BWL Smurfettes and Papa Smurf 11/3 - 11/9

Good Morning all my smurfs.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I have actually done well for having all this candy that the kids collected trick or treating along with the fact that I have about 5 huge bags that I bought from walmart when it was marked down. My cubscouts walk in the christmas parade and we can give out candy as we walk so that I why I bought it. I just have to hide it from myself LOL I went to a new class today. Its a step class but its a step interval class and she did bosu's. If you dont know what one of those is, its looks like a half of a ball. IT was fun but quite a balancing act.



  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Morning all my smurfs.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. I have actually done well for having all this candy that the kids collected trick or treating along with the fact that I have about 5 huge bags that I bought from walmart when it was marked down. My cubscouts walk in the christmas parade and we can give out candy as we walk so that I why I bought it. I just have to hide it from myself LOL I went to a new class today. Its a step class but its a step interval class and she did bosu's. If you dont know what one of those is, its looks like a half of a ball. IT was fun but quite a balancing act.

  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hi there all..

    this weekend we kept our nieces, 2 girls 5 and 8,,, it sure kept us on our toes,, we dont have a car so we had to walk everywhere with them, and the smallest likes carried around (shes small for her age) we took the opportuity to teach them about eating good for you foods, and made them try stuff they never had before, such as home made pumkin soup and pomegrenate, they rarely eat homecooked stuff, the oldest was all impress when she realized that 95% of what we eat doesnt come from a packet, a jar, or carboard box, thats her reality, it really hitted me that she doesnt know any better. i know their moms is a single mom, working ect... and time and energy (and money) must be on the low side, but i was in the same situation as a kid, and my mom always made sure we had homecooked meals. most of the time anyways.....

    i felt exhausted when they left sunday night, they also left with the house in shambles, so that kept me going half the day today, but i loved it though .. makes me want to have some of my own,,lol.

    i went from loosing a lot of weight last week to almost nothing in the last 3-4 days. i know why but its still makes me down a little. i'll soon be in the 160's and i CANT wait. im very impatient, . (darn hormones) but im back at the gym tonight, im excited about a good week ahead.

  • ThisIsJeffHere
    Good Morning, Smurfettes!

    I have not been doing a great job since I went back to PSU the weekend of October 18th. Starting TODAY, I am recommitted to this. I will be going to the gym tonight to go on the elliptical machine, and I commit to doing cardio at least 4x a week!

    I went overboard eating with my friends in DC this weekend, and it shows this morning!


    A new day and a new chance to turn it around!

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I think maybe most of us have hit a slump the past week or 2. I know that I have and I am just hoping to get back on track soon. I should be able to get back to working out about 6 days a week. I was sort of only working out for abou half a week for the past 2 weeks.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    Hello everyone,

    Lots of deadlines to meet this week so unfortunately I am sitting on the part that needs to move the most. :sad: We have unbelievable weather here for being Nov. so I took the whole family and went for a walk which was nice. My 12 yr old decided we needed to race uphill. :grumble: I can happily say I am still alive and managed to stay along side her the whole time. Although I don't know if I will be able to move later. Hope everyone has a great week.
  • Sunibc22
    Sunibc22 Posts: 330
    Hey everyone.

    Hope you all had a great weekend. I did my usual fall off the wagon this weekend but think I'll recover fine by Wednesday's weigh in.

    Hope you all have a good week.
  • ThisIsJeffHere
    Hi Everybody!

    I went on the elliptical for an hour last night, and I listened to Bon Apetit podcasts about Cheesecakes, Sangria, and other delicious treats. I have been touching the candy bowl this morning, and I need to stay away.

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I was planning on taking the kids to school and doing a belly,bootie, and biceps class this morning and then voting right after that but my son woke me up this morning and said he was throwing up and sure enough he has probably thrown up about 4 times since we got up this morning. He finally was able to hold down just a little bit of water. After my hubby gets home I will go out and vote and then to the gym. Hopefully there wont be a huge line by the time I get out to vote.

