I'm afraid to weigh myself



  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I say... Don't weigh! If you don't want to, you don't have to! Follow MFP's recommendations, and you will lose weight! Take measurements every two weeks instead. You don't ever have to know what you weigh. Just keep going and going and going until you're happy! Forget about the healthy BMI; you find where you feel healthiest when you get there, okay?

    Much easier said than done though, you know? Good luck to you.

    EDIT: And, now, I just remembered that to get the most accurate MFP calorie goals, you do need your weight entered correctly. Darnit. :grumble:
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Everyone has good advice so far. I'd like to add to their comments that you should really not focus on how much you want to lose overall. Just start with you wanting to lose 10 or 15 pounds. It's much easier to reach that goal and is much less daunting when you think about it. Once you hit that goal then set a new goal of another 10 pounds. In the beginning you might be lucky for the first few months and lose 10 pounds a month. That will give you a LOT of motivation to keep going as you get back in shape.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Everyone has good advice so far. I'd like to add to their comments that you should really not focus on how much you want to lose overall. Just start with you wanting to lose 10 or 15 pounds. It's much easier to reach that goal and is much less daunting when you think about it. Once you hit that goal then set a new goal of another 10 pounds. In the beginning you might be lucky for the first few months and lose 10 pounds a month. That will give you a LOT of motivation to keep going as you get back in shape.

    AWESOME advice! I never thought of it this way, but will from now on!!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Way to go. Now you know where you are. You can enter the right stuff in MFP, and that fear has been faced. If nothing else, facing fear has resulted in you becoming mentally more strong so you can face other things in the future. Add to that the fact that you now have a weight to measure from and see your progress, and even with being heavier than you guessed, you have two pluses. I hope the workout goes well for you.
  • veganbecky
    veganbecky Posts: 29 Member
    Kudos for getting the courage to weigh yourself! I think knowledge is empowering. Now when you follow your MFP recommendations for a week and work out, you should see a loss next week, and that will feel great! If you hadn't gotten a starting weight, you wouldn't know how much you lost each week and be able to celebrate it! Good luck to you, I am just starting out, too as of a couple of weeks ago, and I'm still figuring out how often I want to weight myself. At first I was weighing daily, because it was going down daily and it felt great! But now my weight loss has leveled out and I'm getting into that nitty gritty slow weight loss where I won't see much of a change from day to day, so I'm going to start weighing in once a week so I don't get discouraged.
  • Kjohnson2387
    Kjohnson2387 Posts: 16 Member
    At least you took the correct step to get going in the right direction, and you're absolutely right... you'll never have to see that number again if you keep at it. I personally never thought I'd reach the number I did and boy--that got me off the couch to do something about it! I also agree with everyone else, set small goals and you'll be able to overcome anything. :)
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I am on the same boat as you. I was afraid to weigh myself so I put the weight I was the last time I was weighed. I am afraid to weight myself for my first weigh in, but it helps that I have no scale in my house. I am 27 and I hate myself for 90% of my life, after months and months of theraputic groups I have learned that I am a pretty woman. I may not be happy with my weight, but I am pretty. Now I just want my body to match how I see myself. You took the right step by joining this site and I wish you so much luck in your weight loss journey. You every need to talk to someone feel free to message me.
  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    I would imagine it's hard to stay motivated if you don't know what you've lost. You saying I could be 25 pounds heavier, takes away the feeling of success you should have!
  • I know the FEAR of the scale, but if you don't weigh now then you won't ever know if your making progress. I weight 224 and my goal is 140. I truly hate getting on the scale but when I do, I know I'm going to see progress. You'll feel better if you get it over with then start doing a once a week weigh in and you see the progress. Don't get discouraged if its just a 1/2 a lb you lose atleast your losing something right? Keep your head up and no that you have support on here. I know how you feel completely. I've been fighting with trying to lose weight for a while now and I am constantly getting unmotivated but I truly believe now with the help,advice and motivation of this site I can do it, as can you. Feel free to add me if you'd like to talk.
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    The one scale I will NOT step on is at the Doctors office. I don't know why but my anxiety and feelings of being vulnerable skyrockets when they sweetly ask you to get on the scale. It may be that for an afternoon appointment you've eaten, have pounds of clothing on and it is just a little too private before you even get in the office with a paper gown and cold breeze. I just tell them 'no thank you, my weight this morning was...." Have not had any problems, no matter which doctor office I'm at.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I totally felt for you. And when you weighed, I felt for you even more! :heart: Been there!! Didnt step on a scale for over 5 years! And OMG, I nearly died and cried and all sorts when I finally did! :sad:

    But you know what hun, living in denial is what got us fat!

    The hard, cold truth is we need to lose weight. Reality sucks, but so does heart disease, HBP and diabetes!

    So, now we know, lets DO something about IT!! :bigsmile:

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • lolacanaday
    lolacanaday Posts: 21 Member
    Hello, I know that your initial post was over a month ago, but I came across it and I just wanted to say GOOD FOR YOU! You have probably inspired many others by not only having the courage to weigh, but to tell people the truth about your fears!!! I'm afraid of the scale too. Seems like if I'm on track I want to weigh myself every single day! When I'm not I want to throw it in the garbage!
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    In college I used to avoid looking @ my credit card bills because it made me feel nervous to think about how much I had to pay down. I would just pay chunks off and kind of stumble along not knowing how much was actually on there. When I finally sucked it up and looked at it it was a bit higher than I thought, but not crazy. If I had looked at it sooner, I probably could have paid it off faster.

    I think our weight is the same. You have to really face it in order to take control of it.

    Congrats on taking control! :-)
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Screw the BMI number, what looks and feels good is the number you should go for. My BMI is very high, well into obese. While I am over weight I wear a size 14, not as big as my BMI makes me feel. I am not trying to hit any number other then a goal weight!
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    Do you have to weigh? Use some other measure, such as clothing size, bust measurement, or notches in a belt. Have your doctor weigh you silently and give you a calorie goal. If the thought of weighing is holding you back, by George, just don’t do it!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    cbelc2 wrote: »
    Do you have to weigh? Use some other measure, such as clothing size, bust measurement, or notches in a belt. Have your doctor weigh you silently and give you a calorie goal. If the thought of weighing is holding you back, by George, just don’t do it!

    I don't think OP is coming back after seven years to answer your question.