P90X Pros?

A few questions for the gurus out there....

I've missed 2 days straight of P90X plus next week I'll be on the road and away from home for 3-4 days. I am currently starting week 3 of Phase 1 today.

Should I keep doing what I can when I can until I get back or have I missed too much for the plan to be beneficial? Should I just scrap it and start over from week 1 when I get back from my road trip or just keep pushing play from where I left off?

Also....I have been working out in the AM so I can eat back my calories throughout the day. But if I work out in the evening do I try to eat those calories back before bed time or should I eat them back the next day?

Thanks for any help!


  • neesono
    neesono Posts: 61
    Started week 3 today. I've decided to just keep going. I might miss a few days here and there but I figure it's better to just stick with it then to miss more days trying to get everything synced up. If I can do doubles I'll try.

    I'm still struggling with nutrition. I've been doing the MFP thing for 25 days and My weight has fluctuated between 207 and 205. My waist seems to just bounce back and forth between 40 and 41.

    The waist measurement is my main goal...to hell with the weight I want a damn 37in waist!

    I still can't afford to get a HRM at the moment (thanks to the government messing with military pay, thanks alot Capitol Hill) so I have no way of getting an accurate calorie count. I'm keeping track as best as I can and I'm doing my best to eat clean and lean.

    I doubt I'll hit my waist goal by April 30 but I'll keep pushing play and see what happens.
  • neesono
    neesono Posts: 61
    Any help? No P90Xers out there huh?
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'm not a Pro, but have completed the program. I know the question has been addressed before on here, you may want to do a search.

    I missed a week while I was sick - it was my recovery week. And my coach told me to just move on. I wouldn't think a day or two here or there will matter, but if you are missing more than 2 days per week frequently, I'd say to just do those routines and the program will take you longer than 90 days to complete. For example, you don't want to be missing legs and back two weeks in a row. You want those routines in there.

    Best of luck. I didn't notice any body changes until near the end of month 2. I didn't lose any weight either, but I lost a whole clothing size and totally toned up. I also took 1:30 MPM off my running times for a 10K, so the program definitely works. Best of luck.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    The key, IMO, is that you can't 'just' see it as something that must fit into a perfect 90 day package. Start up where you left off, get the workouts in each week that you can, and keep going until you're done, whether it takes you 90, 100 or 120 days. Your results might not be as solid as they could be if you were more consistent, but for me, it's the actual 'doing' that is far more important here.