Am I the only one that hates to work out?

OBXGal Posts: 113 Member
The diet thing I've got down...I have no problem staying within my allotted calories. BUT, I just hate to work out! For me, cutting calories has always been the easy fix to 'get skinny' but I just can't tackle the working out piece. I know I need to, to burn more calories and help tone up this flabby skin, but I just can't get motivated to work out.

I've been doing the 30 DS sporadically and need to get down to business. I'm seeing the lbs melt off, but nothing is toning up at this point. Anyone with the same issue??


  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    I used to hate working out too. My hubby wanted a Wii so he bribed me with the whole "but just think you can exercise here in comfort without going to the gym" He knows me too well because I now exercise almost every day using the Wii Fit Plus.

    Have you considered some type of workout that makes it fun? My kiddos love watching me do the Wii Fit and I hardly feel like I'm exercising at all.
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    Have you ever tried strength training at a gym? Its a little bit different atmosphere and might spark your interest a little more. Usually the diet is the hardest part for most people, so you are lucky!!
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    I know how you feel. I absolutely hate exercising and just cannot get myself to do it unless I randomly get up a lot of energy.
    My friend is going to school to be a personal trainer and I asked if she would work with me one or two days during the week and I find that if I take a walk with my nephew and bring him to the park, I don't really mind that and end up getting a decent amount of exercise in!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Yeah....I tend to loose interest in exercise very quickly as well. I love running, but haven't been able to run because I don't have a gym membership. I'm not fussy on running outdoors either.

    I'm trying something new tomorrow, so hopefully I can stick with it!
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    I used to hate working out too. In risk of sounding cliche, I love it. Zumba fit for wii and other game consoles is SOOO much fun. It really gets you sweating too!
  • OBXGal
    OBXGal Posts: 113 Member
    I have Wii fit and I got Just Dance 2, which I do occasionally as well. But I just can't get motivated to start and KEEP going. Even with the 30 day shred which you are supposed to do every day, the most days I've done consecutively is 4.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I kind-of hate it. But it means I get to eat more! And once those endorphins kick in, I feel awesome.
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    Hate hate hate it...For loads of reasons.... :explode: But i try to get 3 days a week in...Really depends in my mood when i get kids to bed...
  • Pamela90B
    Pamela90B Posts: 18 Member
    No, I hate it too. I get so bored!
  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91
    You truly have to find something you find fun. You'll never keep it up if you don't. The first 3 to 4 weeks of working out I have to really, really make myself and I hate it. Finally by the 4th or 5th week I get hooked. My worst days are when I don't work out. I hate rest days. It can happen and you can learn to love it but you'll have to find something you intensely enjoy. Good luck!
  • Stephanie4Cali
    Stephanie4Cali Posts: 12 Member
    I hate to work out. I have an elliptical and I would watch TV while doing it, but still would get bored, so now I turn up the music and I play on my iPad scrabble with friends, etc. Sometimes I talk on the phone which is hard to do because I'm short on breath. Just do something to keep your mind off the workout.
  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    I wasn't crazy about it either. But I was told it takes 21 days to create a habit. So I stuck it out and made it a habit to get up early and use my elliptical in the morning, and first thing when I get off work. Believe it or not, now I don't like NOT exercising. Now I'm looking for different things to make me feel good. I ordered the Zumba dvds, and I'm thinking about the Couch to 5k program. And I've never run before in my life. Ha, I've never exercised in my life. And I'm 53.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    I hated working out until I started MFP. I surprised myself because exercise was NOT an option before, hence my fatness. The strange thing is that once I started FORCING myself to do it starting out just 3-5 minutes a day of nothing but jumping jacks - stuff like that I eventually got into it and found, and the rest is history. I actually LIKE working out now! I didn't see any weight loss for awhile at first, but I could feel myself getting stronger which made me keep at it and the best thing beside getting in shape is the 'happy' feeling I get after a good sweat. I don't quite know how to explain it but these workouts have been a great help in cutting down my appetite(for the most part) and also cutting down on my hellish menopausal meltdowns! Needless to say if I don't lose another pound(although I will) I'll be exercising for mental health if nothing else cause I was CRAAAAAAAZYYYYY!:grumble: :angry: :yawn: :mad: :tongue: :glasses:
  • MommaToFour
    MommaToFour Posts: 106
    Grab a friend that has the same goals that you do. It's so much easier to go for a jog...or a power walk...etc...if you are doing it with a friend. Before we moved to the middle of no where, I use to hit the pavement daily with my close friend. It was great mommy time with great rewards!!! It's also someone that can help keep you accountable! :)
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    hate hate hate! i hate to sweat involuntarily, and here i'm doing it by choice. truthfully though, i'm only doing it for additional calories and hopefully to finally force me to quit smoking for good.