New to this site and fighting major health problems to lose

Hey there I'm Indi, I'm 29 and have some serious health problems which have me taking oral steroids every day (which I have been doing for nearly 7 years). Due to my health I find exercising very hard but I try (tho atm I'm not allowed to lift anything due to a couple of operations I have had).
At my heaviest I was 18.5 stone (259lbs) and I got down to about 13st (182lbs) sadly due to the ops and spending a large part of this winter immobile I have gone back upto 15st (210lbs). I try to eat 6 small meals a day with a high proetin/low fat and carb diet as with my meds it is the best way (its what my doctor recommended).
I'm hoping being here means that with the tracker I might be able to see if counting the carlories will help...(hasn't in the past) and maybe pick up some helpful tips from other people.
If any has any tips who has had the same problem as me I would very much appericate them


  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    Good luck. I was on oral steroids for 5 months recently and felt crummy all the time. I couldn't imagine taking them for years. I don't know what kind of health problems you are facing, but hopefully with clean eating and some movement your health will improve somewhat.
    All the best.
  • GIJaye
    GIJaye Posts: 7
    Hi Indi, Jenelle here. Just wanted to lend my support. don't give up hope, 2gether we can find something. Can you/do you swim? Bike ride? You mentioned you're not allowed to "lift" any thing, with these exercises you don't have to and you can still burn fat/calories and build muscle. Also, be careful with the protein. Meaning that foods high in protein ok but no supplements b/c if your not burning it off it will add to the weight gain.
  • mjmtxk
    mjmtxk Posts: 33
    OH DO I SYMPATHIZE WITH THE STEROIDS!!! I was on steroids for about six years! Been battling Lyme Disease for a LONG time. Hate what they do to me. I add weight like there is no tomorrow when on them. Finally told my docs NO on the steroids! I gained about 100 lbs while taking those bitter little beasts!

    I'm a married pastor, 39, father of two. If you are looking for a sympathetic friend who has been there, done that. Feel free to add me as a friend! Best of luck and hang in there!
  • ccadartist
    ccadartist Posts: 35 Member
    I understand your frustrations, I too am familiar with steroids. I'm on a off steroids all the time. I have been for the last 27 years. Stay positive. Plus, there are so many supportive people on this site as well. :happy:
  • indi1981
    indi1981 Posts: 2
    thank you for all the kind words. atm I have very limited internet connect so am unable to do this fully (was meant to be online as of yesterday but its still isn't working. Once I am I will be doing this in fully each day.
    A bit more of a insight into my health problems...I have chronic asthma with deformed lungs...this limits what CV things I can do, riding a bike is something I'm looking into for this summer but need the money to buy a bike. Swimming I love and do as often as possible. My normal exercise for the last 5 years has been lifting and packing boxes in my warehouse but as I said due to some Op's (last november I had a Hysterectomy and then 6 weeks ago I had my appendix out. ) I'm not allowed to do anything like that atm. On top of these issues I suffer from Atheritis and a couple of other health issues. its all fun and games in my world! haha.
    Once sgain I wanna say thank you and I look forward to getting to know you all better and maybe offer some bits of support and advice to the rest of you as well.#
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hey thought i'd drop in and say hi. Well i sympathise about the steroids they're no fun at all. I've been on inhaled steroids supplimented by oral steroids since i was 2. Yeah i have asthma too, but not as chronically as i suspect that you have. I also have severe athralgia (posh way of saying joint pain) because of a suspected joint infection. *sigh* Seems like we have a lot in common. Anyway just letting you know that there's lots of people out here that can help to support you, who will listen to your woes when your having a bad day etc.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP. I'm wondering if you can do some relaxing yoga? I do Yoga With A Master - it's Integral Yoga & I love it. It's not the high impact yoga that a lot of people do around here it's all about relaxing yoga, there's also Vinyasa Yoga which is supposed to be low impact, but I can't vouch for that. I'm betting if you lower your daily cal counts to around 1350 a day you might see some progress....but I can't be sure of that.