Why even bother coming here?



  • MaryBachert
    MaryBachert Posts: 66 Member
    If it wasn't for my daughter telling me about this site and encouraging me to come here, I likely would still be sitting on the side line complaining about my weight but doing nothing about it! This site has been such a help to me especially in being held accountable. If you stay just under your calorie goal each day, and keep tracking everything you eat, you will lose weight. The biggest eye opener for me, was that I never realized how many calories you take in, when you eat out, especially the sodium.
    Be consistent and committed to losing weight!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    You have to remember that everyone is at a different point in their "journey" and newbies will always question the MFP way, some will be seen and heard from for a long time and some will stay for a short while.

    What is important is that you share your opinion and when you find that a certain question, and there are many here, that get asked over and over again, that you are not required to respond or even read the post. :noway: :noway: :noway: I know....right!?

    I have found certain topics that I will respond to and I leave the newbie questions up to the sophomores as they are still patient and kind and I find that I am a little more direct in my answers and they are not always taken kindly........the truth hurts sometimes.

    Anyway, that said I do not eat all of my exercise calories and I never will, come of the most successful MFP members that have moved on have stated that at the most they ate about 1/2 of their exercise calories, the reasons varied but most of those people lost over 50lbs and kept it off for at least a year before they slowly quit MFP.

    Again, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ OR REPLY TO POSTS THAT YOU THINK ARE DUMB, the people posting don't know you have seen that post a hundred times already.
  • Coleman73
    Coleman73 Posts: 42
    Well its good to hearthe various veiws. I love the site becuase it gives good direction. It uses general numbers to calculate calories burned. If a person has a large amount to lose, this works great if they are honest about what they are eating. As we lose the extra weight it gets harder to do with generalized numbers. The diary here is the best I've seen. I applude this site and send everyone I know this way for good info.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    I don't get some people. MFP has a way of doing things like creating a deficit for you so you lose just by sticking to the calories given. When someone asks for advice about should I eat my exercise calories or should I keep eating below 1200 calories most people chime in (myself included) about how MFP works and why it works. Then come the people that totally doubt MFP and say that it is wrong, it doesn't work for me, there is no proof...etc...Ok they are entitled to their opinions but the site is MFP so why join and be apart of a site you don't agree with? I hate to see the newbies think that it is safe to eat 800 calories and from what I read so does MFP so why is it ok to put down a site that you are on and using?

    I just don't get it.
    End Quote

    Ok just to clarify I don't have a problem with people adjusting things to make it suitable given that they have had time to try what MFP suggests. I get everyone is different and therefore the rules don't apply to everyone. My problem is the people that say MFP doesn't work, starvation mode is a myth etc stuff like that. If it doesn't work or you aren't happy move on then don't sit here and complain about it not being "right".

    I think this makes it sould like church or something. Other than forum 'rules' and such, I view the way MFP is set up as a 'guideline'. I don't feel that I have to be baptized or confirmed or sign a paper saying that I agree to follow all the guidelines as put forth by MFP. (no intention to offend anyone there..)

    MFP is a great site for many reasons, and we are all free to use it as we choose!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I agree but if it is so great and a wonderful tool why knock it...that was my only real point. I won't leave because MFP has helped me lose 32lbs, I will continue to post and help where I can but it burns my butt to see people that are not newbies giving bad advice to the newbies and then saying that MFP is wrong. I can't and still don't get why people come to a site they don't agree with or are so driven to prove it wrong.

    That was my point but now my cold is getting worse and I am tired so MFP I :heart: and just trying to defend a site that has helped me so much.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member

    to your mom...

    sorry couldnt help it :)

    that is exactly what I thought when I read it!
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    I don't get some people. MFP has a way of doing things like creating a deficit for you so you lose just by sticking to the calories given. When someone asks for advice about should I eat my exercise calories or should I keep eating below 1200 calories most people chime in (myself included) about how MFP works and why it works. Then come the people that totally doubt MFP and say that it is wrong, it doesn't work for me, there is no proof...etc...Ok they are entitled to their opinions but the site is MFP so why join and be apart of a site you don't agree with? I hate to see the newbies think that it is safe to eat 800 calories and from what I read so does MFP so why is it ok to put down a site that you are on and using?

