Your Fitness Plan of Attack: April 11-18th



  • bellawomenswellness
    bellawomenswellness Posts: 99 Member
    My Fitness Goal/Objective: Burn at least 500-800 cals/day from either walking, jogging, running, swimming etc.
    Continue to keep my daily sodium consumption to around 1,500-2,000 mg. Lose another 1lb by Friday (I weigh myself every Friday morning at home and usually have lost between 1/2lbs to 2.5lbs). Continue to stay positive about myself & my progress regardless of how this week goes... even though I know it'll rock!

    LOVE the CLEAR focus and can do attitude!!!!
  • So normally I burn 1000 to 1500 cals a day... Pretty much a 45 minute run and 1 hr of kickboxing.... N I just started a goal of 600 pushups a week and 800 crunches... I get them in throughout the day....n when I have time I do aerobic rest day I just go for a run :)
  • deborahmorris
    deborahmorris Posts: 177 Member
    Hey I just finished a 3 month weight loss support group session...I lost 21.5lbs.
    My support group willnot start again until April 30th...I need some accountabilty and motivation during the next few weeks....
    My plan for this week is:

    Monday - Walking 45mins
    Tuesday - Walking 45mins or Spinning 45 mins
    Wednesday - Walking 45mins
    Thursday - Walking 45mins or Spinning 45mins
    Friday - Walking 45mins
    Saturday - Spinning 45 mins
    Sunday - rest
    Monday - Walking 45mins

    If I can't get to go walking or spinning I will use my exercise DVD
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    I am doing the 30 day shred challenge, so I will be doing that each morning Level 2.

    monday, tuesday, wednesday I will run 3 miles on the treadmill in the evening.
    My main goal is watching my sodium and protein, eating more veggies!

    I like this thread, very encouraging!!
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    My fitness plan for Apr. 11-18:

    am-3 mile run (pushing a jogging stroller)
    am-30 min fartleks
    pm-core strengthening
    am-4 mi run
    am-20 min of hill intervals
    am-5 mi run
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    My fitness plan for Apr. 11-18:

    am-3 mile run (pushing a jogging stroller)
    am-30 min fartleks
    pm-core strengthening
    am-4 mi run
    am-20 min of hill intervals
    am-5 mi run
  • thumper67
    thumper67 Posts: 105
    My plan of attack will be to Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred level 2 for the next 10 days then on to level 3. Very challenging. Extra Cardio - via elliptical or Adaptive Motion Trainer for 45 minutes every day with 1 day in there to rest. Nutrition - try to eat different foods and stay within 1400 to 1500 calories per day!
  • My plan of attack this week is to do what I say I'm going to do!

    7:30am Bootcamp
    (Teach 2 water exercise classes)

    9am Core Conditioning
    9:30am weights in Fitness room
    10:45am Kettelbells

    7:30am Bootcamp
    (Teach 1 water ex class)
    10am Power water ex

    8am Body Vive
    9am Core Conditioning

    7:30am Bootcamp

    Nutrition goals - will record everything I eat in mfp journal. Also will try some healthy recipes from "Clean Eating".
  • aleft
    aleft Posts: 6
    I love this thread! I just started (again) so I'm starting out a bit slow :)

    MONDAY: Cardio 30mins, Zumba 20mins
    TUESDAY: 3hr hike with hubby (plan B because something always comes up: Cardio 30mins, p90X kenpo
    WEDNESDAY: Cardio 30mins, Zumba 1hr
    THURSDAY: Cardio 30mins, p90X yoga
    FRIDAY: Cardio 30mins
    SATURDAY: Rest
    SUNDAY: Cardio 30mins, Zumba 1hr with my mum :)

    [Cardio (c25K)]
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    This is a great idea! Maybe if I plan it out, I'll actually stick to it. :)

    I put my workouts in my phone like this every week. It pops up with a reminder "GO TO THE GYM" I love it. I wake up and know what workout i am doing everyday :)
  • bellawomenswellness
    bellawomenswellness Posts: 99 Member
    Hey I just finished a 3 month weight loss support group session...I lost 21.5lbs.
    My support group willnot start again until April 30th...I need some accountabilty and motivation during the next few weeks....
    My plan for this week is:

    Monday - Walking 45mins
    Tuesday - Walking 45mins or Spinning 45 mins
    Wednesday - Walking 45mins
    Thursday - Walking 45mins or Spinning 45mins
    Friday - Walking 45mins
    Saturday - Spinning 45 mins
    Sunday - rest
    Monday - Walking 45mins

    If I can't get to go walking or spinning I will use my exercise DVD

    AWESOME!!! I LOVE it!!!
  • bellawomenswellness
    bellawomenswellness Posts: 99 Member

    I put my workouts in my phone like this every week. It pops up with a reminder "GO TO THE GYM" I love it. I wake up and know what workout i am doing everyday :)

    GREAT IDEA!!! Is that is a "google calendar"? The reminder pop up???
  • bellawomenswellness
    bellawomenswellness Posts: 99 Member
    My plan of attack this week is to do what I say I'm going to do!

