Not Loosing

Ugg this is not fun, i have been eating better, watching what i eat, counting calories, drinkings lots and lots of water. And i have been exercising almost everynight for 30-45mins. I've been doing this since oct. 15. The first week i lost 3lbs which i am guessing was water weight. But the scale hasn't budged since then. I'm getting unmotivated and feel like i'm doing all of this for nothing. Last night i had to force myself to exercise.


  • rainbow118
    rainbow118 Posts: 95 Member
    Ugg this is not fun, i have been eating better, watching what i eat, counting calories, drinkings lots and lots of water. And i have been exercising almost everynight for 30-45mins. I've been doing this since oct. 15. The first week i lost 3lbs which i am guessing was water weight. But the scale hasn't budged since then. I'm getting unmotivated and feel like i'm doing all of this for nothing. Last night i had to force myself to exercise.
  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    Rainbow, I feel like I have found a person who completely understands what I am going through. The first couple of weeks I lost consistently and now I'm stuck. Like you I have watched my calories, exercised and had what I thought was no results. I just measured this morning and there is a difference. Have you taken your measurements? You might see results there when you don't see them on the scale. Don't give up!
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    well you can probably look at it this way ( this is what i had to do when i was not losing the weight) i had to tell myself that even though i was not losing the weight, atleast I was making myself healthier on the inside, even if it may not show on the outside. this REALLY helped me through my tough time were i went for over a month without losing.

    you should also do a little research on the mfp website, then reavaluate what your doing.

    i hope this helps. :flowerforyou:
  • cab2424
    cab2424 Posts: 122 Member
    I am in the same boat. I have been doing this for two and a half weeks. Week one I lost 3 lbs, week 2 I gained .5. Now I have excercised 2 days in a row and still gained another .5. It is depressing I want to lose 10lbs by thanksgiving.
  • GoingToLoseIt
    Try taking measurements. I haven't lost a lot as far as pounds go, but I've lost over 15 inches so far, and I've dropped a pants size already, just because of those inches!

    Also - be looking for the "hidden calories" - in little things we don't always think about. Like, drink mixes, lollipops, etc. I discovered that my favorite little drink mix had 10 calories per serving. If I have 5 servings (easy to do at work) that was 50 calories I hadn't even realized I was consuming! That's not a lot each day, but it adds up over the weeks.
  • tlitzner
    tlitzner Posts: 124
    My first two weeks I lost 11 pounds and then nothing for 5 weeks. I was crazy frustrated, I knew that I could be eating cheeseburgers and not losing weight. But, I kept at it and it began melting off again. I read the "Expectitions" thread and I can tell you that is exactly how things went for me. Just keep at it.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    It's a slow process and you need to just keep at it. Eventually it will go down.

    Cab, two weeks isn't very long. And two days in a row isn't really that much. Make sure you eat all your calories, and don't go over by more than a few calories, then try to exercise 3 to 5 days a week. Results will happen you just have to give it some time.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    keep at it, it took me 2 weeks to lose my first found, and another 2 to lose anything more than that.
  • mellymlk
    mellymlk Posts: 187
    You're not doing it for noting. You feel good don't you. Try uping your exercises. Add more weights or make it more intense. Are you cheating on anything? Throw away the scale or make a pact not to weigh yourself for two weeks. You have to get threw this discouraging hump. This is the point when most people quit. But you don't want to be a quitter do you? You want to lose some weight this time. Quitting not gonna make that happen.
    Remember why it is you want to lose weight and repeat that to your self.

    Join our challenge starting over and not giving up. We have a pact not to weigh ourselves for two weeks.
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    That was how I felt too, we get so impatient and want it gone now, just remember, if you keep it up, you will lose, it is inevitable. Your body needs time to adjust, unfortuantely, when we get on a mission to lose weight, we are not a patient bunch and get disallusioned rather quickly. I try to think of it as a couple of ounces per day, then if it turns out to be greater than that, bonus, if I don't lose any I blame it on fluid retention :) It took me three months to become patient and accept that my body works slower than my brain thinks it should. You can do it, just keep believing. You should go back and read a few of the newbies posts by Banks, they really helped me.