40 POUNDS BY AUGUST 13TH!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • I have added to the list the people who last joined. Look at the list and make sure your name is on there and it is spelled correctly. If I missed anything or misspelled anything, be sure to let me know. We only have 3 spots left!!! Are you excited to lose 40 pounds yet? GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    no "h" before 23
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    I have added to the list the people who last joined. Look at the list and make sure your name is on there and it is spelled correctly. If I missed anything or misspelled anything, be sure to let me know. We only have 3 spots left!!! Are you excited to lose 40 pounds yet? GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    no "h" before 23

    I apologize, I'll change it.
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    47 in the challenge, that is plenty. dodier01 is the last member. The challenge is closed to new members. Don't forget to post your stats either Sunday or Wednesday, Members!!!
  • dodier01
    dodier01 Posts: 84 Member
    47 in the challenge, that is plenty. dodier01 is the last member. The challenge is closed to new members. Don't forget to post your stats either Sunday or Wednesday, Members!!!

    Yay!! Thanks! :)
  • Do you still have a spot left??? I would love to join. I started very seriously about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I am very motivated. Let me know if I can join you. Thanks.
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Do you still have a spot left??? I would love to join. I started very seriously about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I am very motivated. Let me know if I can join you. Thanks.

    Yeah, I guess I'll make it 50 members, I have a hard time telling ppl no, lol.
  • Thank you!
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Thank you!

    You're welcome.
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    47 in the challenge, that is plenty. dodier01 is the last member. The challenge is closed to new members. Don't forget to post your stats either Sunday or Wednesday, Members!!!

    You're welcome.

    Yay!! Thanks! :)
  • This weekend I want to make smart choices and not feel like this is challenge is a punishment and restricting...I want to view it as a lifestyle change. So good choices over the weekend on my food and I want to be more active. What are your goals for the weekend?? Remember, one day at a time...smile...
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    This weekend I want to make smart choices and not feel like this is challenge is a punishment and restricting...I want to view it as a lifestyle change. So good choices over the weekend on my food and I want to be more active. What are your goals for the weekend?? Remember, one day at a time...smile...

    I certainly dont look at it as punishment! I look at it as a complete life change. Like a great journey to a brand new me! I try to stick to my cals on the weekends and KEEP MYSELF VERY BUSY. Idol time for me=more time to think about food. My kids help keep me busy TRUST ME! LOL! You will do great, you'll see. :)
  • otrinao
    otrinao Posts: 53
    Here is my first weigh in. Not a big loss but atleast it's not a gain.

    04/03: 180.6
    04/10: 180.2
  • ok here goes my first weigh in!!!
    Starting weight for this challenge: 291.6
    Current weight: 286.6

    Im sooooo happy!!!!!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    My first weigh in. eek!...Not quite enough for even half a pound. I thought i did well and expect it to show up on the scale soon. I hope:).

    04/03: 208.0
    04/10: 207.6
  • 123Jude
    123Jude Posts: 56 Member
    ahhh first weigh in !

    and ooops what was that.....a big old nothing!!! so current weight still lies at 196lb x

    (i have increased my calories since i realised i was starving myself, so hopefully it will be benefical for next week !!)
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    I have no idea whether I posted this week's weigh in or not so if I did, please ignore! 264 for the week. 3 more lbs gone!
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are some of you that are disappointed in the results but so far, not even one of you guys have gained any weight! I did okay, I guess.

    Starting weight on MFP: 170
    Starting weight for this challenge: 163
    Current weight: 158
    For a total of a 5 pound loss (since starting the challenge that is). This is disappointing because it WAS a 7 pound loss but I lost it Friday and Saturday. I didn't go over my cals, but I did gain two pounds :( But that's okay, next week will be even better!

    KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK LADIES! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Sana1116
    Sana1116 Posts: 54 Member
    soo..here it goes. this weeks weigh in

    199.4lbs so less than a pound lost...not too happy. but am definitly gona step things up this week and hopefully by next sunday those number will be changed!

  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Busy weekend had me not posting...

    But I did weigh in on Saturday..

    Starting weight at MFP: 312 (6 months ago today)
    Challenge Start :251
    4/9 - 251

    So 1lb this week. Not bad, I had been averaging 2lbs a week, but I had my schedule change this week and I lost a cardio day. I have now added one back in Sunday mornings at 6:30 for a jog. hope for a better result next week
  • Wow! You all are doing great! I will be weighing in on Wednesday.
This discussion has been closed.