Newbie trying to get healthy!


Another newbie here, I've been unhappy with my weight for quite a few years now and finally decided to do something about it. After being totally ripped off by a gym I'm now going at it solo and thought this looked liked a great community to make friends in. I'm 21, a student and have got my final exams coming up and am hoping getting healthier and losing some weight can keep my mind de-stressed and lead to the best summer yet where I won't be self conscious about going swimming!

Feel free to add me :)


  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Hi and welcome to the site! It's a great community here.
  • wfj102
    wfj102 Posts: 1
    Hope you enjoy losing weight I know college is a hard place to lose weight I hope this sight is good for the both of us. It seems like a very supportive place (I am new as well)
  • nauticalxstar
    nauticalxstar Posts: 32 Member
    welcome guys! feel free to add me for support! GL =)
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Thanks for the add! And trust me, exercise is a great way to de-stress for the sake of finals. I feel so much better about school when I'm exercising--and I focus better on studying afterward, too, which is a big plus. (: