P90x vs Insanity

Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
Peace Y'all,

I will be finishing up my 1st round of P90x shortly. I lost inches but very little weight. I am planning to do Insanity next. I previewed the DVDs and it looks just as challenging as P90x. I am unwilling to do this for another 8 weeks and lose no weight. So....

For those of you that have done both, Will I see the scale move on Insanity or should I move on to something else?



  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    I don't know about those, but I do Jillian Michaels and it is the same way. No weight, but definite inch loss. I kind of feel the same way.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I am doing the same. So far I have lost almost 8 lbs with P90X. I have already tried the Insanity workouts for some extra cardio while finishing up P90X and I feel like it's really going to help me lose the remaining weight I have to lose! I have 2 weeks of P90X and then will get started with the Insanity program.
  • lisaking869
    lisaking869 Posts: 43 Member
    Make sure you are tweeking your diet- Results are 80% What you put in your mouth. Also, you could be eating too little for the amount of working out you are doing. I know with me...... at one time I was a 130 lbs size 8.. then I got really good about the types of food I ate, and did both cardio and weight training- and within a year I was a 135 lb size 4! I was much leaner and tighter due to the weight training and the eating-but actually weighed more. That was MANY years ago! Im now a 151 lb size 10 and working hard to get down to 135-140 again!
  • lisaking869
    lisaking869 Posts: 43 Member
    PS- Turbo FIre is AWESOME!
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I am 30 days in on P90X and lost weight and inches, but then ate it all back on just this last weekend. I'm not giving up on P90X and I also do the Insanity cardio on my weight days with P90X b/c I know my body needs the extra cardio to lose weight.
  • FitToFab
    FitToFab Posts: 47
    what happen p90x?? you should have been ripped like they claim....:huh:
    thats y i dont buy into infomercials results are not true...
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    PS- Turbo FIre is AWESOME!

    as a man i can vouch for this! doing it along with p90x now.

    so bootz wheres the photos?
  • tlnester
    tlnester Posts: 34
    I cannot speak for everyone on this, just myself...but..
    I did p90x, whole 90 days faithfully. I lost about 10 lbs without changing my diet drastically. Great results. I did Insanity. I did not make through the whole 63 days, I did it for 6 weeks. I started having alot of back pain so I stopped. I gained weight..but not "bad" weight, for me it was muscle. My clothes still fit the same, etc, but my scale went up about 5 lbs. This confused me b/c Insanity is basically cardio(with alot of pushups). I think everyone will have different results, but I like both programs. I think I am more of a p90x fan, however:)
  • JJBRAY85
    JJBRAY85 Posts: 35 Member
    If you’re losing inches but not losing weight it’s because most likely your building muscle. In return that muscle will start breaking down fat and you will start losing. I did P90X and I put on muscle and had great increases in strength. Don't be afraid of the muscle, it will only help you in the long run. People who lose weight but don’t strength train get that "Skinny Fat" look people talk about on here. The weight is gone but ya still don’t look the way you want because of the lack of muscle. BUT as far as P90X vs. Insanity goes... I know P90X is difficult but I have seen commercials for insanity and it looks...well... insane! Best of luck.
  • shedinches
    Asylum just cam out too, and its only a 30 day program! Check it out, about P90x are you following the meal plans??? You have to make sure your eatting correctly too. You will see a lot of inches come off, have you checked your body fat?? My weight stayed the same but I shed 8 percent body fat. Those are other things to consider. =)
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    PS- Turbo FIre is AWESOME!

    so bootz wheres the photos?

    They come Day 90 if you can remember......
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    I know..... grumble.... And I'm not giving up on exercise. It better keep me young or I will have the strength to kick the trainers behinds. I was just thinking about the future. P90x gives a lot of weight training and I was wondering which was more effective, the weight cardio/combo or straight cardio
  • shedinches
    They both work, the question is which workout will motivate you to press play everyday?