Early morning workouts

RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
I am a morning person, but more like 7 am morning person.

Does anyone workout at 5 amish? In order to eat and get showered/ready before work, I would have to get to the gym by 5 AM. Does anyone have any tips on waking up that early and working out? I am notorious for pressing that stupid snooze button..


  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Are you a coffee person? I am. We've got a little basic coffee machine which I get mostly all ready the night before. Then as I'm getting dressed and ready I'm drinking a good coffee which gives me a great perk-up. Works every time. :) Feeling extra tired? Add extra coffee. Aaah...caffeine...
    Also try and have everything you need all ready the night before, like what you're taking, lunch, breakfast etc, what you're gonna wear... That saves extra time and mucking around in the morning that you can spend sleeping instead.
  • zudleymarie
    zudleymarie Posts: 100 Member
    I get up at 5:00 every morning to swim an hour of laps. And yes, it was initially very hard to do. I found it easiest to slowly start going to sleep a little bit earlier every day. Now I go to bed at about 9:30 at night, which in itself was a challenge. But, I find that it is very worth it to be able to exercise at the very beginning of the day and start the day off right. It is not easy to do, but as soon my workout starts I am wide awake. I hope this helps.
  • bbuck06
    bbuck06 Posts: 6
    I (try) to get up at 5 am every day to get my workout in and have time to shower and get myself and my son ready for the day. Like the first reply said, what really helps me is making sure every thing is ready the night before. Work out clothes, water bottle, even work clothes, breakfast, and lunch if you take one. It makes it easier for me if I know I don't have to search for everything to get out the door. Also, when my alarm goes off and I want to hit snooze, I think about how good I feel after I've finished my workout, and I think about my goals and that I'm not going to reach them if I don't get out of bed and workout. And going to bed earlier definitely helps too. One of the things I think I might try, is putting up a picture of how I want to look right next to my bed, so when I roll over to hit snooze, it will remind me of what I'm getting up for.. It's a picture of me from about 5 years ago (which is what I'm working towards). If you have any pictures of yourself that motivate you, or I guess any picture even would do, you might try that.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I do. I wake up at 5:30am, so that I'm at the gym by 6am. I workout until 6:45am, shower & leave the gym by 7am. From there it's straight to my lecture at 8am (an hour commute).

    I get everything ready the night before. EVERYTHING. My clothes (underwear too!) are laid out, I make my lunch, pack my bag, and even pour water into the coffee maker so I just have to hit "brew".

  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I also get all my stuff ready the night before, including lunch and snacks. I also get up as soon as the alarm goes off, otherwise you will talk yourself out of it. Alarm goes off, jump out of bed, put clothes on and you will just be waking up as you go out the door, no thought processes needed, it's just what you do, and who you are.

    You only need motivation for a few weeks until it is a habit. I would also add that it helps to have a work-out buddy who will meet you there, who will be let down if you don't show up.

    It helps that I know if I go on my bike ride that I have the satisfaction of putting those exercise calories into MFP!!

