Why didn't anyone warn me!!!



  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I've shied away from salt and sugar too. I'm learning how to cook with spices I had never heard of much less actually use. And that yahoo article is horrifying!

    Discovering spices is so much fun! :)
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Such a great post and wonderful replies too! One of my big turnarounds was salad. I used to hate salad and usually made a horrible face when I ate one. Now I LOVE salads! I pack my lunch and it is always the largest meal item of my day. And the amount of cash I usually carry in my wallet stays about the same. Before this, I would be stopping at fast food places on the way to work, and also at lunch. That was the only place I was spending any cash, and now I am finding I have had the same 40 bucks in my wallet for about a month. So yeah, I hear you, who knew! :)
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 167 Member
    Yes I agree. Before you know it it becomes a way of life ...I started monitoring my sodium a month ago after reading several post here on MFP and researching a little on the topic myself. 2500 is too high ...shooting for 1500 can be challenging but its doable. You just have to bring the awareness to mind, practice it and then it sticks and becomes habit. Plus you feel soooooo much better. Great Job!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Isn't it amazing how much better things taste without all that crap in it? Now that your taste buds are not burnt with all the salt you can actually taste the other spices and the natural flavor of food. My guy (not on a diet) has even said that if he goes out for fast food he gets sick to his stomach after eatting it.
  • blackchickbb
    i agree with u 100%
  • gstrouphar
    That is so awesome and I feel the same way! I was a salt-aolic for real, I am talking about salting everything down to the butter that went on my bread (its gross I know). I started watching my sodium and wow, what a difference. I just feel better and when there is too much salt on something (it seems I can notice even a grain of it! lol) I know its there. I have eaten salt all my life, I grew up with the shaker on the table. I salted everything even before I tasted it. Now, I just don't need or want it.

    I think its wonderful that you don't like it anymore! If I had only brought the awareness sooner, I'd probably be in much better shape myself!


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  • goldiefysh
    goldiefysh Posts: 12 Member
    That is an AWESOME warning. You have given me hope that I can do this too. I do like to eat out, I do like to stay within calories BUT I never knew how much sodium could effect the overall outcome. I don't like a ton of salt, but it sounds like there is much more than I know about in my foods.

    CONGRATS on your success and good luck moving forward.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Same here, i didn't know how much salt i actually consumed until i joined here. But we hardly ever eat out
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    Isn't it strange how we can change without even meaning too. I have also started making my own beans and I haven't done that in 10 years LOL. I was actually mad at wal-mart today because they were out of butter beans (lima)..