Looking for weightloss buddies!

I just found this website and I am looking forward to meeting others that want to lose weight like myself! I am 24 years old and 250lbs. Im ready to change my life. If anyones wants to team up and support each other let me know.


  • nacobi
    nacobi Posts: 28 Member
    Hey I'm Nacobi. I am 33 years old I started at 219 lbs Have lost 3 pounds this week. It would be nice to have a buddy for motivation.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Hi! I'm 24 too! I started yesterday on here! so, check my profile if u like, and friend me, i love it here so far! :) WELCOME!
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I'm Samantha! I'm 24 and over 300 pounds.

    Welcome to MFP :D The people here really make it easy to stay on track with this lifestyle change. The support is great and everyone has amazing tips.
  • nauticalxstar
    nauticalxstar Posts: 32 Member
    hey add me! im 25 and 249 pounds! We can help each other! =]
  • cmw10805
    cmw10805 Posts: 2
    Hi! I saw your post and just wanted to let you know that I am a personal trainer, so if I can offer any type of encouragement or information that will help, I'd be more than happy to! I'm also trying to drop a few lbs to participate in a run/walk event in November. My knees won't like it if I try to run with the extra weight on! Best of luck to you and if you have any questions or need advice about something-just ask!
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Well I am old enough to be your mothers, but if you want an older person's opinion or help I'll give you my best.. Good luck in your adventure to change your life..This is your year, so claim it and take it...
  • asmith0301
    asmith0301 Posts: 25 Member
    I am 24 as well, started at 260 and currently at 245 and have a million "skinny girl" friends who just don't get it! Found this site today and already love it! Good luck!