I cant seem to lose ANY weight! Help?

hopper2212 Posts: 9
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Alright. SO here is the full story, im just gonna lay it all down.

I was a very healthy young girl. I have done Ballet even since i was 3 and i have done soccer, volleyball, baseball, everything in the sports area. In the second grade i broke my ankle and ever since then i had to slowly stop doing ANYTHING active. No more soccer, no more volleyball. No more mountain hiking with Dad. I haven't been able to run since the 5th grade. Its been Very hard because once i couldn't be active, the weight started to appear. Currently i am 5'7 and weigh 213.5. Its bad, yes i know this and i dont need anybody telling me that because it could be worse. I posted on here this morning about food at my school and ideas about what i should bring and Thank you for the people who posted on that :)

This past August i had a major ankle surgery were they went in and cut out part of my tendons and then screwed them into the bone, making it so my ankle would no longer be able to roll.

I can no Jog for 15 minutes with Minimal pain! Something i have not been able to do in 5 years.

Now i am trying to lose the weight and get back to were i use to be. 145. Now, i know this is going to take time and hard work, but i need ideas, friends, people i can talk to when i need some inspiration

So currently i have been working out for about 4-5 weeks and i keep bouncing back and fourth between 2 pounds.. I do eat healthy, aside from some candy around that time of the month, but come on.. us woman have enough going on then, i think some chocolate is okay :)

Does anybody have any ideas about how i can break this 2 pound thing?


  • I hear ya, girl. Make your journal public so we can get a better idea of what you're eating or what you're NOT eating and give you better advise.
  • How do you do that?
  • MamaLeague
    MamaLeague Posts: 148 Member
    Click 'home'
    'diary settings'
    then select it to become public.
  • chylom
    chylom Posts: 48 Member
    Go to My home -settings - food diary
  • Alright! i did it! keep in mind though guys that i havent really been posting on here i didnt get on for like 2 weeks. but oh well. on on now, and im not leaving.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    Your diary is kind of sparse, so it's hard to tell. Are you eating dinner? You haven't logged a dinner yet. If you're only eating 800-900 calories, you're not eating enough. Your body won't let go of fat reserves if it thinks it doesn't have enough food coming in.
  • chylom
    chylom Posts: 48 Member
    Looks like on the days you do log you arent eating enough cals
  • I do eat dinner. I just forget to mark it in half the time.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    What is your calorie goal? 1200? It could possibly be too low for you. Go into Tools and calculate your BMR. This is your 'comatose' number. What you would burn lying in bed. (but not sleeping). Try eating that and make sure you eat back whatever you burn during exercise. (If you don't that can dip you below a NET of 1200 calories).

    This could help.

    Keep sodium numbers down. Drink at least 64oz of water per day. And give it some time. Your body has to adjust to the new routine. And the quality of the calorie is just as important as the quantity.

    This is a great site for info:


    Working With Your Body - The Basic Strategy
    By John P. Hussman, Ph.D.
    All rights reserved and actively enforced.

    The goal of this site is to help you to transform your physique by walking you step-by-step through everything you need to know about exercise physiology and nutrition. I know that a lot of you have “tried everything,” and because there are so many approaches that have failed you, there's a real risk that you'll quit again and again if you don't see results immediately, or if you don't fully understand why your fitness program should work. Worse, there may be some missing pieces in your program, which could lead to slow progress even though you're hard at work. My hope is that this information will help you to stay on track - to turn effort into results - and to reach your goal.

    Want to change your physique? Start by realizing that whatever shape you're in right now is your body's way of adapting to the lifestyle you're living. It's your body's attempt to survive. So the strategy is simple. We're going to give your body a very specific “environment” – a particular mix of activities, nutrition, and recovery – and your body is going to adapt by becoming leaner, stronger, and healthier.

    Every change you throw at your body triggers a response. The problem with many diet and exercise programs is that they can accidentally encourage your body to defend fat, shed muscle, increase appetite and even lower its metabolism. The key to fast results is to know exactly which actions will cause your body to adapt by becoming fitter.

