

  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I'm brand new here and just joined yesterday. I have a 14-pound weight loss goal and would like to achieve that in a few months, or at least as much of it as possible. I'm in with the one week challenges - looking forward to motivation from all of you!!:happy:

    WELCOME ALANA :flowerforyou:

    So happy to have you here and glad to hear you say that you will take months to make that loss. I just read a great post today on wanting to lose too quickly when you have suck a small amount to lose. (or any amount for that matter).

    Developing the healthy eating and exercise routine takes time to do it right. Then you HAVE to live like this. I am soooo mad at myself for allowing such a huge gain over the years. I pray that all this healthy info stays in my brain & in my heart. I wanna live to see my grandchildren succeed.

    The support from this group is awesome!! Hope you will FRIEND some of us. :-)

    Good Luck to you!!
  • cwalshcm
    cwalshcm Posts: 9
    MissDee my buddy. I am floundering lately so I am in. This is truly what I know I need to do to be successful since I never struggle in the day time.

    1. 6 - 8 glasses of water a day.

    2. journal every bite that goes in my mouth after 5:00 pm (this is the struggle time)

    My lovely Dee, where would I be without your friendship over the past few months? Thanks for bringing me onto this website.
  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    Thanks for the invite Dee. I have like 50 more lbs. to go. What a great link!!! You sure are a gift of encouragement.
    Love ya buddy!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I've missed you Ang!

    Welcome to the new faces and welcome back to the "regulars"!!!

    I've been ill all night so I am working on a major lack of sleep and my tummy is really hurting. I finally caught the bug my daughter, mother, and sister had this week.

    Exercise 175 minutes
    Lose 2 pounds

    I'd like to clarify - I gained 3 pounds of water weight over the past 48 hours so I want to lose those 3 water weight pounds to get back to my 28 lb loss (which should happen quickly) and THEN 2 regular pounds on top of that to get me to 30 lbs lost by next Saturday!
  • stephlewis
    I LOVE THE 'MOTIVATION' meanings!!! =) I'm going to put that up somewhere I can see it everyday! Thank you!

    I would LOVE to join. This week I want to reach 195! I am So close (1lb)! But other than that I want to do my 30DS every single day. Starting today, ending Saturday =)
  • loro1971
    loro1971 Posts: 135
    yes!!!! count me in again! i bought a new pair of running shoes and put them on today and did 6 miles!!!! i lost 3 lbs last week.... and this week my goal is to do 20 miles on my new shoes and to get my bike out at least once this week.... and eat vegetarian meals 3 times this week. and i will hit past my 25 lb loss!!!!! good luck all!!!!!!!!!!!have a great week!:happy:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    So far ok today for my goal. I didn't get lunch so we ate dinner early, and I feel like I way over ate (and ate way to fast). Now I feel BLAH, I really do know better.

    It's been a crazy day, up early and started working on the bathroom renovation. Went to Home Depot at least 3 times. Went for a walk with my mom, brother, and the 3 dogs, ran to the grocery store, made dinner.

    Happy to say so far I've logged everything (even the chocolate chips I snacked on earlier). I'm ok with calories, over with everything else, but I'm feeling bad probably because I inhaled my dinner.

    Well back to work on the mon-fri routine tomorrow.
  • anechka66
    anechka66 Posts: 4 Member
    need support ...to stay on a diet
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    :angry: Fell off the wagon in a big way today!:angry:
    :angry: :grumble: :sad: :brokenheart: :sad: :angry:
    Haven't had soda in quite awhile but today drank a bunch and ate fastfood for 2 meals basicly full days calories over lunch.
    And to top it off no exercise:noway: :grumble: :noway: :grumble:
    Well tomorrow is a new day!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Suzanne, thank you honey! I'm so glad to see you! Let's really keep on each other this week! ;)
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    ok Its Monday!!! Have already put in 48 mins of exercise.... still have to work for a few hours then its house cleaning and hopefully some more ME time with the DVDs...I don't like counting cleaning as exercise cals however with todays load I am gonna count them just so I can have the extra cals for the week.... The house hasn't had a good scrubbing in about 2 weeks and I forsee a mop and pail in my hands by this afternoon. Hope everyone has a good start of the week!!!
  • stephlewis
    ok Its Monday!!! Have already put in 48 mins of exercise.... still have to work for a few hours then its house cleaning and hopefully some more ME time with the DVDs...I don't like counting cleaning as exercise cals however with todays load I am gonna count them just so I can have the extra cals for the week.... The house hasn't had a good scrubbing in about 2 weeks and I forsee a mop and pail in my hands by this afternoon. Hope everyone has a good start of the week!!!

    Awesome way to start off a Monday - great job!
    I only count cleaning when I do the heavy-duty spring cleaning =/ so thats only like once a month or so.

    I did my 30DS! I will be @ level2 this week! =)
  • cwalshcm
    cwalshcm Posts: 9
    Ok Miss Dee: Monday morning and I will do this. I am drinking water even as we speak (or type as it were).

    I can track and drink, track and drink, track and drink, chooooo chooooooo I think I can I think I can I think I can
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    My goal this week, I want to lose another pound, and add strength training to my exercise. not just what I do in JM 30DS circuit training. I want to lift heavier and lift til failure. I want to do this 3 times a week.
    I can't believe I lost a pound while I was on vacation. I believe I was over my calorie goal everyday. But I did make it a point to exercise every day.
    Have a great day everyone. Good luck on your challenges. We can do it!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Suzanne, thank you honey! I'm so glad to see you! Let's really keep on each other this week! ;)

    I will keep on ya!!! LOL :flowerforyou: How are you doing so far today?

    What are everyone's goals for TODAY?

    My goal today is to drink 10 glasses of water (I'm at 6 and it's 11:30am!), walk during lunch (20 mins) AND do aerobics tonight (20 mins).
  • stephlewis
    Suzanne, thank you honey! I'm so glad to see you! Let's really keep on each other this week! ;)

    I will keep on ya!!! LOL :flowerforyou: How are you doing so far today?

    What are everyone's goals for TODAY?

    My goal today is to drink 10 glasses of water (I'm at 6 and it's 11:30am!), walk during lunch (20 mins) AND do aerobics tonight (20 mins).

    Already did my 30DS this a.m, that's part of my goal.
    Tonight is ZUMBA but I also want to get in a 30min walk today w/ my son (which I should do within the next hour or so! =) Keep it up everyone!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I got in 2 miles over lunch for 37 mins worked.
    I was really hoping that overnight I would be so restless from eating so much yesterday that I would burn those extra calories. But I was still over 148 calories for the day. :sad:
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    My Monday didn't do too well with the water however I did wonderful with the exercise. Got in a total of 96 mins with the PowerWalk DVD. Total of 6 miles throughout the day. Did 2 hours worth of cleaning however I am not going to count that as part of my exercise goal minutes. Need to find something other than the Powerwalk to do for exercise. Just have to get motivated to start in on a new DVD. Have a good night all.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all!

    Hope everyone is doing well. I went over calories today (by 219). I ate way too much for dinner and I'm so full and I feel so stuffed. I was hungry all day, and just way over did dinner.
    Tomorrow is a new day another chance.