I didn't know where else to post this...

...so I posted it in Motivation and Support.

This evening while at the grocery store, my boyfriend and I were walking down the aisles and he picked up some dessert type item and asked if I wanted to get it. I just said yeah if you want, but really didn't think twice about it. He kind of looked at me odd and said oh sorry. I said why are you sorry about getting it? He said because your diet thing. I said in response,"it doesn't bother me if you want it. It's not like I can't have it at all. I'm just learning to moderate myself that's all". So he got it and I haven't even eaten any of it at all. And it hasn't bothered me at all. And it was at that point in the store that I realized that I don't feel deprized while doing this program. It wasn't like I could never eat it again. I'm just more focused on eating healthy and knowing I can still have it, makes me feel like I still have some control over myself. I've been on crazy diets in the past, and they say you can't have this or that, and then you feel like killing someone to get that something (just as a saying. lol). I've only been on this program for 2 weeks and I've lost 5 pounds just by moderating a little more and moving more. Which is a really simple equation (it's not like I haven't been told that in the past), but it's easier said than done at times. It's just you have to find that motivation. And I am happy to say that I feel like I've found mine and it's not in some crazy diet plan...finally!

Anyways, I've been thinking about that all night and I just thought I would share it with others. :)


  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    that's fabulous. i hereby dub that "dessert type item" your first Non-Scale Victory!

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
  • chrymo
    chrymo Posts: 17
    I know your dilemma, my wife always says she loves to see me eating so deliciously, and when I started the MFP program a few days back, she was all teary eyed and everybody in the house was all gloomy when I went to eat with them on the table and they all ate something I previously enjoyed eating and here I am chowing on a bowl of oatmeal...

    I said, "I am getting healthier! and thats what you should be all happy about!" They all smiled and now they help me count calories before I eat...

    Now I have this mindset that when I eat this, it would be amounting to a certain number of minutes, and I just drop the food altogether...
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Congratulations! Isn't that an awesome feeling? I find that after barely a month of eating healthier (and smaller portions) I don't crave very many of the "junk" foods I used to eat way too much of. I also tell myself the same thing--I can have anything in moderation, if I really want something. Funny thing is, I don't want any of those things at the moment. My body is getting used to exercise and better nutrition and that's what I'm starting to crave :)
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    I have found myself in similar situations. I've been at this program for almost 2 months now and I find myself craving the junk foods much less, and when I do have a craving, I indulge, but don't overindulge. My fiancee still eats what he wants, and I eat a bite or two then pass up the junk for healthier things. Lifestyle modification is the way to go! I have not removed anything from my diet. Just less of everything unhealthy and more of the healthy stuff! Keep it up!!!!!!!
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    thats awesome :bigsmile:

    totally know what you mean,
    certain diet just makes you want to go crazy after about a month. into it... and you just start to feel like you want to binge. and its just drive you nuts.

    i bet its an awesome feeling to have knowing that you can still have it, just take control and make sure you have the right portion. :)

    im happy for you. :)
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Cravings and portions have always been my dilemma. I've only been on this site for a few days, but I agree that it is helping with those things already. Simply being concious of what I eat helps me to eat better, and the nutrition counts help me to target the ways in which I need to improve. At my church potluck today, rather than try some of everything, I made healthier choices just by being aware of those choices. I even had dessert, but a half of one, and one worth thecalories, so I didn't feel deprived.