Weird Injuries...



  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I'm still coming back from my weird injury. In early November, I tore my medial meniscus (knee cartilage), got it surgically repaired, feeling great! The day after surgery, I was walking thru the bathroom, and slipped (I did not fall!!) in my wife's hairspray slick on the floor and burst three discs in my lower back. After three weeks of increasingly aggressive therapies, I had it surgically repaired in late February. I still have some significant nerve damage to my lower leg and foot. Freaky!
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    I think I'm the queen of injuries. Here's just a few of mine:
    -Put a staple through my finger last friday. (As in theres a red spot under the nail where it was just barely shy of breaking through the nail on the other side of my finger.) After I went to give it first aid and sat down, I had a seizure. What a crappy friday that was.
    - (Backstory: I make stained glass windows.) Had a shard of glass in my hand when I was steadying a stool to sit down on. Bad idea. I sliced my thigh open with the glass in my hand when I sat down. I got a good 4 inch scar nearly on my *kitten* from that one.
    -Burn on one hand from accidentally hitting the back of it with a soldering iron. (Again, from working on stained glass windows.)
    -Nastier burn on the other hand from my best friends twin sister throwing a glob of hot glue onto it (somehow she didn't realize that a giant hot glue gun puts out hot glue, was startled by the temperature and flinched at it, throwing it across the room onto me.) Nice third degree burns from that one.
    -Another burn right underneath the last one, smaller though, where another friend accidentally shoved me partially into the oven and I hit my hand on the hot racks.

    Those are just the more interesting ones. I'm not even counting the scraped knees and broken fingers from the more mundane bicycle accidents and misc. cuts and scrapes from glass and working with tools, or stabbing myself with needles from sewing and leatherwork. -_-* I'm really good at hurting myself it seems.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    After hitting the ball playing while playing softball, I tripped over my own two feet coming out of the box and basically face planted.... we call it getting hit by a sniper... It happens Also I once had food poisioning (unknowingly),I was outside cleaning up after a hurricane that had come through at work, felt ill and went inside. Dizzy, I stumbled into the mens room and to reach to open the stall door and fainted and wound up splitting head open on the stall divider... luckily it was just a few stitches. I think my pride was hurt more than anything else, telling my all male coworkers what happened was the worst part. And finally, I slipped and fell out of a treestand while hunting a few years back... it had just finsihed raining and everything was wet... There were piles of leaves all around and my big behind had to find the biggest root around to fall on. Had a giant bruise from my butt to my hip for about two months, every shade of black and blue and purple you can imagine was there.
  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    One time I was taking spaghettios in a ceramic bowl out of the microwave and it was really hot and I threw it cause it hurt, and I got 2nd degree spaghettio-shaped burns on my arm!! haha

    Last week I ran 6 mi, my back started hurting the next day but I just thought it was regular muscle pain.... and then the day after that I couldn't get out of bed! I couldn't stand up straight! I'm still recovering... it was so weird!
  • lilbuddytatertot
    lilbuddytatertot Posts: 57 Member
    i was thrown from a lawn mower trailor, being pulled by a lawn mower, and when i landed my collar bone found the only random brick in the yard to land on, and it broke my collar bone...
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    i was thrown from a lawn mower trailor, being pulled by a lawn mower, and when i landed my collar bone found the only random brick in the yard to land on, and it broke my collar bone...

    Sorry, not to laugh...but teehee!
  • stephc71885
    stephc71885 Posts: 50 Member
    last summer i insisted on taking my dog out without shoes on. my mother warned me... but i'm 25 and i "don't need my mommy any more." yeah... two steps onto the cement patio and i some how managed to get my toes bent underneath my right foot, putting all my weight onto 2 toes and scraping the hell out of them. i almost passed out from the pain. 2 broken toes later and i'm not ashamed to say i need my mommy.
  • wanttogetskinny
    I have a great one. And I do give you permission to laugh. The urgent care doctor, and everyone else who's heard the story, either laughed or gave me strange looks.

    Last May I was biking on a somewhat open bike trail. A bird flew down into my face and bounced off my helmet/sunglasses. No, I'm not kidding. The bird hit me so unexpectedly and fast, I didn't have time to slow down, and I was thrown off balance. I hit the ground, slid off my bike and across the asphalt at about 15mph.

    Needless to say, I had huge chunks of skin taken out of one knee and elbow, my face was scratched up, and I severely sprained one wrist. The worst part was having to get back up and go home, bleeding, unable to use one arm, and having a front wheel that was literally ready to fall off.....
  • arrellemm
    arrellemm Posts: 1 Member
    I teach third grade, so whenever there's a holiday, I usually end up with several small gifts, whether it's candy or Bath and Body Works stuff, etc. It was no big deal when one of my kids brought me one of those over-sized Hershey's kisses last year for Valentine's Day, but about a week later, I ended up in the ER getting stitches. Here's what happened:

    I got home from a long day of school and decide I'm going to have some chocolate. (By the way, if you know the appropriate way to eat these, please let me know. I'm tempted to write the Hershey's company to find out. :) ) Well, Oprah or Ellen or something interesting was on TV, so I decide in my infinite wisdom that I'm just going to take my chocolate in a plastic bowl, and a very sharp knife to the living room to eat. (Bad decision number one.) I sit next to the arm of the couch with my legs up on the couch and put my Kiss and bowl on the arm. Not having much luck with trimming off the edges, I decide to insert the knife from the top of the Kiss and cut straight down. This worked out fine for a few minutes. Then, for some reason, I moved the bowl onto my leg and continue to chop off my chocolate. I apparently got to a really thick part that wouldn't cut off as easily as the other, had been, so here I go, pushing almost as hard as I can (forgetting that the bowl is on my leg). Yep, stabbed myself right in the thigh.

