im fat and addicted to food

I'm a stay at home mom taking online classes. I've been using this site on my phone since November. About two days a week I'm on track the rest I overeat but almost everyday I'm at the gym burning calories with cardio or lifting weights. I've lost about 11 lbs but keep gaining and losing over and over. Now I'm at a three lb loss. I'm so sick of this! Its hard to stay under calories and eating exercise calories makes me gain too. I'm needing some advice on what to do.


  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    ebony, been there done that.....hang in there, keep on keeping on, you can do it......I guarantee, you ve lost it in the past, and youll do it in the future.......more fiber helped me lose the of luck, Lloyd
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    More fiber, more protein, less sugar... and (many will want to club me in the face for this) more fat in my diet, plus excercise, helped me lose 150 pounds. Feel free to add me. Having an online support system has been great!
    Hang in there, it can be done!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Make sure you are not overestimating how much you are burning, or eating them all back will be eating too much. Consider getting a heart rate monitor, or round down on the # MFP exercise database or the machines at the gym tell you. They can be way off.
  • jatalu
    jatalu Posts: 1
    Three thoughts:

    1) Cut calories slowly - try eating 300 less calories a day for four days a week. Then five days a week. Eventually, slowly, your stomach will naturally shrink and you'll physically want to eat less.

    2) Eat slowly - it's really lame but count your chews. If you're not chewing 20+ times per bite, you're eating too quickly! Enjoy the food, savor it.

    3) Remove a few really bad things from your diet - sugars, booze, cheese, red meat. Take stock of things you really like but know are high in sugar or saturated fat. Cut them out slowly and you'll be higher energy in no time.

    Don't be disheartened - your best approach is permanently changing your diet slowly! You'll be eating healthier and feeling good but it takes time!
  • LivingFree
    More fiber, more protein, less sugar... and (many will want to club me in the face for this) more fat in my diet, plus excercise, helped me lose 150 pounds. Feel free to add me. Having an online support system has been great!
    Hang in there, it can be done!

    I agree! Also - watching the processed foods. So much sodium. The closer to natural is better. Feel free to add me too :)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Log EVERYTHING you eat whether good or bad so you can start to see a trend. Keeping a journal of your feelings and emotions when you eat is also a good tool as it will also show patterns. Hope this helps!
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    Try this for a few days, go into my fitness pal and go to goal, customise your goal by dialing down the carbs to 35 percent of normal, see if you are still as hungary and over eating after two or 3 days. I know its made a lot of differance to me.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    More fiber, more protein, less sugar... and (many will want to club me in the face for this) more fat in my diet, plus excercise, helped me lose 150 pounds. Feel free to add me. Having an online support system has been great!
    Hang in there, it can be done!

    I agree! Also - watching the processed foods. So much sodium. The closer to natural is better. Feel free to add me too :)

    Question for you guys: What types of food have a lot of fiber and protein? I know the obvious ones... but I could use a lot more examples. I'm running out of options!!
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I agree about rounding down on calories burned. Also, drink A LOT of water. I mean, A LOT. It helps you feel fuller. When I get hungry and its only snack time, I'll have a small 100 calorie snack and a whole bottle of water and I feel full. Water helps me a lot.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    Also, maybe you have your goals set too high and its telling you to eat too few calories than what you're ready to do? 1 lb. a week is the best goal if you want to lose the weight steadily and keep it off longer. Also if you're working out on top of that its going to make you feel even hungrier. You might be better off to up your calories for a couple weeks and then slowly drop it lower and lower. You need to eat back some calories from working out, but not too many if you're gaining weight back so easily. Also you should try to just eat steadily at the same times each day to prevent getting too hungry.
  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    I agree with everyone. Great advice given
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    More fiber, more protein, less sugar... and (many will want to club me in the face for this) more fat in my diet, plus excercise, helped me lose 150 pounds. Feel free to add me. Having an online support system has been great!
    Hang in there, it can be done!

    I agree! Also - watching the processed foods. So much sodium. The closer to natural is better. Feel free to add me too :)

    Question for you guys: What types of food have a lot of fiber and protein? I know the obvious ones... but I could use a lot more examples. I'm running out of options!!

    Nuts, nuts, nuts and more nuts. Avocado is great too!
  • LivingFree
    Question for you guys: What types of food have a lot of fiber and protein? I know the obvious ones... but I could use a lot more examples. I'm running out of options!!

    Nuts, nuts, nuts and more nuts. Avocado is great too!

    Definitely. I eat almonds pretty much everyday. They are perfectly portable. I have portions in snack bags in my car, purse and at work so I can munch on a few slowly, enjoying the flavor not allowing myself to get too hungry which will lead me,to reach for something bad. I also eat oatmeal everyday with added ground flax (also great to sneak into lots of things for that little fibre boost)
  • Shortyburb
    Shortyburb Posts: 40 Member
    You should watch the documentary called Fat Head (its available on Netflix). It has brought new light to my ideas of losing weight. The in verses out calorie theory is challenged. This guy eats roughly 2,000 calories a day and loses weight doing it! He watched his carbs instead of calories. Try eating like a diabetic would and see if you lose weight that way. I have cut my carbs and only worked out at the gym three times this week and still lost!
  • Five8feelingreat
    More fiber, more protein, less sugar... and (many will want to club me in the face for this) more fat in my diet, plus excercise, helped me lose 150 pounds. Feel free to add me. Having an online support system has been great!
    Hang in there, it can be done!

    I agree! Also - watching the processed foods. So much sodium. The closer to natural is better. Feel free to add me too :)

    Question for you guys: What types of food have a lot of fiber and protein? I know the obvious ones... but I could use a lot more examples. I'm running out of options!!

    Kashi golean original has a ton of fiber and protein and only 140 calories in a one cup serving. Also, fiber one original cereal mixed with plain Greek yogurt and maybe some frozen fruit is delicious, and has lots of fiber and protein. And I agree that less processed foods and healthy fats will make a big difference. You can do it! mind over matter =)
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    you say you are addicted to food? Why is it that you are eating? What is it that you are avoiding? Have you ever been in counseling? Or what about oa?
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Believe me when i say I know EXACTLY what you are talking fact you can read all about my sorry debacle in my sad post above yours. I am caught in a vicious cycle of Binge eating-Guilt-severe diet- binge eating. It's just no good and will do harm to us in the long run. There is a lot of advice on this site and lots of people have different strategies,find a couple and try to fit them into your lifestyle.