Coffee Creamer



  • I also had this a-ha moment recently although I was using splenda and non-dairy powdered creamer I knew it wasn't great for my diet so I just cut it out completely 4 days ago and it really wasn't that bad. I actually am liking black coffee.
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I buy boxes of creamer in the single servings and only use one per cup. It took some time, but I'm used to it now and I count them in with my breakfast along with my daily because that's 135 right there.
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    Personally, I like strong black coffee. So just drink it black. Sometimes I'll put a little almond milk in it and I don't feel guilty about that (only 35-40 calories per 1 cup) and I certainly log that. Actually, I have to make myself add the almond milk sometimes ... trying to get a higher calcium intake. If I want dessert sometimes I'll add some real 1/2 & 1/2 to a cup of coffee, just a TBLSP, instead of the pie or cake etc.

    Years ago I bought the artificially flavored or artificially sweetened creamers, but not anymore. Just too much junk in my body 1st thing in the good.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I use fat free half n half which is 20 calories per 2 tablespoons. You can always add Splenda with flavors for calorie free flavor.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I usually have two cups of coffee every morning. Each cup of coffee has 1/4 c. skim milk & 1 tsp. sugar. It's 80 calories total, but very worth it. I know some people prefer cream / creamer to skim milk, but I've just always had it this way, so I'm used to it. Plus, I figure the total 1/2 c. of skim milk is good for me.
  • That sounds really good! Almond milk in your coffee!? Is it sweet enough though?
  • ziezio
    ziezio Posts: 4 Member
    Well, I came home yesterday and my syrups I ordered were on my front steps! I am enjoying my first cup of java this morning.. The only thing I put in it was the syrup and it is delish! Thanks to all those who suggested the syrups.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I might have to try those syrups. I have been toying with the idea of trying to get myself used to drinking it black...but I just really love my morning cup of coffee and I do use flavored creamers. I am sure I have at least 100-150 calories per cup in the AM....
    things to think about.......
    I used to use skim milk in my coffee, but I found it was too watery and the gray color it turned my coffee was not appetizing. I tried switching to tea...just doesn't feel as satisfying as a creamy cup of java!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I use powdered Coffeemate creamer, it's about 10 calories per tsp and to me it is more creamy tasting than the liquid form. I use about 3 tsp for every 6 oz of coffee and that's nice and creamy to me.
  • vaavamom1
    vaavamom1 Posts: 136 Member
    i had black coffee with no sugar or sweetener ,it was ok... will get used to it.
  • Kate48230
    Kate48230 Posts: 35 Member
    If you miss the "creamy" taste of the creamer and don't like the skim milk, why not try fat-free, unsweetened evaporated milk? Make sure it isn't the condensed milk because that has a ton of sugar (I think I got the terminology right, correct me if I have them backwards). It means opening a can and pouring it into something to keep in the fridge but it has a rich taste.
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