Looking for Sweat Recovery Advice

jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
OK - so I am someone who really sweats a lot. I think it's a good thing because I'm getting stuff out of my system, but I'm not someone who only sweats a lot when I'm working hard. It doesn't take much for me to break a sweat (I was like this even before gaining weight). Here's my issue - I like to walk during lunch, and I have a great friend that I go with. How do you keep from looking like you just went to the gym and finish working for the day? I don't have time to change clothes - I'd have to be dry enough to change, and it takes a while for me to cool back down. I end up with no makeup, sweaty hair, and I have to finish working for the rest of the day. I can't go today because of other issues, but I really want to start up again now that it's getting so nice out. Any suggestions? I know this is gross, but a working mom has to get in the calorie burn when she can!!!


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I always had to change clothes to do my lunchtime jog as I sweat a lot. I found some pretty hair clips to keep my hair up in the afternoon and brought some powder as I also get a beet red face afterwards for at least an hour or two . . . but you know I really don't care about it! Im out doing something for myself so if anyone does not care for my red face then can look elsewhere. It is just one of those things to "overcome" if you really want to get in the activity. All about choices . . . . . .
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    I have the same issue.

    Best advice I can give is bring a towel and dry off your hair as best you can then use a dry spray shampoo, i use one by Bed Head called Rockaholic. Smells like oranges and sucks up oil/dampness. Maybe cleansing wipes that contain soothing ingredients for the face?

    Hope that helped.
  • During hotter temperatures wear cotton materials, as they will tend to soak up the sweat, while during colder temp wear synthetic materials to wick away sweat from your body.

    If you don't have time to shower, you could use body wipes for the sweaty areas. The wipes smell good and they're refreshing.

    (Heh, I guess I didn't type fast enough. :tongue: )
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I live in the desert Southwest, so walking here any time that isn't Winter can leave me sweaty. I usually wear button down shirts to work. I've taken to wearing a camisole underneath, not the lacy underwear kind but the shirt fabric kind. When I walk, I take off the button down shirt and walk in just my camisole (and pants!). When I get back inside, I dry off in the ladies' room, put my shirt back on and go on with my day.
  • jmhigg1020
    jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member
    I live in the desert Southwest, so walking here any time that isn't Winter can leave me sweaty. I usually wear button down shirts to work. I've taken to wearing a camisole underneath, not the lacy underwear kind but the shirt fabric kind. When I walk, I take off the button down shirt and walk in just my camisole (and pants!). When I get back inside, I dry off in the ladies' room, put my shirt back on and go on with my day.

    Great idea - I layer a lot!

    And, thanks for clarifying that you wear pants! LOL!!!
  • jmhigg1020
    jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member
    I always had to change clothes to do my lunchtime jog as I sweat a lot. I found some pretty hair clips to keep my hair up in the afternoon and brought some powder as I also get a beet red face afterwards for at least an hour or two . . . but you know I really don't care about it! Im out doing something for myself so if anyone does not care for my red face then can look elsewhere. It is just one of those things to "overcome" if you really want to get in the activity. All about choices . . . . . .

    Well, I get the same red face and all of that!! My issue is that I work in an office and I go into and out of homes all day working with children. I have to be somewhat conscious of all of that. I do try to keep some afternoons clear, but with my job, it doesn't always end up that way. Thanks for the tips - I'll try those out!!
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    When I know I'm going to be sweating that day, I wear mineral makeup. It seems to have less of a 'sweat-off' effect. Make sure you wear waterproof mascara and/or eyeliner if you wear either of those products. After the run, I'd use an oil blotting paper and then put on a little bit of translucent powder to freshen up your face.
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