    Maybe you've tried before to get in shape. But for some reason, you didn't get the results you wanted. If you're like I used to be, you've repeated that cycle year after year to no avail. Maybe you've failed so many times that you think of yourself as a “special case.” You've started to believe your entire metabolism consists of a little turtle on a treadmill. You wonder whether you've got the fat gene. You're convinced that no matter how hard you diet, your cells can still be seen eating Twinkies when viewed under a microscope.

    Look. You're not a special case. Even if you had the fat gene (common among Pima Indians but rare otherwise), you'd only be burning 50-60 calories a day less than anybody else. Even if you've been diagnosed with a metabolic difficulty such as diabetes or hypothyroidism, you can still be successful with proper medical support. Most probably, other approaches failed you either because they were missing important pieces, focused on the wrong things, or produced results so slowly that you just gave up. What you need most is good information. You're in the right place.

    The law of unintended consequences
    Your body is an amazing feedback system aimed at balance and survival. Humans are at the top of the food chain because they are able to adapt to their environment. Every action produces a reaction. Every change in its environment triggers a survival response. It's important to keep that in mind when you plan your fitness program. If you treat your body as an enemy to be conquered, you'll produce unintended results.

    For example, if you severely cut off the supply of food to your body, it will defend itself by slowing down its metabolism to survive starvation. The body will shed muscle mass the same way that you would throw cargo from a plane that was low on fuel, and it will reduce its thyroid activity to conserve energy. The body will also actually defend its fat stores. In anorexia, muscle loss can be so profound that fat as a percentage of body weight actually rises. Extreme carbohydrate restriction also causes muscle loss, dehydration, and slower metabolism, which is why even successful Atkins dieters can have a significant rebound in weight after they stop the diet (don't worry – the advice on this site will prevent that from happening).

    As another example, if you put your body under stress through overexertion and lack of sleep, it will respond by slowing down, reducing muscle growth, and increasing your appetite for junk food, carbohydrates and fat. If you feed your body excessive amounts of sugar and quickly digested carbohydrates, and it will shut off its ability to burn fat until those sugars are taken out of the bloodstream.

    This website will show you how to work with your body to quickly produce the changes you want. In order to do that, you need to take actions that push your body to adapt – to build strength, burn fat, and increase fitness. You need a training program, not an exercise routine. You need a nutrition plan, not a diet. You need a challenge, not a few good habits you usually try to follow except when you don't.

    Setting the right goal
    John Dewey once said that a problem well-stated is half-solved. If you want to reach your goal, you have to define it correctly. See, a lot of people say “I want to lose weight.” Well, if losing weight is your goal, go on a no-carb diet. You'll lose a lot of weight – some of it will be fat, a lot of it will be water, and a dangerous amount will be muscle tissue. You'll lose weight quickly, but you'll slow your metabolism and gain fat more quickly once you go off the diet. Trust me on this. I've been there, done that.

    The problem is that you've set the wrong goal. If you want to look better, have more energy and enjoy better health, the goal is not simply to “lose weight.” The goal is to improve your fitness level and body composition. That means losing fat, improving your aerobic capacity, training your strength and defending your muscle tissue. You can't do that with a no-carb diet. You will do it using the approach you'll learn on this website. Trust me on this one too. I know what it's like to feel fat, tired and helplessly out of shape. The whole point of this site is to help others avoid that, by sharing lessons that I had to learn the hard way.

    Ready to change?
    Right this minute, your body is the way it is because it has adapted to the lifestyle you've thrown at it, in an attempt to survive. Ever seen the directory at the mall with the little red arrow that says “you are here”? Well, fitness is the same way. You are here. You can't start anywhere else. So be kind to yourself. Don't beat yourself up. Don't worry about how much there is to do. Change your self-talk from “My body is my enemy” to “My body is my partner.” Accept where you are right now as the starting point, and start moving.

