Any here needing to lose over 100?

pook2bahottie Posts: 4
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I just joined WW -again and want to use this sight as well but would
Love support from those who are
In the same boat and have a Lot to lose but are committed to getting healthier
This year-I also am using the WW site but want to use this one as well-any
Suggestions? Thanks


  • Walt75
    Walt75 Posts: 182 Member
    OMG yeah ha ha ME ME!! Got any magic??? lol!
  • *raises hand* Me!!! I was an avid weight watcher for a year and I have to say, the new program ruined me. I followed it religiously and I gained....GAINED! :-( I joined here to get back on track and I love it! I'm at 73 so far and have another 125 to go! We can do it!
  • I just joined WW -again and want to use this sight as well but would
    Love support from those who are
    In the same boat and have a Lot to lose but are committed to getting healthier
    This year-I also am using the WW site but want to use this one as well-any
    Suggestions? Thanks

    Me!! I'm excited too, I have a lot to lose, about 160 pounds total, but I'm making small goals. Trying to lose 30 pounds by Sept 1~
  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    Yep..I've been here since Jan. And have lost 36 lbs. Need a little over 100 to go.. its a long process but with determination, portion control and lots and lots of water..anything is possible..:) Oh and a little exercise here and there helps too :)
  • Oh and before I forget, 0 point fruits are evil. Watch out for them. That's the best advice I can give you.
  • StacyD015
    StacyD015 Posts: 62 Member
    i need ti lose bt 80... im 225 and doc said i must get back to "normal" weight ... Im 24yrs old and he says i have the blood pressure of an ill 50 yr old :( basically worse than my dads :(... im doin this to feel better in myself but also for my health... my family have a bad heart disease problem and i keep telling myself im still young enough to prevent this happning 2 me... You'll be gr8 keep it up... REMEMBER.. You can only live 4 urself xxx
  • Tules13
    Tules13 Posts: 16
    I have 240 to lose to be at my goal... and I am just taking it 1 day at a time and not beating myself up if I have a bad day.... or week.
  • Taznmb1
    Taznmb1 Posts: 15
    I have 100 more to loose..... I am with Tules13 1 day at a time. ... It makes just sense... since she is my wife...
  • Hi, I'm also in the "over-100-to-lose" boat. I've struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. I quit smoking 8 years ago and that's where the real eating began. My doc said that smoking does the same damage to your heart as gaining 100 lbs. So right now, I might as well have not quit the cigs. I'm now the heaviest I've ever been. My goal is to lose 100 lbs and then see where I can go from there.

    I've been using my fitness pal for less than a week and I've already lost 2 lbs! Just from tracking what I eat! I'm pretty excited about the possibilities.

  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    As some one who "only" has about 45 pounds to lose (lat year it was 80 ponds:) I just wanted to say how soo much more brave, dedicated and amazing compared to me you must all be to make this happen. You inspire me. We can all only take one step at a time indeed. You shall prevail.
  • amy_p
    amy_p Posts: 82
    I'm here too! I want to lose ~200 total... I'm at 65 now :-)
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    I used to be 305lbs, went down to 179, and now up to over 200 again- and I want to lose around 75lbs! I know it's tough but my advice is to take 5lbs at a time, ENJOY ALL VICTORIES and the PROCESS~!
  • mjmtxk
    mjmtxk Posts: 33
    Well they don't call me "The Heavy Revy" for no reason! (I'm a pastor) I hit my highest weight last year at 408 lbs. I'm a giant of a man, 6'7" tall with a seven foot wing span. SO I don't look like I weigh that much but I did. My joints will quickly tell you I DO weight that much! I'm 39 and feeling every pound! Battling Lyme Disease for eight years hasn't helped.

    I've now lost 34 lbs since the first of the year and feeling better. I still have 134 lbs to go. I'm living proof that ANYONE can do it! I've had atrocious eating habits for years. Finally starting to put it all together. My wife and I are both doing it together and that helps.

    Best if luck to you! Stick with it. You can do it, just takes time and commitment. I've learned there are no shortcuts worth taking.

    Anyone looking for a supportive friend, feel free to add. I'm a married man and a Christian, so you will get no "unwanted attention", just encouragement! ;-) God bless!
  • My doc said that smoking does the same damage to your heart as gaining 100 lbs. So right now, I might as well have not quit the cigs.

    Oh honey, dont EVER say that you shouldn't have quit smoking! Take it from me, you're so much better off! I work in a heart lab and see young people...18 was the youngest so far and he was a smoker....having heart attack every day because of cigarettes!
  • I need to lose over 100 pounds as well, that is my main goal and then I will see where I need to go from there. I'm doing this one day at a time and I know I will get there. Now is the time and I am going to do it!
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    i have just over 100 to lose, too. we can definitely do this, just gotta stick with it! (:
  • melly196804
    melly196804 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello and welcome. I have about 160 to lose. I started off with 335 and and am down to 302. Each day is an accomplishment. I was ready to have gastric bypass but am determined to do it on my own. We can do this! I have learned that we have the tools in our hands we just have to use them correctly. Eat right and move, that is how you start. I have never joined weight watchers or other weight loss groups but have heard many success stories. Good Luck, the best part is that you have a whole support system right here.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Hello and welcome. I have about 160 to lose. I started off with 335 and and am down to 302. Each day is an accomplishment. I was ready to have gastric bypass but am determined to do it on my own. We can do this! I have learned that we have the tools in our hands we just have to use them correctly. Eat right and move, that is how you start. I have never joined weight watchers or other weight loss groups but have heard many success stories. Good Luck, the best part is that you have a whole support system right here.

    Keep up the great work! I think it's great that you're doing it on your own other than gastric bypass. I do believe that you have to do the same thing but the surgery can cause complications! You understand that- and I think it's important!
  • So, how is everyone doing here? Any success stories? Anyone needing to vent about a slip up or share a story about a non-success situation?
  • are you all still here? I am back...for good this time!
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