  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hello all...

    it doesnt happen often, but today i had NOTHING to do, as you might remember, im a canadian in the uk and im not allowed to work... i always do my best to keep busy, but today , arghhhhh,
    sometimes i feel like im wasting my life away here.. its driving me crazy thinking of the money i could be making if i was working,

    anyways . ill soon be going to the gym. thats something ,,my time isnt entirely lost
    im soon to be in the 160.. i cant believe it !! thats pretty amazing,,, 50 lbs !!!!!!!!!!
    im not sure if i would have been able to do it with working and all the rest, maybe the eating, but working out , it must be hard to hit the gym after a long day of work. espacialy when all you want is spend time with your love ones. i lift my hat to the ones that do !!

    have a good election day america !
  • Sunibc22
    Sunibc22 Posts: 330
    Hey Blues.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I've been working my butt off lately which is kinda nice for a change. I start a second job next week so I'm trying to get as much done with my current job before.

    I think my ankle is finally healed enough to play soccer again this week. I'm looking forward to it! I'm going to test it out jogging on the treadmill at the gym tonight.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone's weights for the week!

    Talk soon,
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Good moring everyone. Im feeling a little dissipointed today. Ive been working extra hard and the lbs are not coming down.. I did take my measurements

    - .5inch neck
    -.5 waist
    -.5 hips
    - 1 arm
    -.5 thigh
    At least my measurements show some improvements. Im really trying this week to eat all my calories cause im not eating enough, not because im trying not trying to eat but thats just the way i am. I dont eat breakfast its so hard my first meal is usually around 3-5 pm i get up between 9-11 . So that s my goal for this week is to eat my meals and all cals minus a 100 for the things i may forget or mis caculated. So enough about me how is everyone else doing mid week?
  • ThisIsJeffHere
    Good Morning, Smurfettes!

    Not much time to see anything more than good morning. I weighed in, and I am down. FINALLY! I still have a bit to go to get back to where I was a few weeks ago.

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Afternoon all,
    I finally got out yesterday after dealing with a sick child all day. I went and voted and I only did a quick but intense workout. I did the elliptical and the treadmill and did it as hard as I could. I did half an hour and burned 400 calories. The only thing I am going to regret when I get to a smaller size is that it will take me forever to burn that many calories. Sick child is doing so much better today. YEA.... He is still home today so it will be after hubby gets home before I can go to the gym again. I actually look forward to going to the gym. I think I am going nuts.

  • Sunibc22
    Sunibc22 Posts: 330
    Good Morning,

    I too don't have alot of time but wanted to say hi to everyone. I was down this week but barely!! I usually seem to have a big week followed by a small week. Last week was kinda big so so far the pattern is still in

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hi All

    I squeaked out a loss as well but only the gain from last week. Oh well I'll take it!

    Pouring rain here today so inside walking for me.

    I'm glad your son is getting better Connie.

  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    Hey all,

    Something must be going around because I had to pick up my 12 year old from school yesterday and today she is home sick again. At least with her being 12, I can still get out and exercise. I went for a jog this afternoon and I got a mile from the house and it started to rain. :smile: I think I need to get a treadmill because I used the rain as an excuse to turn around and come home.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well Today is not going to be a good day. My 10 yr old spent the past 2 days home because he was throwing up everything on Tuesday and running a fever. He went back to school today and wouldnt you know Im laying on the couch and my 15 mth old comes over and just throws up on me. My poor baby. Its hard enough when an older child gets sick but so much harder when its a little one. She cant tell me whats wrong. I dont think I will make it to Zumba tonight. Right now Im waiting on the dr's office to open to see what exactly I can give her so she doesnt get dehydrated. I dont have any pedialite here and no one to bring me any until they get off of work. I do have some sprite though so she may have to drink some of that.

  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Sorry to hear your little one is now sick. Best of luck and hopefully you dont get it now.