    The part my husband and friends enjoy the most: I stabbed through the Kiss, through the plastic bowl, through a blanket that was on my lap, through my pants, and into my leg. I wasn't really thinking of the "never pull the knife out" rule, so I did not go to the hospital with everything still "attached".

    That was Valentine's Day, 2010, so now I have a little scar about an inch long, and my teaching partner still calls me "Slash". :)
  • MrsMills712
    MrsMills712 Posts: 350
    I was sitting in my chair, Indian-style. I got up and went to walk away and my foot was asleep. My foot rolled forward as I took a step and I tripped over it and landed face first on the floor. I was home alone at the time, but got back up cracking up about it. :)
  • MrsMills712
    MrsMills712 Posts: 350
    Oh. Also, in gym class in 2nd grade during a game, a boy lost his balance and tripped into me, fell on top of me and crushed my face into the floor. I busted my lip and broke my front tooth. I think I've always held a grudge against that kid, and have been sad about having a fake front tooth ever since :(
  • stephc71885
    stephc71885 Posts: 50 Member
    OH i just thought of another one. So on my wedding day I decided that I wasn't going to use the bathroom once I had my dress on. So I got into my dress at about 1:30 pm, and when we got back to our hotel room at midnight, I REALLY had to pee. I started dancing as my husband helped to unzip the back of my dress, i shimmied out of my slip, and took off running for the bathroom. Problem was, my dress etc was still around my feet, so instead of running I just went face first into the floor. I didn't have any serious injuries, but my pride was hurting pretty bad! My husband of course had the view from behind (which involved me in a thong) and just found the whole thing hilarious. I spent the next 3 weeks traveling with big bruises on both knees!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    OMG, the wedding one..on our honeymoon I kicked a suitcase and broke my toe. That night my aunt and uncle who lived in San Antonio took us to dinner on the river walk so I limped the mile walk to the resturant, and the next day I limped around Sea World!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I was babysitting once and I was playing with the kids in their back yard, around the swingset. The 5 year old and I were on the swings, but on our stomachs, pretending to 'fly'. That was fine until I could see the toddler was going to walk right in front of me and I would knock him over. So I slammed my toes into the ground to stop and yup, broke a toe.

    I had a really hard time explaining to the pediatrician just what I'd been doing when I broke my toe.

    When I was MUCH younger, maybe 5 or so, I was at a friend's house with a bunch of other kids. We were running around with a hose, chasing each other. I had the hose and was running with it. There was a metal hose clamp on it that I never saw. I got to the end of the hose and sliced my middle finger open on the hose clamp. I knew it was bad because the friend's parents were freaking out, there was blood just everywhere and a neighbor from around the corner came running because she heard me screaming. The stitches are still in my baby book.
  • Kjohnson2387
    Kjohnson2387 Posts: 16 Member
    I had woken up late for work and at the time lived in a split entry house.. I ran down the first 6 steps with no problem, but once I hit the second flight, my foot somehow slipped ouf from under me and I went flying in the air. I tried to turn my body to land on my hands so I could break my fall with no luck. I managed to MISS my big behind and slammed straight down on my tail bone and broke it. Needless to say, I couldn't miss work that day due to it being the day before christmas break and i wouldn't have gotten paid. Luckily I worked in a call center so I sat down all day... but boy, I couldn't sit down on a concrete floor for 6 months after!
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I took a straight shot of 40 volume developer to the white of my eye.

    I do hair, and 40 volume developer is the strongest lightener/peroxide mix we have. I was wearing my contacts and doing my friends' highlights. I must have had the brush and foil at JUST the right angle, but I ran the lightener along the hair and I guess flicked my wrist just right and shot a huge clump straight into my eye. It took a split second for it to register, but when it did I began freaking out. I shouted for the other girls because I just couldn't think quickly enough. My girlfriend had the chair next to me, she shot up grabbed me by the back of the neck and pretty much dragged me to the eye wash in the back. Along the way I whacked my head on the door, to add to the excitement. Afterward, we laughed because while the action itself wasn't funny, the way my girlfriend and I acted was. I miss that place :) But I'm very accident prone, so doing hair is just amazing for me. Cuts all over my hands, chemical burns, love it.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I am an expert at finding new ways to injure myself. ATM I have 2 bruised & skinned knuckles on one hand from winding down the steadying legs on our caravan.
    A couple of months ago I managed to trip over my own feet, slip on the ice & fall face first into the metal security shutter at work. Result, my metal framed glasses split the bridge of my nose which has left a nice little scar.

    And last year I slipped & fell while put walking & dislocated my ankle. It still gives my trouble 8 months later.

    And all this is not counting the random cuts, bruises & dings I pick up on an almost daily basis.

    Oh! does sunburn count as an injury? Cause I managed to burn the backs of my calves yesterday, so the fronts are lily white & the backs lobster red! 2 tone legs.:laugh:
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    You all have lifted my spirits..I am so glad to know I am not the only clutz out there!