People say hurtful things...



  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    My friends never quite know what to do when we're shopping either. I stand there while they try on their "normal" sizes, I pretend I'm interested in the jewelry or handbags, and then when we pass a store that has my size, they look at me and are like, "Do you want to go in? We can wait if you want to look..." I know they mean well, but it's just so annoying.
    Ooooh. I have the same problem with my mom!

    My worst was not something actually said to me. My in-laws pulled my husband aside several years ago to "inquire" about my weight "out of concern for my health." They're so "concerned" that the last time they came to visit they brought a whole batch of sugar cookies and a whole batch of brownies with them. All that went straight into the trash the minute they walked out the door.
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    When I was in high school, I kept going up and down between 130-150 pounds. Being 5'2, I looked quite chubby. My brother would put up one of those pics of those 500+ lbs lady posing in the nude (they would have those in the greeting cards section at stores like spencer's), he put it up on the fridge thinking it'll help me stop overeating. Now I wish I was back to 130-150 lbs.
  • haldeman5
    haldeman5 Posts: 121 Member
    I was grocery shopping one day and I saw some new spicy doritos that were on sale and I knew my husband wanted to try them so I grabbed a bag. An older woman looked at me and said do you really think you need those!!!!! UGH I was so pissed especially since I wasn't even planning on eating them and it was so rude! People amaze me at what they say to strangers...obviously no one taught them to keep there mouths shut:-( I just try to treat people of all shapes and sizes with respect! Just remember people who say rude things are usually trying to over compensate for whatever they are lacking in their lives. It makes them happier to make other people as miserable as them!!!!
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    My brother walked into my room, said, "You eat too much, and you're getting fat," and walked out. I' have an ED and he knows it.

    Not to mention I'm at a healthy weight. :/
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Hmm I had a 2yr old in my preschool class tell me that I was having a baby just like her mommy cause I have a fat belly (this normally wouldn't bother me since Kids are just honest, however hubby and I have been TTC for over a year now..and I'd like nothing more then to gain a few lbs because I have a baby growing inside me)

    However I think the WORST thing someone ever said/done was when I was shopping with a skinny friend and the sales lady made it a point to let me know that nothing in the store would fit me.(I took the purse,earrings,and necklace I had and was intending to buy and left them laying on the ground,my friend gave the lady the clothes she had in her arms and we both left).

    There was another time I was doing some Christmas shopping and looking at stuff for my niece and the sales person felt the need to tell me that the plus size section would have a better selection for me.

    I, too, was shopping for gift in a clothing store and the very slender saleswoman came running over to me to tell me that they did not carry anything that would fit me. I was mortified as she said it loud enough for other shoppers to hear. I held back the tears and politely told her that I was shopping for gift but that there wasn't anything in the store that my friend would like. Thinking back on it...reminds of the movie "Pretty Woman" when she was trying to buy a dress to go out to dinner.....hurts no matter why the shop says that you don't belong in it.
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    People are ridiculous. I can't even imagine saying those things. Use common sense and consideration for others people....
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    I am sorry for what those people said to you, you should have high-fived their face!

    Personally I just got sick of my boyfriend poking my bum and asking when I was going to get rid of this, I am now back down to the weight I was when I met him a year ago (yet he still wants me lighter) and now he is the one carrying the extra couple of kilos so I make a point to poke his beer gut every few days and ask when he plans on shrinking it as I held up my end of the bargain and got back to what I was!

    I would dump anyone so superficial. :grumble:
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Hmm I had a 2yr old in my preschool class tell me that I was having a baby just like her mommy cause I have a fat belly (this normally wouldn't bother me since Kids are just honest, however hubby and I have been TTC for over a year now..and I'd like nothing more then to gain a few lbs because I have a baby growing inside me)

    However I think the WORST thing someone ever said/done was when I was shopping with a skinny friend and the sales lady made it a point to let me know that nothing in the store would fit me.(I took the purse,earrings,and necklace I had and was intending to buy and left them laying on the ground,my friend gave the lady the clothes she had in her arms and we both left).

    There was another time I was doing some Christmas shopping and looking at stuff for my niece and the sales person felt the need to tell me that the plus size section would have a better selection for me.

    I, too, was shopping for gift in a clothing store and the very slender saleswoman came running over to me to tell me that they did not carry anything that would fit me. I was mortified as she said it loud enough for other shoppers to hear. I held back the tears and politely told her that I was shopping for gift but that there wasn't anything in the store that my friend would like. Thinking back on it...reminds of the movie "Pretty Woman" when she was trying to buy a dress to go out to dinner.....hurts no matter why the shop says that you don't belong in it.

