Can't balance well on treadmill

So I joined a gym a bit ago because I live in Arizona and it's wayyyy too hot here to walk or jog in the summer. However, when I walk on the treadmill I have to hold onto the sides in order to balance. If I let go, there's no doubt I will fall. Even if I'm kinda just resting my hands or fingers on the sides I'm ok, but the minute I let up my walk goes haywire and within 30 seconds I have to hold on again or I know I'll trip over myself.

Is there a way to cure this?? I'm hoping once I lose more weight (I'm still rather large at 5'4 and 275 lbs) I will be able to balance better.


  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Start at a slow pace, some where where you feel stable. From there slowly begin raising the speed (and I mean slowly... like half a mph a week if necessary). Let your body get used to the movement. Thats about the best advice I can offer. I've face planted twice on treadmills, and god knows how many times I've ended up tripping running outside. Luckily I'm good at rolling through it most of the time :) Good luck!!!
  • muggle311
    muggle311 Posts: 14
    Well I would slow it down to where you are comfortable then go up in the speed an increment at a time. No incline or anything and hold your head forward and look out like you are walking normal.
    Speed can mess with you if you are new to them. You can also use it doing a push cart where you hold onto the sides and use your legs to make it go that is a great workout.
    Just go slow start out at 1 mph then work up to where you are comfortable then if you want to push yourself go up just an increment and you will be fine.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You just started so give it a little time. Don't try to let go when you are moving at your top speed. At a slowr speed practice letting go for short intervals (ie 30 seconds). Gradually increase the time and speed that you practice. Also make sure you are doing core strengthening exercises on the floor. I started with a basic standing on one leg. Yoga is also great for improving balance.
  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87
    when i was heavier i noticed it too..i did slower walks at higher inclines..likw 9-12....JMO as you lose weight and strengthen ur core musles your balance will improve.. i can run for 5 min +/- and that was after about after 30 lbs lost... i still hold on when i walk...feels wierd not too
    lol..make sure u r worrking on core strength. too. try crunches and stretches on the ball.hang tough!
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    Thanks guys! I think it will come eventually.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I have the exact same problem, I find it only happens if I'm going too slow though. At 3.0 I'm wobbling like a drunk, but at 3.5-8 I'm okay. Any faster than that and I have to jog and the girls don't like that much.

    So play with your speed, see which works for you.
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    I have been using a tread mill for 2 1/2 years and I still have to hold on when I am walking but I can run without holding on. I don't know why but as soon as I run I am fine and when I slow down to walk I have to hold on again or I go off to one side!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hey Kitty, I think with time and practice and dropping the pounds, this should sort itself out.
    If you're having balance issues any other time though it would be worth checking it out with the doc, to make sure there isn't anything going on with your ears - I get off balance when I get a cold or sinus infection.
    Most likely it is just your body adapting to you making it move more than it has been used to.