    I just don't get it.

    I don't know if you meant it this to sound disinviting, but that is that take I got from it...(please keep reading as I don't intend to be hard on you). Sure MFP has a system and it has worked for many! I love how it is set up (though I made my own customized changes in the nutrition section - so I guess I don't agree with EVERYTHING MFP reccommends. I just think that everyone has thier own reason for coming. I might not understand yours and you might not understand mine. I do know that everyone that logs on day after day IS GETTING SOMETHING OUT OF IT!

    We are all on our own journey. Some people need to EXPERIENCE things to learn what they need to, rather than be TOLD by others. Those that have been on here a long time and have LEARNED the hard way, want to be helpful and share their experience, but that isn't always helpful. At that specific time, for that specific person! They too might have to learn the hard way, and that too is OK. Continue to be patient and provide support as you see fit, because there will be others who read the thread that you comments suddenly "CLICK" for them, because it IS the right time in THEIR journey to "hear" what you had to offer! You offer great advice, I am sad to see your frustration with doing so.

    Please know that it might seem like you are not making a difference for the original poster in that moment, but all that is said your advice is little planted seeds that will grow when it has the right environment...
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    yeah this site sucks ...... its only helped me lose 52 since jan 1
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    I don't get some people. MFP has a way of doing things like creating a deficit for you so you lose just by sticking to the calories given. When someone asks for advice about should I eat my exercise calories or should I keep eating below 1200 calories most people chime in (myself included) about how MFP works and why it works. Then come the people that totally doubt MFP and say that it is wrong, it doesn't work for me, there is no proof...etc...Ok they are entitled to their opinions but the site is MFP so why join and be apart of a site you don't agree with? I hate to see the newbies think that it is safe to eat 800 calories and from what I read so does MFP so why is it ok to put down a site that you are on and using?

    I just don't get it.

    I don't know if you meant it this to sound disinviting, but that is that take I got from it...(please keep reading as I don't intend to be hard on you). Sure MFP has a system and it has worked for many! I love how it is set up (though I made my own customized changes in the nutrition section - so I guess I don't agree with EVERYTHING MFP reccommends. I just think that everyone has thier own reason for coming. I might not understand yours and you might not understand mine. I do know that everyone that logs on day after day IS GETTING SOMETHING OUT OF IT!

    We are all on our own journey. Some people need to EXPERIENCE things to learn what they need to, rather than be TOLD by others. Those that have been on here a long time and have LEARNED the hard way, want to be helpful and share their experience, but that isn't always helpful. At that specific time, for that specific person! They too might have to learn the hard way, and that too is OK. Continue to be patient and provide support as you see fit, because there will be others who read the thread that you comments suddenly "CLICK" for them, because it IS the right time in THEIR journey to "hear" what you had to offer! You offer great advice, I am sad to see your frustration with doing so.

    Please know that it might seem like you are not making a difference for the original poster in that moment, but all that is said your advice is little planted seeds that will grow when it has the right environment...
    This is so well stated!~ Thank you
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    There's no reason to eat your exercise calories. 1200 is the minimum amount allowable, and I'm on a 1500 cal, but I'm NOT eating my exercise calories. Love that site but the fact that they add your exercise calories so you can eat more is just absurd.
  • muncharoo
    muncharoo Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you, I'm 4;11 and my body only needs a little over 1200 calories a day to survive. for me to lose weight i have the 500 calorie deficit which turns into 800 calories a day then i try to burn at least 200 calories that day to up my calories to 1000 and eat the burn calories. with this I'm able to lose weight and if I was to eat more I would gain weight. So my body is not of the "norm" and I love M F P because it does give you a great base but you do have to listen to your body and do whats best for it . If I eat what a regular 5'5 woman eats, I would gain weight and thats the bottom line. :happy:
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    There's no reason to eat your exercise calories. 1200 is the minimum amount allowable, and I'm on a 1500 cal, but I'm NOT eating my exercise calories. Love that site but the fact that they add your exercise calories so you can eat more is just absurd.

