Daily calories burned using a HRM?

hedgertiger Posts: 51 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone tried to measure their daily calories burned using a HRM?
I have a Garmin 405cx (with chest strap)that tells me cals burned for workouts - could I wear it for 24 hours to calculate my daily burn? anyone know how accurate that would be?


  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I don't think those are designed for all day use, just exercise. I think the BodyBug is designed for this but I haven't tested it.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    You could try, but the odds are high that the battery wil drain before the day is done. It would track your calories just fine while it is on...
  • hedgertiger
    hedgertiger Posts: 51 Member
    ive had the watch running for an hour whilst resting on the sofa - 100 cals burned at rest (altho I trained hard at weights earlier today). this is calculated by the watch, using my heartrate height weight and age (5ft 7, 165lbs, 36yr old male). I have a sedentary desk job. I assume it is not unreasonable to think I burn at least 2400 cals a day without exercise?
  • hedgertiger
    hedgertiger Posts: 51 Member
    right guys I wore the HRM for 24 hours - today was a rest day in terms of exercise. It calcluated that I burned only 1800 cals in total. Seems My fitness pal is over estimating my cal consumption!!
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