    Ask to speak with their boss next time. Get their sorry butts fired or at least written up. :tongue:
  • fukuyama
    fukuyama Posts: 43
    I`m in Japan teaching English and let`s just say I`m terribly ``fat`` by their standards... Anyways, one day, I was eating ONE cookie and a male colleague told me - in front of the whole damn staff - that I should strongly consider what I put in my mouth.
    `` You don`t want to become the first female sumo in history, dont you ? `` That one really hurt...
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    When my son was about 8 months old, I was getting lunch at a local restaurant and the guy checking me out asked when I was due. I was always really thin before I had my son and had heard of these types of tales but never truly believed it really happened. I was appalled.
  • ContinuousEffort
    The last man I dated, squeezed my butt and said, "You got junk in your truck." I think he might have liked the
    junk in my truck, but I was embarrassed and wanted his hands off my butt.
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    I am sorry for what those people said to you, you should have high-fived their face!

    I agree, what jerks. I would have ditched that old boyfriend too!
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    my husband tried to tell me that over time I would ruin the drivers seat in our car with my weight (never did happen) he also tried to tell me that this scar I have had since I was 9 (I scraped the same spot over and over for a whole year and even chipped the bone REALLY bad on the merry go round) on my shin, he said it was the bone probably 'giving' from the weight. yeah i have had the pregnancy question, the rude looks as I shop for my daughters clothes, my grandmother announcing (when I was 6) at the top of her lungs in a restaraunt that I eat more than her. She also used to introduce me as "this is my grandaughter jessica. wouldnt she beautiful if she were thin?"

    Yup. My thoughts....its the the size of my heart that counts, not the size of my waistline. So they can all kiss my shrinking *kitten* ;)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    My Exhusband discribing a girl he worked with "She's just like you... Back when you were skinny and young" He did start dating her after he moved out.

    OMG, what a *kitten*. UGH.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I once had a homeless lady walk by me on the street and say to me "You're fat"
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I`m in Japan teaching English and let`s just say I`m terribly ``fat`` by their standards... Anyways, one day, I was eating ONE cookie and a male colleague told me - in front of the whole damn staff - that I should strongly consider what I put in my mouth.
    `` You don`t want to become the first female sumo in history, dont you ? `` That one really hurt...

    That's terrible...I'm so sorry that happened!! :noway:
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    I am sorry for what those people said to you, you should have high-fived their face!

    Personally I just got sick of my boyfreind poking my bum and asking when I was going to get rid of this, I am now back down to the weight I was when I met him a year ago (yet he still wants me lighter) and now he is the one carrying the extra couple of kilos so I make a point to poke his beer gut every few days and ask when he plans on shrinking it as I held up my end of the bargain and got back to what I was!
    Good for you!
  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    I had someone say something hurtful just this weekend. My husband and I and my best friend and her boyfriend went to the movies together. There was an older lady taking the movie tickets on the way in and her name was Margaret and my friend's boyfriend who is one of those chatty people was like "do you go by Peggy?" and she said "No, it sounds too much like PIggy." My best friend jumps in and points to me and says "She's calls me Piggi" That is what we lovingly call her because she is an amazing beautiful Egyptian girl whose name is Reham and somehow we ended up calling her "piggi" because of the "ham" part of her name. Now I realize the lady a the movie theater does't know that but she looks at me and says "you have that all wrong, you look more like the piggy to me." I was so pissed! How flippin' rude!
  • muffintopteri
    We need comeback friends! I love to think of things to answers these crazy people "before" they say their rude things. Obviously some of them just blindside us and those are not as easy to answer because of the shock but if we could be armed ahead of time...:wink:
    When are you due? "Today in fact. I think I just felt a contraction"
    Store clerk saying they have nothing in your size. "Oh I'm not shopping for clothes I'm from the better business bureau investigating customer complaints about your customer service."
    Rude relatives. Yeesh we need a lot of these, help me out people!!!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    Sorry you guys had those bad experiences.

    Mine is not about weight but it was hurtfull and made me so angry.

    After telling my mother inlaw that we were expecting twins she was like really?
    Jackie your pregnant? I said yes and she was like oh wow and insted of saying something nice
    the first thing that came out of her mouth was "oh! we don't have money for a babie shower"

    i had a very similar one when i finally got up the nerve to call my dad to tell him i was pregnant. my stepmother answered the phone and apparently someone else had already told them, cuz the first thing she said was "are you really pregnant?" to which i said "yes." her response? "well, you're not really in a very good financial situation to be having a baby right now are you? and we don't have any money to help you either." so, i told her about the nightmares i'd been having about not being able to conceive, and told her that i was grateful that God had decided to give me a child, and i was choosing to be happy about it. could she please put daddy on the phone?

    i held it together til after i'd spoken with my father, but i cried for about 4 days afterward. she never apologized, but after the baby was born, she came to adore him as much as anyone. but it still hurts to such an extent that when my dad isn't answering my calls, i don't check in with her anymore. i just don't talk to her at all if i can help it. i remember how hard it was for her and dad to conceive my little sister.