    7:30am Bootcamp
    (Teach 2 water exercise classes)

    9am Core Conditioning
    9:30am weights in Fitness room
    10:45am Kettelbells

    7:30am Bootcamp
    (Teach 1 water ex class)
    10am Power water ex

    8am Body Vive
    9am Core Conditioning

    7:30am Bootcamp

    Nutrition goals - will record everything I eat in mfp journal. Also will try some healthy recipes from "Clean Eating".

    That's my fellow fitness diva!!!! Step it up!!! You are so inspiring!!!
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    My Fitness Plan of Attack this week is to do

    Monday: Weightlifting, Abs & Low Intensity Cardio
    Tuesday: Lower Body Focus
    Wednesday: Weightlifting, Abs & Low Intensity Cardio
    Thursday: Lower Body Focus
    Friday: Weightlifting, Abs & Low Intensity Cardio
    Saturday: Pilates

    Still nursing my broken toe so hopefully I will be able to step it back up by next week.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240

    I put my workouts in my phone like this every week. It pops up with a reminder "GO TO THE GYM" I love it. I wake up and know what workout i am doing everyday :)

    GREAT IDEA!!! Is that is a "google calendar"? The reminder pop up???

    Yep I set it up on google calendar. And the reminder doesnt go away until you dismiss it. I set it up for pretty early in the morning so I know what i have to do and look forward to it :)
  • tellybelle
    tellybelle Posts: 144
    Nutritional goals;
    Drink at least 96 ounces of water per day
    Watch sodium levels and try to stay at 1500 mg
    Eat clean with very minimal processed foods
    Zig Zag calories (1200,1300,1500,1200,1400,1500,1200)
    No eating after 9 pm

    Fitness: Burn between 350-600 calories per workout day
    MONDAY: HITT/ Cardio Coach treadmill workout and Stepmill
    TUESDAY: 30 day shred level and Brazilian butt lift
    WEDNESDAY: 30 day shred and 6 weeks to 6 pack
    THURSDAY: HIIT/ Cardio Coach treadmill workout and Stepmill
    FRIDAY: 30 day shred and Brazilian butt lift
    SATURDAY: Rest
    SUNDAY: Run

    May have to tweak a little but that is my plan!
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    my plan of attack this week is..

    mon - am: 3 mile run pm: p90x chest & back

    tues - am: p90x plyometrics pm: 45 min elliptical

    wed - am: 3 mile run pm: p90x core synergistics

    thurs - am: p90x shoulders & arms pm: 45 min elliptical

    fri - am: 3 mile run pm: p90x legs & back

    sat - am: p90x kenpo pm: 45 mins elliptical

    sun - rest
  • evelynfarmer
    evelynfarmer Posts: 135 Member
    My fitness goals are to start 2 a days including Spinning in my evening workout or start a Jillian Michaels DVD either 30 day shred w/ weights or Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout. I should be getting some Upper/Lower/Total Body exercises soon to start weight lifing, if anyone has any, pls provide as for me when I see the weight room I am so lost.

    Also for this weekend not to have 2 rest days, 1 at the most, to go grocery shopping and stay consistant with my diet, not to focus on the scale but to focus on my eating and workout habits knowing that the weight loss will come.

    Also on April 14th there is a Navy Fitness 5K run, thinking that would be a good workout for me since I need to start running outside more b/c it elevates my weight loss, (Hey, plus I get a free t-shirt), lol.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    My goal this week is successfully run (at least one day) Week 4 of C25k. As a new runner, this 5 minute mark is killin' me! So my goal is to run it this week and not stop short and walk before the time is up.

    That said, I pre-packackaged some snacks to take to school so I don't starve and end up buying something unhealthy.

    As far as my workouts go:

    Monday - try C25k week 4, day 2.

    Tuesday - training w/ Allison: 11:30 - 12; Zumba at 6:30!!

    Wednesday - Oral Arguments at school; mandated rest day haha

    Thursday - attempt C25k week 4, day 3; strength training (probably a good day for legs and some core work)

    Friday - cardio on elliptical; strength training (arms/shoulders/back - one or some combination of those)

    Saturday - retry C25k, just to make sure if I got it on an earlier day, it was no fluke

    Sunday - rest day (read: do homework for Monday!)
  • relaws
    relaws Posts: 25 Member
    I plan on "restarting" my 30 day shred again since I didn't stick with it before. So, I'll do that and a 30-45 minutes everyday. Nutritionally, I am going to work on my water intake!
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