
Marisela233 Posts: 48 Member
Hey everybody! Was just wondering if anybody had tried the enchilada casserole? Is there any way to make it with few calories I know I
You use just the enchilada sauce shredded chicken onions lots of cheese & tortillas.... & oil so im going towards using olive oil? Also any ideas as to what you serve it with? Maybe rice?


  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I put whole grain pasta in my enchilada casserole and don't do tortillas. its a meal all by itself or you could have a side salad.
  • fergy66
    fergy66 Posts: 13
    Use the whole wheat tortillas. You could use ground turkey or shredded turkey. Use your reduced fat or non fat cheese. The biggest thing is control your portion size.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    If you are referring to oil as in softening the tortillas in oil, I have used a weight watchers recipe where you soften the tortillas in water really quickly instead of oil. That cuts way back on the oil/fat content.

    You could also serve it with homemade black beans, not canned. They are very healthy. The canned ones a full of sodium :sad: If you do rice go for brown rice. Or maybe do a salad or veggie slaw. That would be yummy!

    edited to add: corn tortilla are pretty healthy. 110 cals for 2 does not seem bad to me.
  • Marisela233
    Marisela233 Posts: 48 Member
    Great ideas you guys thank you!!!