


  • veganbecky
    veganbecky Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! I am vegan and I just joined MFP a couple of days ago. I love to cook and one of my downfalls has been baking too many delicious vegan goodies. I eat healthy for the most part, I just need to watch my portions, cut down on snacking, and not bake quite so much.

    I do think eating vegan is AWESOME and would encourage anyone to try it! It's simply possible to overdo it, just like you can as an omnivore. I also want to add that I did not gain this weight as a vegan, I gained it through my three pregnancies, and now that our youngest (and last) is 1 1/2 years old, I feel it is the perfect time to slim back down to where I want to be!

  • HeatherMarie1174
    New vegan here - well, as of Jan 2011. I have been veggie for about 4 years now and decided to try vegan for 2 weeks for the new year. It was such an easy transition and I lost like 6 lbs, I decided to make it stick! The problem I run into is all the yummy processed junk food ... dang oreos! :) I need to start planning my meals out and not just looking around the fridge for something fast and easy. Never a good plan ...
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    @hhicks74 It's amazing how much vegan junk food there is. I lost weight when I first went vegan about 15 years ago, but it came back as I learned how to cook as fattening as I used to. :) Lately I've been making pots of soups and stews so I always have something yummy and filling that fits into the plan. I'm still eating the junk food, but I portion it out to stay within my daily calories. I really have to have my cocktails and snacks at the end of the day or I just won't stick with the diet. :)

  • emily859
    emily859 Posts: 38
    I've recently become a vegan too. I'd been flirting with the idea for about a year, tried it fully for 30 days over last summer ( I lived in DC, it was really easy there) and decided to go back to eating meat, eggs, and some dairy after moving back to LA, since that was really easy too. Except, the first time I tried it, I ate so many vegan treats (too many) and so naturally, that's not gonna work long term. Since January, though, I've been working to eliminate animal-based foods from my diet. Let me tell ya, the process has been so EASY this time around. Its like intuitively, my body has decided that its had enough. I'm pretty political about it too (I've been eating organic and/or local foods for a couple of years for political reasons). MFP gives vegans great tools to make sure that we get all of our macronutrients in balance. I find that my sugar consumption is really low compared to when I wasn't eating vegan. Even well after I meet my goal weight, I will continue to use MFP just to keep tabs on the balance.

    If anyone wants to add me, please do! I wish MFP had groups that you could join. We could have a vegan club. :)

    These books helped me a lot: The Kind Life and the Thrive diet.
  • veganvengeance
    I've been vegan for about 3 years and my darling partner became a vegan shortly after he started dating me (power of love i guess). The problem is: as he's gotten healthier i've gotten heavier. Although i try to stay fit my college/work schedule has kept me from exercising regularly. For example, last summer i ran 35+ miles a week, but over the last school year I'v struggled to do yoga more than twice a week. Meanwhile, Josh runs 13+miles a day so we cook heavier meals to keep his calories high and of course, i overindulge. So now we are both trying to keep high calorie or high carb items seperate from the meals we make so he can add them in and I can avoid them.