    Absurd? It's absurd to keep your calorie deficit constant and refuel your body when working out?

    That's like saying "I love to take road trips in my car, but having to put gas in the tank is absurd!"
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    There's no reason to eat your exercise calories. 1200 is the minimum amount allowable, and I'm on a 1500 cal, but I'm NOT eating my exercise calories. Love that site but the fact that they add your exercise calories so you can eat more is just absurd.

    Absurd? It's absurd to keep your calorie deficit constant and refuel your body when working out?

    That's like saying "I love to take road trips in my car, but having to put gas in the tank is absurd!"

    Your car doesn't go into its FAT reserves if there's a deficit. But you should.
  • Hi, just wanted to thank you for posting this question. I am new and didn't know what you guys were talking about, so thank you for everyone that replied to this question. I had no idea that you needed to eat the calories you burned when exercised, I just assumed you had a wonderful day if you were below what you were suppose to have...just thought it meant you would lose quicker. So thank you for the education!

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    Hi, just wanted to thank you for posting this question. I am new and didn't know what you guys were talking about, so thank you for everyone that replied to this question. I had no idea that you needed to eat the calories you burned when exercised, I just assumed you had a wonderful day if you were below what you were suppose to have...just thought it meant you would lose quicker. So thank you for the education!


    Except it's not true that you have to eat them.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    There's no reason to eat your exercise calories. 1200 is the minimum amount allowable, and I'm on a 1500 cal, but I'm NOT eating my exercise calories. Love that site but the fact that they add your exercise calories so you can eat more is just absurd.

    Absurd? It's absurd to keep your calorie deficit constant and refuel your body when working out?

    That's like saying "I love to take road trips in my car, but having to put gas in the tank is absurd!"

    Your car doesn't go into its FAT reserves if there's a deficit. But you should.

    That's why the site factors in a calorie deficit in the first place (see the original post, and hundreds of other posts on this site, with new ones posted several times a day). If you exercise and don't eat, you're increasing that deficit. If you've got a whole lot of weight to lose, this might be ok, but if you keep doing that for long enough, you will slow your metabolism and burn muscle, and possibly worse.
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    There's no reason to eat your exercise calories. 1200 is the minimum amount allowable, and I'm on a 1500 cal, but I'm NOT eating my exercise calories. Love that site but the fact that they add your exercise calories so you can eat more is just absurd.

    Absurd? It's absurd to keep your calorie deficit constant and refuel your body when working out?

    That's like saying "I love to take road trips in my car, but having to put gas in the tank is absurd!"

    Your car doesn't go into its FAT reserves if there's a deficit. But you should.

    That's why the site factors in a calorie deficit in the first place (see the original post, and hundreds of other posts on this site, with new ones posted several times a day). If you exercise and don't eat, you're increasing that deficit. If you've got a whole lot of weight to lose, this might be ok, but if you keep doing that for long enough, you will slow your metabolism and burn muscle, and possibly worse.

    As long as you don't eat less than 1200 cal a day and you're in a 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat or very close to that, you're not eating into muscle. Exercise calories should be an extra deficit, that's the whole point of exercising in the first place.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    As long as you don't eat less than 1200 cal a day and you're in a 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat or very close to that, you're not eating into muscle. Exercise calories should be an extra deficit, that's the whole point of doing exercising in the first place.

    OK, have fun :wink: Good luck.

    The 1200 cal per day is net. If you exercise your net will be lower.

    An alternate way to do things is to set the site to maintain weight (it will give you your mainanence cal) and then get your deficit from exercise. But if you have the site set to weight loss mode and you're not eating back at least some of what you burn you create too large a deficit and its unsustainable. Its just science and math. I hope you don't have to learn this the hard way.

    Here are some of the old topics discussing this:

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