
I'm not very good at this! Calorie counting seems to be very difficult! I usually FO to the gym 4-5 days a week and do atleast 50 mins of cardio each time and ab workouts and only do a little bit of wrights three times a week because I'm not looking to gain a lot of muscle I just want to tone. Well when I enter in my calories burned which is usually a lot for the amount of cardio I do it says to eat more calories. I eat enough and I do cardio but my stomach isn't shrinking!! :( I'm not over weight I just want a flat tummy maybe some moderate abs. What can I do?? I don't eat a lot of sugar as I'd like to ( such a sweet tooth) and don't drunk a lot... so what's the problem?


  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I think you may need to increase your calories a little...but we need more information first...

    how many calories do you eat on a day when you don't exercise? and how many calories do you eat when you do exercise? It would also be helpful to know how many you burn during your gym sessions. Although weight loss is typically calories in vs calories out, by giving your body too few calories your body may be holding on to them.

    Drink plenty of water too....drinking water is vital for health and weight will help flush the sodium out of your systems and keep you hydrated.

    Natalie :flowerforyou:
  • Gretchen70
    Gretchen70 Posts: 7 Member
    Kind of having the same problem! I just completed day 36 of P90x (the workout) and have only lost 5lbs.. I have been watching calories. My daily goal is 1700-1800 calories. I do vary what I take in in calories to between 1700-2100 calories per day. Heavy on the lean protein and veggies, plus drinking 160 oz. of water per day (and other beverages). I am 5 foot 11 inches and weight 175. Two years ago I lost 50lbs. I have back issues so in talking with my doctor, I have another 15-20 to go. I am totally toning up (in the first 28 days I lost 8.5 inches from all over my body) and my clothes fit awesome or are too big. However, I get up at 5/5:30am to do the 1 hour (sometime pluss) workouts and am still not making progress on my weight loss goals. I am also cranky and some days I feel kind of wimpy. Taking in more calories seems counter intuitive to me. what am I doing wrong? My husband keeps saying that I need ot be patient as we can see my flab turning to muscle. Thoughts?
  • Kriss1086
    Well I usually burn anywhere from 500-700 calories in cardio and I'm not too sure how many calories with weights because it varies so much but I also work 5 days a week standing and walking around all day at a bank. On a day I don't work put I eat 1200 calories I weight 150 and I'm 5'6. I eat good things too any carbs that I take in are whole wheats I eat chicken and veggies fish some dairy fruits etc. So I'm not sure I'm scared to eat more than I do but I get full fast when I eat my spinach salads and whole wheat wrap with chicken in it for lunch so it's hard to eat more also I don't like eating too much because it's uncorfortavke to stand at work on a full stomach