Fitbit, Bodybugg, HRM - which do you prefer?

I have a heart rate monitor, but am thinking of purchasing either the new FitBit or the Bodybugg. Has anyone had experience with either of these and which do you prefer?

I am looking for something to record calories burned for 24 hours.


  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
  • vpreece64
    I purchased the Bodybugg and love it. It is very easy to install and is very simple to use. I also bought the digital display so I know during the day how I'm doing. It made me realize that some exercises I was doing, I really wasn't burning that many calories, while other exercises burned a lot more than I thought. For me, it is well worth the cost.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
  • north35
    north35 Posts: 70
    bump ;)
  • jfer1977
    jfer1977 Posts: 139
    I purchased the Bodybugg and love it. It is very easy to install and is very simple to use. I also bought the digital display so I know during the day how I'm doing. It made me realize that some exercises I was doing, I really wasn't burning that many calories, while other exercises burned a lot more than I thought. For me, it is well worth the cost.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    This is what I was going to say. I've had the bodybugg for about three months now and LOVE it. I too got the digital display and recommend getting it. I think having the digital display has better helped me stay on track. I've figured out how many calories burned I should be to by certain times of the day to have a good deficit for losing weight. I'll check at those times and if I haven't gotten to where I think I should be I'll step up my activity.

    Good luck in your decision.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I am in love with my BodyMediaFit.
    It's so nice knowing what your actual maintenance is each day. If you want to lose a little, just eat less than what it says you've burned!
    I burn 1600 on a lazy slow day and 2400 on a crazy busy day, and anywhere in between. So I pretty much try to eat 1600 a day, and if I have a busier day, then that's my deficit!

    The kicker is, MFP had me at 1500 for maintenance! If I had tried eating 1500 a day to maintain I would have been starving myself for the rest of my life!

    AND I love the sleep tracker. There is a kick-@ss graph on the website that shows when you were asleep vs. just lying down, and when you got up, your total bed time vs sleep time to give you a sleep efficiency percentage.

    It also tracks steps as a pedometer.
    And it tells you how much time you were engaged in moderate activity or vigorous activity each day.

    You can set goals for each category (moderate, vigorous, steps, and calories) and it beeps and tells you that your goal is met once you reach it.
    And you can set 6 different alarms for each day. I have my armband beep at me 15 minutes before I need to be at work, to remind me to take my vitamin before I leave, then at noon to remind me to finish up and get ready to go home, then at 3 to remind me to get up off the computer and go exercise, then at 7 to remind me to go to bed so I can be up at 3:30!

    Sorry so long. Like I said, I absolutely LOVE this thing and will never again be without one.
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    Don't all the BodyMedia devices require you to pay for a $13/month subscription after you spend the $200ish on the device? This kind of gets in my craw a bit.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    yes (it's $6 a month if you buy a whole year)
    but to me it's a small price to pay for motivational knowledge. At least once a day this thing convinces me to either get off my butt or put down the cookie. Not a day has gone by when I haven't been thankful for it.
  • jeremymaritz
    Yeah, bodybugg has a monthly fee as well. Back when I was a member at 24 Hour Fitness they were pimping the bodybugg really hard; I guess they were getting a cut of the monthly.
  • kaymac1908
    kaymac1908 Posts: 39 Member
    I have both a Heart Rate Monitor and a BodyBugg. They serve very different purposes. The HRM is a great tool for heart conditioning and training. It does estimate calories, but it is not accurate unless you happen to know your correct V02 rate. The BodyBugg better calculates calories and keeps track of what you burn and steps taken all day long. It does NOT measure heart rate. Sometimes I use both because I am a tech junkie and I like seeing the numbers, but mostly I use the BB. I LOVE this thing! There is a promotion where you get 10 or 12 months of monthly service included with your purchase. I would be willing to pay a small fee when my time expires. I do not have any experience with the FitBit.