out and I rolled my eyes. Guess I won't be doing that again!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I guess life is just telling us to exercise and strength train more and we can eat to our hearts desire (within reason)
  • llekllek
    I just posted a thread about this. I didn't eat 1340 calories yesterday. I was a couple hundred shy plus I was at the gym three hours yesterday (2 hours of cardio) and I gained a pound! So yes I think there is some truth to that. MFP fussed at me yesterday when I closed out and I rolled my eyes. Guess I won't be doing that again!

    I had something similar happen last week - I was eating lightly and my weight didn't budge, then one day I had a chicken parm sub (yum!) and woke up a pound lighter the next day :smile: Probably just a coincedence but it made me wonder. Maybe that's why they tell us not to weigh every day...
  • llekllek
    Thanks to all for the thoughts and knowledge you post on these boards, it's extremely helpful! :flowerforyou: