April Shed challenge!!!

skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
OK! People!!! This is it! I just took my measurements:

Waist: 31
Hips: 42.5
Thighs: 25

Anyone who want to jump on the April Shred bandwagon, now is the time. We'll do 30 days in a row of Jillian's 30 day shred, whatever level you are comfortable with! Even if you are sore or tired, at least plug in that DVD and give it a go! It's only 20 minutes people, we can do this. Lets see how many inches we can lose in 30 day of concentrated effort!!!

Every Friday I will re-post so we can record our progress and motivate each other!
Just look for "April Shred Challenge" under Motivation and Support. Looking forward to seeing how we all do!!!

Now get out that DVD and get your *kitten* kicked!!!


  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    Oops, posted this in the wrong thread. I did a "dry run" of the video yesterday just to get used to the moves, and again this morning. Boy are my arms sore.

    April 1st numbers:
    Weight: 179.4
    Hip: 43.5"
    Thigh: 25.25"
    Waist: 36.0"
    Bust: 40.5"
  • kmsv123
    kmsv123 Posts: 11
    A few of us posted on the original thread so I'm copying my message over to this one.

    Looking forward to starting tonight!!! Congrats to all who woke up extra early to complete the shred this morning. I dreamt that I was exercising but the real deal begins tonight!

    April 1st-
    Height - 5'9"
    Weight - 194.5
    Bust - 40"
    Waist - 39"
    Hips - 42"
    Thighs - 21.5"
    Arm - 12"
  • schaffk
    schaffk Posts: 7
    I just got my DVD 2 days ago. I am in. Will be much easier to do with a group. Looking forward to losing.
    April 1st
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight 153
    Bust: 37
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 40.25
    Thighs: 23
    Arm: 12
  • spa9177
    spa9177 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm in for the challenge I have that DVD. Will post measurements later. I'm in a challenge to loose 10lbs this month, so this will add to the challenges to lose lose lose.

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  • Liss1
    Liss1 Posts: 49 Member
    April 1st

    Height: 5'9"
    Weight 155
    Bust: 36
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 40
    Thighs: 23
    Arm: 11
  • I like to exercise at night. So I will do my measurements and first workout tonight and post as soon as I can. It may be Monday before I can post it. On the weekends I only have internet on my phone, and I don't think I will be able to view MFP.
  • April 1st

    Height: 5'7"
    Waist 26.25
    Hips 36.5
    Thighs 20.5
    Pouch 32.0

    The only days I might not do the shred is when I trade it for her video No More Trouble Zones. Both in one day would be way too much for me!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I'll be starting tonight after work, but so I can find this again and to put in my measurements:
    April 1st

    Height: 5'10"
    Starting weight: 185
    Waist: 34.25
    Hips: 44.25
    Thighs: 25
  • Waist : 30
    Hips: 37.5
    Thighs: 20.5

    Thanks for starting this. Date with Jillian. Day 1, Level 1!
  • MissDwood
    MissDwood Posts: 108 Member
    This will be fun and motivating!!

    Weight: 233
    Arm: 15
    Stomach: 43
    Thigh: 29.5
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Im in!! But ill have to post my weight and measurements tomorrow morning as thats my weigh in for another challange!!
  • amo13
    amo13 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm looking forward to starting the April Challenge tonight after work. I'm going to begrudgingly post my April 1st measurements and weight (yikes! Very hard for me to do!). I have also committed to another challenge: I will not be checking my weight or measurements the entire month of April, so unfortunately I will not be able to post my progress. I will however, post the final results of this Shred challenge/group at the end of the month.

    Current Weight: 188
    Arm: 13
    Hips: 48
    Waist: 36
    Thigh: 25

    I'm excited about doing this challenge with others and also to see what my results will be at the end of the month! I am also doing the couch to 5K program 3 days per week and Zumba once per week. My intention is to do the 30 day shred every day possible and to miss no more than 5 days total for the month. *fingers crossed* Loving the support from the members of MFP, my family and friends. I CAN DO THIS!! :D
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    I'm in!

    Weight: 159.2

    Waist: 30"
    Hips: 39.5"
    Chest: 38"
    Stomach: 37.5"
    Thigh: 21"
    Bicep: 11.25"

    Looking forward to this one. :) Good luck everyone!
  • Juno99
    Juno99 Posts: 32 Member
    Sorry for taking forever to post my measurement:

    Weight: 142
    Waist: 35
    Hips: 38
    Arms: 11.25
    Thighs: 18.75

    Note: my left and right arms/thights are not even so I will pick my right side just for fun..:laugh:
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Current Weight - 171.2lbs
    Waist - 33
    Hips - 39
    Arm - 11.5
    Bust - 42
    Neck - 14
  • Are you ladies still doing the shred? Haven't heard anything from any of you!
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Are you ladies still doing the shred? Haven't heard anything from any of you!

    I am! Yesterday I made the mistake of doing 6 Week Six-Pack before doing the shred... I'm so sore today! How are you doing?
  • schaffk
    schaffk Posts: 7
    OK I am a little confused. I thought we were supposed to post every Friday. It is the end of the day, and I see noone's post. I did shred 3 times this week and circuit trained at the gym 2 days. I lost 2 pounds this week and several inches if you add it all up. Did we want to post measurements each week? If so, I will add them. How did everyone else do?

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  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    @schaffk I was wondering too! Let's post!

    Week 1 Week 2
    Weight: 159.2 Weight: 160.4

    Waist: 30" Waist: 29"
    Hips: 39.5" Hips:39"
    Chest: 38" Chest: 37"
    Stomach: 37.5" Stomach: 36"
    Thigh: 21" Thigh: 20.5"
    Bicep: 11.25" Bicep: 11.25"

    Gaining weight but hopefully muscle!
  • schaffk
    schaffk Posts: 7
    Week 1 Week 2
    weight 153.4 151.4
    Bust 37 36.5
    Chest 34.5 33.5
    Waist 33 32.5
    Stomach 36.25 35.5
    Hips 40.25 40
    Thigh 23 22.75
    Arm 12 11.5
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