Quick Intro

I'm a month away from my 26th birthday, female, and currently receiving my mail in Dallas, Texas. I'm also slightly overweight and trying to get down a a presentable weight for my parents' 50th birthday party on October 6th and even slimmer to be in a wedding party on November 10th. I'd also like to lose weight/ focus on a healthier lifestyle for more energy

I'm a general manager of a local restaurant, so I spend most of my day on my feet. (and there's a bit of stress involved with my job).

So, hello everyone!


  • DoubleC
    I'm a month away from my 26th birthday, female, and currently receiving my mail in Dallas, Texas. I'm also slightly overweight and trying to get down a a presentable weight for my parents' 50th birthday party on October 6th and even slimmer to be in a wedding party on November 10th. I'd also like to lose weight/ focus on a healthier lifestyle for more energy

    I'm a general manager of a local restaurant, so I spend most of my day on my feet. (and there's a bit of stress involved with my job).

    So, hello everyone!