    Changing your body requires more than just “going on a diet” for a few weeks. If you want to change your body, you have to make some changes to your lifestyle (which requires some discipline, but isn't as hard as it sounds). If you create the right environment, your body will adapt to it by becoming leaner, stronger, and more energetic. You can do this.
  • it sounds like you need to up your exercising I realize its easier said than done but that is the best way to do it along with eating more veggies. also up your water intake.. Its not easy losing weight but if you are persistent with your goal you can win the war
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    Are you logging all of your meals? I know some people only log when they get a free moment (myself included). If you are logging everything, I would say you need to try to eat more. Somedays it shows you barely get over 900 calories.

    Also, are you logging your water intake? If you have a hard time drinking water, try making yourself some decaf iced tea or put lemon slices into your water cup. I know if I don't drink enough water I feel like i'm hungry and I get snack happy. LOL
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I do eat dinner. I just forget to mark it in half the time.

    I keep a small notebook w/ me and write down my snacks/meals when i'm away from a computer (I don't have a smart phone). I would try to log faithfully for a couple months and see how you feel from there. :)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Walking is just as good as running. It's still exercise and it's low impact. Do you have a pool somewhere? I have a trainer friend on here who does water jogging because she suffers from arthritis. And you can still do arm, abs, maybe even some of the lower body.
  • I do eat dinner, i just dont have much free time to got on. And i drink a lot of water. 80oz of water a day.
  • I've actually increased my exercise and ended up gaining 2 pounds. Talk about frustrating - and I've heard it all before, that I'm "gaining more muscle" and that "muscle weighs more than fat", yaddah, yaddah, yaddah...it doesn't matter - I still feel frustrated every morning when I see that those 2 lbs haven't gone away...especially since I wanted to lose 10 more.

    It sucks.
  • Are you doing physical therapy? It is hard to give someone advice when they have an injury to work around.
    Are you eating enough? You need to net at least 1200 calories per day. Make sure approx 25% of your caloric intake is from fat (that way your body won't store it). I woudn't recommend a no <insert valuable macronutrient here> diet. No fat causes serious depression and no carbs is a serious lifestyle change that will cause you to gain all the weight back if you ever stop doing it. A lot of people experience serious fatigue from a carb-less diet too. If you need a diet to help you constrain your eating habits you can try the paleo or "clean eating" diet. If you don't have to pick it or kill it, don't eat it, which means no processed food! (I couldn't do it...)

    If you do cardio first thing in the morning, before you eat, you'll burn more calories. You do not need to exhaust yourself when doing cardio. Figure out your target heart rate ( you can find a website for it by googling it). For my age and weight it's only about 120 for me. Your body burns off calories differently depending on how fast and long you work out. If you do a low intensity workout, it will take 20 minutes of burning through your carbs before your body realizes it doesn't need to expend your "fuel cells" and it will switch to burning fat. If you do a hard cardio workout then it never switches over to fat burning and you'll exhaust your carbs then it will start attacking your protein which is the last thing you want.

    If you have a gym, and you can handle it, try to lift weights (serious weights, not 3 lbs). Your body burns more calories trying to repair muscles after a good workout than when doing cardio. You cannot have a good weight loss program without the use of weights. I'm in the military and I work in the medical field so I have a lot of knowledge of this stuff; I just don't have the discipline to apply it for myself! So, Good luck!
  • Also, (can you believe it, I have more to say! :laugh: ), if you are on birth control it will take at least three months of a quality workout program before you start seeing real and steady results. Realize birth control works because it makes your body think you are already pregnant. Pregnant women are supposed to gain weight, not lose it, so your body is working against you already. After three months, you should convince it that you are trying to lose the weight and it will start cooperating. Just don't give up from a lack of results before then.
  • Wow.. thank you! See, this is why i dont talk to my doctor about this anymore. she put my on BC because i had supper irregular periods and now i REALLY wanna lose weight and im having problems and she has nothing to say. thank you so much! that right there in its self was very helpful!
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