

  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    thank you!
    It really drives me crazy reading the posts you mention (or having friends tell me they are doing X or Y diet and they will lose 20lbs a month and they hardly have to do anything. When you tell them they will gain the weight back, they are always like - oh, I know, but I need to lose XX lbs by such and such a date .... really? you don't mind gaining it back!?! and have to go through it all over again. As my father always told me, if you're going to do something - do it right the first time!!

    I just wish something that seems so simple, would be easy to understand ....

    and all that yo-yo dieting will just screw up the metabolism.
  • SongbirdLandy
    SongbirdLandy Posts: 188 Member
    Well said! I know when friends ask me how I've lost 80 lbs and I reply just good old fashioned exercise and diet there is no miracle pill, they don't like my response because most of them don't want to work at it. I've actually lost friends due to my weight loss and it took me a long time to figure out that it's their loss and their feelings of jealousy/inadequacy that caused the falling out.

    I know what you mean here! I get asked ALL the time how I have lost so much weight and no one ever likes my response! People do get very jealous even tho I make it a point to not even discuss my weight loss unless I am asked. I am not a superwoman! I am just a normal person who made a very smart decision and stuck by it!
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    If you're doing something to lose weight that you wouldn't be able to do the rest of your life, then stop.

    this is why i still drink beer/wine (in moderation now) and accept that my weight loss might be slower than simply if I would give it up completely "while I lose weight" ;-)

    re: hpsnickers - it seems that people will always find an article or a link to something somewhere that says what they want to here - indeed - there is so much misinformation - and not just on MFP .... but people stop when they get the answer they want.... (in general - and not all people - there are some great people on this site that do their best to clear up myths and misconceptions)
  • CoachsWife4
    CoachsWife4 Posts: 79 Member
    I did Weight Watchers after my first baby and lost 40 pounds in about 5 months; I took Phentermine after my second baby and lost that amount PLUS MORE in less than 3 months. Guess which one I kept off longer -- the Weight Watchers weight because I had worked for it and had changed my lifestyle. I'm not back on here to lose that much, but to get off what I've lazily put back on after my crash diet burned out. The best way to lose it and keep it off is to do it a pound or two at a time and to change all those bad habits that helped you put it on in the first place.

    As always, Celo, GREAT POST!
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    LOVE THIS!! i was sitting here just now thinking man... i really dont wanna go to my classes tonight! then i read this, and now im actually WANTING to go. ur abosuletly right! u want it, u gotta go and get it! thanks !
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Amen, brother, indeed and I wish more would just suck it up and make the changes instead of b**ching about it.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Well said! I know when friends ask me how I've lost 80 lbs and I reply just good old fashioned exercise and diet there is no miracle pill, they don't like my response because most of them don't want to work at it. I've actually lost friends due to my weight loss and it took me a long time to figure out that it's their loss and their feelings of jealousy/inadequacy that caused the falling out.

    I know what you mean here! I get asked ALL the time how I have lost so much weight and no one ever likes my response! People do get very jealous even tho I make it a point to not even discuss my weight loss unless I am asked. I am not a superwoman! I am just a normal person who made a very smart decision and stuck by it!

    DITTO! I too get asked as well and it seems there are some people who really just want to be told "blink three times, snap your fingers and sneeze and voila! The weight will just fall off" Sorry folks, it just does not work like that and just because you reach a target weight/goal doesn't mean it won't take effort to stay there. They also don't like to hear "the slower it comes off, the better your chances of keeping it off" ... but a lifestyle change takes time.
  • TaushasJourney
    Hear hear!
  • loopyloui
    loopyloui Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all for the motivation I'm now going for a run with my wii fit as my kids are in bed.

    There are no short cuts!! I will be a better improved me!! I will just have to work at it that bit longer!!

  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I've tried the cabbage soup diet, cutting calories drastically, cutting out all junk food, etc... Now all I'm doing is logging what I eat so I can stay at or under my calorie goal (trying to make healthier choices) and working out most days. This is the first time I'm having real success. I still have fast food every now and then. I still have chocolate when I want it. I still go out to eat with friends. It's only been 8 week and I've already lost 16 lbs and was able to reduce my bp meds by half. Honestly, for me, this has been the easiest way I've ever tried to lose weight.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    You are preaching to the choir!!!!

    It takes work to take weight off and smart choices for the rest of your life to keep it off! Oh yes and move your *kitten* you will never ever maintain a healthy wieight without excercise!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Well said! I know when friends ask me how I've lost 80 lbs and I reply just good old fashioned exercise and diet there is no miracle pill, they don't like my response because most of them don't want to work at it. I've actually lost friends due to my weight loss and it took me a long time to figure out that it's their loss and their feelings of jealousy/inadequacy that caused the falling out.

    I know what you mean here! I get asked ALL the time how I have lost so much weight and no one ever likes my response! People do get very jealous even tho I make it a point to not even discuss my weight loss unless I am asked. I am not a superwoman! I am just a normal person who made a very smart decision and stuck by it!

    Exactly! It's a choice, nothing spectacular about it, a choice to be healthy or not :) I'm with you, I don't talk about it unless asked!
  • hill2302
    hill2302 Posts: 139 Member
    Well said. Too many people looking for the easy way. Too lazy to buckle down and exercise some good old fashioned self dicipline. But I guess that is what causes alot of us to put the weight on in the first place.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I think the reason a lot of people gain the weight back is because they do make weight loss such an extreme experience. If you're doing something to lose weight that you wouldn't be able to do the rest of your life, then stop.
    I think that's a really good rule of thumb!
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    I'm glad that I'm not the only one that finds posts related to this frustrating... I've noticed that I come to this website less and less because it seems more often than not, the posts are primarily comprised of "does this ridiculous product/ trick/ rumor work" or something like, "waaa, I just ate crappy food". It's getting old and it's frustrating that people think that they can have what I've EARNED by just throwing money at a dumb product or whining about their bad choices. It takes work and commitment, people.
  • Rinny_D
    Rinny_D Posts: 80 Member
    How I love your posts!

    Weight loss isn't just about losing weight..... It is about making a change in your lifestyle and your habits to do so. If your not going to change the way you live your life then you may as well not even bother because you will just go back to your nasty old ways and gain it all back + some more. I say being a part of a team sport would be a great way to start. Then it becomes a healthy positive part of your life for more than just a 10 day detox diet (what BS!).
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    Awesome as always Celo!! I'm with you 1,000%!!
  • Shay127
    Shay127 Posts: 16 Member
    Agree with you 100%!! It should be a life style change not some quick fix.. If people are looking for a quick fix, this isn't the place for them. Being healthy is a journey!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Just what I needed today! :bigsmile: Thanks!!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    My husband was once trying to be helpfull and suggested Ali to me,lol
    I had to explain the side effects to him the look on his face was priceless.He got me a gym membership insted