No Inches off my thighs...aaarrrggghhh!!!

fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok so I started my weightloss journey on the 3rd Jan 2011 and I've lost roughly 17lbs, I seemed to have lost weight on my tummy and bust not much,but unfortunately for me my thighs have literally stayed the same!! :0(

Its really bugging me because this is the part of my body I dislike the most. Was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and how did you manage to combat it. Pleeeeeeeaaaaaasssseeee tell me my thighs wont look like tree trunks

I do exercise but I think it probably does not combat the fat thighs effectively....clearly it, any effective exercise tips anyone could give me I'd be really greatful.

P.s my exercises usually are Dancing and Walking!!



  • my thighs and hips where the last to go
  • Yes! I have the same problem...I've lost 10lbs so far and I can see a difference for sure but when I measure the thighs...nothing is gone!

    From everything I've read, we can't target where we lose and I think my thighs will be the last place the fat comes from but I suppose that just gives me more motivation to keep doing this.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Usually the first place where you add weight is going to be the last place you lose it. Sad, but true for my pear shaped self, too.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I run, walk, use the elliptical, ride my bike and my thighs aren't going anywhere :-( My outer thighs are getting toned but the inner thigh flab is refusing to go away. You aren't alone, I just figure they will have to catch up sooner or later :-)
  • neonpink
    neonpink Posts: 203 Member
    I started to notice a difference after about 35 lbs on my hips and thighs, I would recommend doing lots of squat exercises with weights if you can !
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    I have had the best luck with lvl 3 of 30 day shred. each week I lost and 1/2 to an inch off my thighs. Doing sumo jumps and pleat hops I think it what did it!
  • ginnygurl
    ginnygurl Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, my friends call me ginnygurl, I have BIG thights too, however I stop eating bread I will admit every once in a while I
    will cook me a pan of cornbread jiffy) but for the most NO bread and I love/hate kick boxing, my gym offer this class with real gloves
    and bags (Knucke Up) and girl you get a work and your lower body will shape up my did, and walking is good, but try a little jogging
    and all worked for me. I just join MFP two week ago, I wish I had this when I was in the gym 4-5 days a week. Later
    have a great day and keep up the GREAT WORK 17LBS THAt AWESOME...... :smile:
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    You can't make weight be lost from any place in particular. Different fat deposits are easier or harder for your body to access to get the energy from, obviously, your body will take it from the places that are easiest first. Just keep at it and you will lose from your thighs. It's just a matter of time.
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    I envy you! I wish I could see more of a loss in my tummy! :noway:
  • fattygirl31
    fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanking everyone for the responses, glad to know im not the only one out there with thunder thighs!!! might have to invest in the 30 day shed, Im not a fan of the gym prefer doing exercise in the privacy of my own home where I can spare the

    Ok as for running I'd really like to start jogging and I do attempt to but I have quite a large bust each one probably weighs a and even though i wear a bra,sports bra, muscle top and a tight vest(I know its a mission,,lol)when I run it seems to still hurt my chest I'm hoping as I lose more weight running will become easier!!

    Guess I may have to deal with my thunder thighs a little longer as I think they will definately be the last to

    Well done all of you on your weight loss and taking the steps to change and IO hope all of you achieve the goals you set for yourselves.

    Good luck!! :0)
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