Fat Head

Fat Head

I keep writing on different topics about this amazing new insight I found on weight loss. Everyone should watch this documentary. Even if you dont agree with the theories he tires out.

He eats nothing but fast food for 28 days every single meal and still loses weight. He watched his carbs and saturated fats and thats it. I know you cant believe everything you see. So I thought why not try it out for myself. I only worked out three times this week (usually 5-6 days a week) watched my carbs and still lost weight.

I started thinking more and more about this low carb thing and its making more sense to me. How many disease are out there with people not being able to eat meat or proteins? I cant think of any (I know there must be some). How many disease are out there where people are not able to eat carbs? Diabetes is a huge one.


  • theaimster
    There is Cornell professor that claims the exact opposite and examine people in China saying that animal-based protein is the cause of all disease and chronic problems.... Just a thought.
  • Shortyburb
    Shortyburb Posts: 40 Member
    He claims but can he prove it? A lot of people can claim things but proving on a scientific level is different. Why would there be all this disease from meats in china but not in those cultures cut off from the rest of the world?
  • Shortyburb
    Shortyburb Posts: 40 Member
    Im not trying to be rude about any of this. Just a friendly debate.
    (I want to be a nutrition coach)
  • theaimster
    Eh, ya gotta read the book. It's called the China Study. If you have an iphone, itouch, or ipad, you can download the sample and read that part at least. The says he has PROVEN it. I think animal-based protein is good in moderation. Super starchy foods are good in moderation. Moderation is the key word in my opinion... :)
  • theaimster
    I'm in no way saying that I 100% believe or agree with the guy. It is just interesting to see his perspective... I would have to do what he says and remove animal-based protein from my diet to find if I really believe it... if that makes sense?
  • Shortyburb
    Shortyburb Posts: 40 Member
    I agree about moderation also. I will never full cut out carbs. I understand what you mean. I wouldnt be able to say the carb thing is true unless I try it myself. ;)
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    It was a great documentary. And it really makes sense because of how your body deals with blood sugar levels and insulin production.
  • theaimster
    There is a documentary? By the same name?
  • theaimster
    Oh, you are talking about the one where the guy eats out! My bad! ;)
  • Shortyburb
    Shortyburb Posts: 40 Member
    Lol yes. Its not Supersize me. Its called Fat Head. He basically made Supersize look like a freaking joke when he lost weight.