  • evelynfarmer
    evelynfarmer Posts: 135 Member
    I agree, I get everything ready the night before, if I don't I ALWAYS end up forgetting something or running around like a mad-woman trying to find this or find that which makes me late. I usually wake up at 4:30am every morning but I need to work on getting out the door earlier b/c I usually sit on the computer early morning which is a big time waster. You just have to start waking up at an earlier time to get your body used to it and then you will be ok.
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    This is a little off topic but it does have to do with working out in the mornings. When I get up, I like to have a cup of coffee to wake up first and then I drink about 6 oz of water and begin to work out, essentially on an empty stomach. I have heard that this is the best time and way to work out for optimal results. Has anyone else heard of or do this?
  • gunny34
    gunny34 Posts: 68
    This is a little off topic but it does have to do with working out in the mornings. When I get up, I like to have a cup of coffee to wake up first and then I drink about 6 oz of water and begin to work out, essentially on an empty stomach. I have heard that this is the best time and way to work out for optimal results. Has anyone else heard of or do this?
  • Boladefuego326
    Boladefuego326 Posts: 143 Member
    I workout at 5:30 or 6AM. I try to go to bed early so I'm well rested. I make a kick *kitten* playlist then pretty much sleep in my gym clothes. I put my shoes next to my bed so I know to put them on even before I walk to the WC. I'm usually sleepy at first but I wash my face with cold water, take some thermogenics, stretch a bit then drive to the gym. I hit the gym and play Bball (shooting) for a bit then I get on the Treadmill for 30 min. I shoot for 2.5 mi in 30 so it keeps me motivated. After that I hit the weights for 20 min, do some crunches then I leave. I love morning workouts because it allows me to make healthier choices throughout the day. Like if you burn 500 cals, you know how hard you worked to burn that so you don't want to easily mess it up with that slice of pizza. :3 For me it's cold water to the face and thermogenics that do it in the morning. I heard black coffee helps...I also tried the 5 hr energy stuff...they work rly well :D Good luck lady!!!!
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks ladies! These are all great suggestions- I am trying for tomorrow morning. I was this morning but there were 2 spiders in my room and I refused to sleep in there and I got horrible sleep on the couch haha! But thanks again ladies!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I get up at 5:00 AM daily to workout and have grown to love it. I agree with others, preparation is critical. I am not clear headed enough at 5:00 AM so I lay out my clothes and shoes, prepare fuel (snacks,) and basically plan every step of the early morning the night before. My brain wakes up after water, half a banana, and a few minutes of warm up time. On various mornings I run, cycle, and do P90X or Supreme 90. After four years of this cycle I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am so disappointed to wake up on my rest day with no exercise to do. If I sleep past 6:00 I feel like I have missed the whole day! mornings are great, particularly when it is light out.
  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo

    set the alarms, GET UP~~ it only takes 21 days to make something a habit ( according to scientists)

    and the BEST thing you can do for yourself is to prepare EVERYTHING the night before...down to the undies & socks, ironing clothes, packing work bag, including lunches, putting keys in eyesight, etc...
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Im trying to get up early and either work out or do longer dogs walk (usually do long walk at night) but Im struggling. Gonna have to make myself leap out of bed!
  • ftoddw
    ftoddw Posts: 37 Member
    I'm a snooze button man myself, my only hope is accountability. I swim with a guy who picks me up at my house, I can't let him sit out in my driveway while I'm sleeping, if he honks or calls it wakes my wife and kids so it forces me out of bed. My spinning class instructor (class starts at 5:30 am) doesn't put up with lateness, and always gives me a hard time if I miss, so between Lyn (the spinning instructor) and my buddy sitting out in his car, I have external motivation to overcome my laziness. Works for me anyway.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member

    Very short workouts
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    I get up at 5 and do my workout at home with DVDs. So I roll out of bed, throw on my shorts and sports bra, grab a glass of water and start sweating. This allows me extra time because I don't have to drive to the gym and back. I am usually done by 6, so I'm showered and ready for work by the time my kids start getting up at 6:45.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    GIRL if u can get up at 5am and get in that gym, you are amazing!!! =D lol I have no suggestions for you bc I AM NOT a morning person haha just wanted to say kudos to you for doing early morning workouts!!!!!!!
  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo

    set the alarms, GET UP~~ it only takes 21 days to make something a habit ( according to scientists)

    and the BEST thing you can do for yourself is to prepare EVERYTHING the night before...down to the undies & socks, ironing clothes, packing work bag, including lunches, putting keys in eyesight, etc...

    bumps this for MYSELF since I didnt take my OWN advice today.... didnt hit snooze but didnt get my lazy butt UP and am now scrambling around like a NUTCASE ughhhhhh
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    GIRL if u can get up at 5am and get in that gym, you are amazing!!! =D lol I have no suggestions for you bc I AM NOT a morning person haha just wanted to say kudos to you for doing early morning workouts!!!!!!!


    Even when I have in the past I do not do my best bc it takes hours for my body to wake up so I feel its a waste for me. How I wish I could be a morning person :(